C40 Castrate Yourself And Youre Goons

To hone It to a level that would enable them to bewitch anyone they set their eyes on but unlike them, she was of royal blood so at the age of 100 years old she already was on par with those foggies.

"Castrate yourself and you're goons"

Isabella commanded as her purple eyes glowed even brighter, as she did the merc's expression became blank while his right hand that was about to cup a feel of her breasts, and his other one pulled out his laser pistols and before the goons could react pulled the triggers at once.


Four blood-freezing and soul-shattering screams rang out through the station causing the surrounding people to look over only to lose their Interest after seeing four Infamous mercs that have been causing trouble lately wriggle around on the alloy floor while clutching their sterelized groins.

"Youre lucky you're blood reeks, you c*nt"

Isabella cursed as she delivered a kick to the leader's ribs causing them to fracture with a bone-sickening crunch.

"Now then, first of clothes"

Isabella muttered to herself as she started walking aimlessly, her purple eyes scanning her surroundings, ready to adapt to whatever the station threw at her.

Her first goal was clear – find a merchant or trader to sell her space fighter, It was a valuable asset, but right now, she needed the money more than a getaway vehicle.

She navigated through the crowds, her senses heightened, taking in the myriad of stalls and shops that lined the station's corridors.

Eventually, Isabella found a ship trader, a grizzled old fox-type demi-human evident from his fox ears and tail with a cybernetic eye who only reached a height of two meters.

"I need to sell my ship,"

Isabella stated after approaching the man, cutting straight to the point, the trader appraised her with a practiced eye.

"A vamp huh? First time seeing one of youre kind around these parts, alright let's take a look then,"

He replied, intrigued by her directness.

They walked back to her fighter, and the trader whistled appreciatively at the sight of the sleek, well-armed craft.

"This is a fine piece of hardware. I can offer you a good price."

Isabella negotiated shrewdly, ensuring she got enough credits not just for immediate needs but also for any unforeseen expenses.

The deal was struck, and she walked away with a hefty credit chip straight towards a cloth shop In the distance with a holographic sign hanging outside.

As Isabella entered the cloth shop within the bustling confines of Station Halcyon, the contrast between the cold expanse of space and the warmth of the boutique was immediately apparent.

Soft lighting bathed the store in a gentle glow, and racks of garments in a myriad of colors and styles adorned the surroundings.

The shop was inhabited by a diverse range of customers, each from different corners of the galaxy, browsing the selection of clothing.

Isabella felt a sense of comfort in the familiarity of shopping for attire, a stark contrast to the dangers of her recent journey.

The shopkeeper, a diminutive alien with luminescent blue skin and a multitude of slender tentacle-like appendages, approached Isabella with a friendly demeanor.

Translating technology ensured that their communication was seamless.

"Welcome to Starward Styles. How may I assist you today?"

The shopkeeper inquired with a respectful nod.

Isabella couldn't help but appreciate the shop's dedication to customer service, even in the far reaches of the galaxy. She gave a polite smile and responded.

"I'm in need of some new clothes. Something practical yet stylish."

The shopkeeper's appendages glided gracefully as they selected the outfit's pieces, presenting them to Isabella.

"This is our latest arrival, It's designed to be versatile, Its perfect for someone of youre race"

Isabella examined the garment, appreciating the attention to detail in Its design.

The garment consisted of black skintight jeans with one leg fully covered and the other one ending just below her crotch, a black thigh which left a part of her legs skin exposed, a half skirt to cover her exposed side, a black tank top with a black mini corset, two arm thigh like fishnet sleeves and a pair of black high heeled combat boots.

After trying on the outfit in the store's fitting room, Isabella felt a renewed sense of confidence.

The clothing fit her perfectly, and she knew it would serve her well in the unpredictable journey that lay ahead.

"Thank you,"

Isabella said to the shopkeeper as she paid with some of the credits she had obtained from selling her space fighter, feeling a sense of satisfaction as she walked out of the store with her new attire on her.

"Hmmm yeah let's do the hair next"

Isabella muttered to herself as she pinched her snow-white hair.

It didn't take long before Isabella found herself at a futuristic salon known as "Chroma Transformation," known for its expertise in hair and makeup alterations. The holographic sign outside displayed a variety of color-changing hairstyles.

As she entered the salon, a holographic receptionist greeted her with a cheerful smile. "Welcome to Chroma Transformation. How may we transform your appearance today?"

Isabella explained her desire to shorten her hair and permanently dye it jet black with a luster of purple. She also requested additional permanent gothic-style makeup to complete her new look.

The holographic receptionist nodded, processing her request.

"Of course, we can fulfill your request. Please follow me to the transformation chamber."

Inside the chamber, Isabella was seated in a comfortable chair as robotic arms and devices went to work.

The transformation process was efficient and precise. Her once-snow-white hair was now shortened to a chic, shoulder-length jet-black straight with subtle streaks of purple that shimmered when they caught the light.

The makeup was applied skillfully, accentuating her features with dark eyeshadow, eyeliner, and dramatic lipstick.

(Isabelals Concept Art)

As Isabella examined her reflection, she was impressed with the results. The transformation had given her an edgy, gothic appearance that was far removed from her previous look. She felt like a different person, and that was precisely what she needed.


Isabella said to the holographic receptionist as she paid for the transformation. 

Leaving the salon with her new hairstyle and makeup, Isabella felt pleased with her new self and as a bonus, her altered appearance would help her navigate Station Halcyon and beyond without attracting unwanted attention.

With her new attire, jet-black hair with purple luster, and gothic makeup, Isabella was ready to face whatever challenges awaited her in this unfamiliar part of the galaxy.

As Isabella wandered through the bustling corridors of Station Halcyon, her new appearance drew curious glances from the diverse crowd.

She was a vamp with jet-black hair and gothic makeup, an intriguing sight even in this melting pot of galactic species.

Her journey through the station eventually led her to a neon-lit sign that read "Luminous Ink: Galactic Tattoos."

The urge to mark her newfound freedom with ink overcame her. In her previous life, her father had forbidden her from altering her body in any way, but now she was on her own.

The tattoo parlor was an otherworldly sight, with holographic displays showcasing an array of designs from different cultures and species.

The shop was run by a tattooed from head-to-toe dwarf, known for his expertise in creating intricate and meaningful tattoos for clients from across the galaxy.

The child sized dwarf who would put Thraes best bodybuilders to shame with expertly braided hair and beard, his skin adorned with intricate patterns of neon ink glowing under the UV light, looked up as Isabella entered.

His eyes whose whites had been Injected with black neon ink, met hers, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

"Welcome to Luminous Ink,"

He said in a deep, grumpy voice.

"What brings you here today, traveler?"