C46 Legio I Hellas

The formation of fighters and interceptors, the descent of the Thraen dropships, and the presence of the heavily armed cosmic marines were all on full display.

Reporters from different networks provided commentary, offering insights into the significance of the meeting, the technology behind the Thraen dropships, and the potential outcomes of the negotiations.

Businesses had paused their operations, schools had halted classes, and even traffic on the streets had come to a standstill as people tuned in to witness history in the making.

Morgana strapped securely In her crash seat, the reporter who had faced scrutiny and criticism for her previous blunders, was now front and center, reporting live from the dropship with her trusted cameramen giving his all to hold up the camera.

Her voice carried a mix of excitement and professionalism as she described the unfolding events as best as she could while the Gs played ping-pong with her organs.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are onboard one of the Terran dropships which Is currently climbing up our atmosphere..."

On the ground, producers and technicians ensured that the live broadcasts ran smoothly.

Multiple camera feeds were coordinated to capture every angle, and graphics displayed relevant information for the viewers.


Inside one of the Thraen dropships, Noles Ksum was having the thrill of a lifetime.

Despite the sensation of G-forces pressing against him, making him feel like his organs were about to escape through his bottom, he couldn't contain his excitement.

It was as if he were a child who had just received his favorite toy as a gift.

His eyes darted around the interior of the dropship, eagerly taking in every detail.

The advanced machinery, the sleek design, and the sense of technological marvel all around him left him in awe.

Noles had seen impressive aerospace technology in his career, but this was on a whole new level.

"Would you look at this!"

Noles exclaimed, his voice filled with childlike wonder, despite being able to barely open his mouth.

"I've never seen anything like it. The Terranum Imperium doesn't disappoint."

Sitting across from him, Liza, his ever-efficient secretary, couldn't help but smile at Noles' enthusiasm while holding onto the crash seat's magnetic safety ramps for dear life.

She had seen him in countless high-stress situations, but this was the first time she had seen him react with such unbridled excitement.

"It's truly remarkable, Mr. Ksum,"

Liza agreed with a shaking voice her eyes focused on the silent as the rock cosmic marine standing with one of his armored hands clutched onto the safety net, the marine didn't seem affected one bit.

As the dropship continued its ascent, Noles couldn't help but think about the significance of this moment.

He had spent his entire life in the aerospace industry, striving to push the boundaries of human exploration.

And now, he was on a vessel that represented the pinnacle of aerospace engineering in space travel.

Finally, the dropships left Thraes gravity pull as they did everyone started floating In their seats.

"Mr. Ksum,"

Liza who could now speak properly began, her tone more serious now,

"Once we arrive at the Terran warship, we'll need to be prepared for the negotiations and meetings. This is a significant opportunity for our company."

Noles nodded, his excitement tempered by the gravity of the situation.

He knew that this journey was not just a thrilling adventure; it was a strategic move for his aerospace company. The potential collaborations and partnerships with the Terranum Imperium could catapult them into a new era of space exploration.

"I understand, Liza,"

Noles replied.

"We have a responsibility to make the most of this opportunity. But for now, let's savor this moment. We're on the cusp of history, and I intend to make the most of every second."

As the Thraen dropship continued its journey toward the Terran warship, Noles and Liza settled into their seats, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that awaited them in the boundless realms of space.

The adventure had only just begun, and Noles was determined to shape the future of space exploration.



I mused to myself as I scrolled through the holographic list of reporters who decided to try their luck In getting a personal Interview with me upon seeing a familiar figure.

"Morgana Schmit huh?"

I muttered to myself as I subconsciously scratched my necks grotesque barbed wire scar hidden under my service jackets collar.

"Have you decided Imperator?"

Wolf decked out In his service uniform standing a step behind me with his legs shoulder width apart and his hands clasped behind his back asked.

"Yeah Morgana Schmit the reporter that lost her marbles during the united parliament meeting In Ndonol"

I said as I gave Wolf back his tablet which he expertly pocketed Into his pants right thighs pocket.

"Any special reason Imperator?"

"No I just feel like It"

I shrugged my shoulders as I turned around to Inspect the fully geared up and armed Legio I Hellas standing In neat formations behind me on Einherjars space craft hangars floor which was basically one giant runaway designed to allow all three wings to deploy at once with the machines of war neatly parked to the sides.

Each unit, from squad to Legio bearer standing behind the Legio commander and deputy commander, had its standard bearer proudly displaying the Legion's insignia in Roman numerals, its name and Terranum Imperiums emblem embroidered on black cloth.

The banners fluttered with purpose, a symbol of the Legion's strength and unit while the department heads stood a step behind Wolf on my right side.

Finally, as the dropships entered the massive hangar of TIS Einherjar, they passed through the shimmering blue energy barrier that separated the interior from the vacuum of space.

The barrier ensured that the hangar remained pressurized and protected from the harsh conditions of the cosmos.

"Alright look sharp men the party poopers are here, lets show them what proper warriors look like"

I joked as I turned my attention toward the approaching dropships, my eyes fixed on their hulls. 

Wolf, standing beside me grinned evilly as he exuded confidence and readiness, the department heads on my right side maintained their stoic demeanor.

The dropships touched down gracefully on the hangar floor, their landing gear making a soft thud as they made contact.

The ramps of the dropships began to open, revealing the fully geared-up and armed cosmic marines and the Thraen delegates inside.

The cosmic marines who had accompanied them to this point maintained their vigilance, their red visors giving them an imposing and formidable appearance.

The Thraen delegates stepped out of the dropships only to freeze on the spot upon seeing the almost 12 thousand excluding those on ship security duty giant killing machines ready for war standing In neat formations their gazes focused on them.

But before they could get their s*it together, Wolf gave them the biggest fright of their lives.


Wolf bellowed at the top of his lungs, as he did the sound of almost 12 thousand alloy heels clicking together In unison reverberated through the hangar, a few reporters and camera operators even dropped their microphones and cameras In shock.


Wolf bellowed once again as he did the standard bearers lowered their standards at 90 degrees angles while the soldiers, NCOs, and officers clasped the stocks of their rifles with their muzzles pointing to the alloy ceiling while Wolf and the department heads brought their gloved right hands to their temples.

The sudden and thunderous commands from Wolf sent shockwaves through the hangar, causing a momentary disarray among the Thraen delegates.

Their initial shock at the imposing sight of Legio I Hellas was quickly replaced by confusion and uncertainty.

Thraen delegates, dressed in their formal attire, stood frozen in place, their eyes wide with astonishment.

They exchanged bewildered glances as they tried to process the unexpected turn of events.

The sight of fully geared-up and armed cosmic marines standing at attention, the banners lowered down by standard bearers, and the precision of the Terran militarum display left them in awe.

Morgana Schmit, more excited than scared stood ar the forefront, her camera capturing the entire scene.