C54 Into The Imperiums Embrace

Marcus hesitated for a moment, exchanging a quick glance with Morgana before turning back to me.

"I'm willing, Imperator,"

He began only to pause.

"Say It"

I barked noticing the man's hesitation.

"But what about my wife and children are they also eligible for Imperiums citizenship?"

Marcus asked cautiously while studying my face.

"They are but whether they are worthy..."

I said as I swiped my hand causing a few holographic screens to appear.

"TAI, run a background check on Marcus Jager's wife, children, and his relatives,"

I commanded, my voice firm.

The screens flickered and changed rapidly, processing the request. Moments later, a red screen materialized among the others, displaying damning evidence of Marcus's wife's adultery.

Texts, CCTV images, and photos flashed across the holographic display.

Marcus stood in stunned silence, his gaze fixed on the holographic display as the evidence of his wife's betrayal played out before him.

His mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions - disbelief, anger, and a deep sense of betrayal.

"I... I can't believe this,"

Marcus muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

I watched him closely, my expression unreadable as I waited for his response.

"As you can see, Mr. Jager, your loyalty to the Imperium must come first,"

I reiterated, my tone firm but not unkind.

"Your wife's actions have compromised her eligibility for citizenship, but your children's future remains within your grasp."

Marcus swallowed hard, his jaw tense as he processed the gravity of the situation.

"I understand, Imperator,"

He replied, his voice strained with emotion.

"But what about... what about my wife? What will happen to her?"

"That is for you to decide,"

I replied, my tone unwavering.

"As a loyal citizen of the Imperium, you have the power to annul your marriage In the Imperium's eyes with a stroke of youre pen and take custody of your children. I will provide you with the necessary legal support to make youre case In youre governments court If you wish so"

Marcus nodded slowly, his mind still reeling from the revelations.

"And if... if the courts refuse to grant me custody?"

He asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty fully knowing that despite the rock-solid evidence nowadays courts favored the spouses.

"If youre court fails to see reason, then I will take matters into my own hands, a cosmic marine squad will be dispatched to secure what rightfully yourse"

I stated firmly, my gaze unwavering.

"No loyal citizen of the Imperium should be denied what is rightfully theirs. I will ensure that justice is served."

Marcus nodded again, his resolve firming as he processed his options.

"Thank you, Imperator,"

He said, his voice steadier now.

"I accept youre offer to become a citizen of Imperium and I ask you to provide the evidence and legal support to make my case"


I replied, a hint of approval in my tone.

"Your loyalty will not go unrewarded, Mr. Jager. I will support you every step of the way."

I said as I ordered TAI to send a lawsuit to Mr Jager's government court and drafted an order for Wolf to send an officer and a squad of marines to attend it and also called Frank and Jameson to my room.

"Now then let's start with youre rights and duties as Imperial citizens..."

I began from simplest things such as that loyalty to me and the Imperium Is above else to things like basic citizen rights and duties.

As the crash course on citizenship rights and duties concluded, a knock echoed through the room, signaling a visitor at my nanocomposite doors.


I commanded, my voice projecting authority as the armored doors slid open to reveal Frank and Jameson In their service uniforms standing at attention.

"Ave Dracula!"

The two saluted upon entering and upon seeing me wawe my hand assumed at ease stances.

"Now then, Captain Jameson and Frank will escort you to the medbay where you will receive your S-grade militarist gene resequencing serum shots,"

I instructed upon locking my eyes with the two Thraens, my tone firm and authoritative.

"Frank, Jameson regarding Thraen female augmentations I had decided to apply option 3 as standard procedure."

I said after looking at the two men who nodded Instantly.

"Alright chop, chop time Is money

I barked while clapping my hands.

"Hehehe you heard the Imperator lets go were gonna make proper Terrans out of you In no time"

Frank said to the two already shivering Thraens because of the mad scientist vibe Frank was giving off and him rubbing his gloved hands evilly wasn't helping it.

"For the love of the g*ds Frank will you stop with the mad scientist act already?"

Jameson couldn't help but curse as he ran his gloved hand through his stoic face.

"Shut It goody two shoes"

Frank barked back as he picked up Marcus and Morgana like children with his hands and dragged them out of my room.


As Thomas stepped off the Terran dropship onto the courtyard of Liberty House, the weight of the day's events pressed heavily upon him.

His mind was racing with thoughts of the deal he just signed with the Imperium and the Imperator's claim that he knew all of their dirty secrets.

And he fully believed it.

After all, if a civilization that was advanced enough to achieve intergalactic travel couldn't hack into their most secure databases, then he would have to seriously question how they managed to achieve space travel in the first place.

As he made his way towards his office, the Terran dropship lifted off the expertly trimmed grass with a furious roar, leaving Thomas to ponder the implications of his recent actions.

Once inside his office, he sank into his chair behind the desk, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on him like a leaden cloak.

But before he could even begin to process his thoughts, his chief of staff, Emily, burst inside with a tablet in her hands, her expression wrought with urgency.

"What is it now, Emily?"

Thomas asked, his voice weary from the day's events.

Emily proceeded to hand Thomas the tablet, her eyes glued to the screen as the live interview with the Imperator played out before them.

As Thomas watched, a growing sense of horror crept over him, the implications of the Imperator's words sinking in with each passing moment.

"Do you think he is telling the truth?"

Thomas asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to comprehend the enormity of the situation.

"I'm not sure, Mr. President,"

Emily replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"But the battle damage on their warship and their soldiers' armor fits the story. Plus, have you noticed it, sir?"

"Noticed what?"

Thomas asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"There are no women in their crew,"

Emily explained, her eyes wide with realization.

"At least, the officers are all men. And I highly doubt that any of those soldiers are female. The armor's structure suggests a man's build underneath."

Thomas's heart sank at Emily's words, the implications of her observation sending a chill down his spine.

If what the Imperator said was true, if they really were the last members of their race, then it meant that they were facing an existential threat unlike anything they had ever encountered before.

"And if... if those cosmic horrors that they fought follow them here,"

Emily continued, her voice trembling with fear.

"then... then..."

Emily couldn't bear to finish the rest of her words, the thought of what could happen if those unknown adversaries found their way to Thrae was too terrifying to contemplate.

"There's nothing we could do,"

Thomas finished for her, his voice heavy with resignation.

"We're at their mercy now."

Thomas said already starting to accept the fact that the Liberty States were no longer Thraes overlord all they could do was to become the Terranum Imperium's obedient little brother.