C56 Metamatphosis

In the sterile confines of the medbay onboard the TIS Einherjar, Marcus Jager and Morgana Schmitt found themselves seated on operating tables, their apprehension palpable as they awaited the administration of S-grade militarist gene resequencing serums.

The mad scientist Frank the head of the R&D department moved about the room with a sense of purpose, his gaze focused on the task at hand.

"All right strip naked"

As Frank's command echoed through the medbay, Marcus and Morgana exchanged bewildered glances, their minds struggling to process the sudden turn of events.

The prospect of stripping naked in front of a room full of strangers was daunting.

Morgana's instinctive response was one of shock and embarrassment, her arms instinctively wrapping around her body in a futile attempt to preserve her modesty.

Marcus, on the other hand, sought clarification, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he addressed Jameson who was tapping his glass see-through holographic tablet.

"Sir, may I ask why?"

Marcus asked as he did Jameson locked his eyes with his.

"It's because you're bodies height and mass will Increase exponentially after the administration of genetic resequencing serum"

He paused.

"And we will also be Implanting you're bodies with additional biomechanical organs and performing countless other biological and cybernetic augmentations so that's why"

As Jameson's explanation hung in the air, Marcus and Morgana exchanged uneasy glances, their minds racing with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

The prospect of undergoing such drastic alterations to their bodies was daunting, to say the least, but they also understood that there was no way to back out now, the stationed fully geared up and armed cosmic marines were a constant reminder of that fact.

With a deep breath, Marcus nodded in understanding, his resolve hardening as he prepared himself for what lay ahead.

Morgana, though visibly apprehensive, mirrored his gesture, her jaw set in determination as she steeled herself for the ordeal to come.

Both of them started striping until they were completely naked.

Frank, meanwhile, wasted no time in directing the medical personnel to begin prepping the two Thraens for the procedure.

The soldiers of the medical department bustled around the room, gathering equipment and preparing the necessary injections, while Frank himself double-checked the readouts on the diagnostic monitors, ensuring that everything was in order.

"Lie back and relax,"

Frank instructed.

"This won't take long, and before you know it, you'll be stronger, faster, and better equipped to serve the Imperium."

Jameson added.

Marcus and Morgana complied, settling onto the operating tables with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation.

The sterile smell of antiseptic filled the air as the medical personnel moved into position, their movements practiced and precise.

As the first injection was administered, Marcus felt a cold sensation spreading through his veins, followed by a wave of dizziness and disorientation.

He clenched his fists, gritting his teeth against the discomfort as he focused on the distant hum of the machinery surrounding him.

Beside him, Morgana gasped softly, her fingers digging into the edges of the operating table as the effects of the serum took hold.

Her muscles twitched involuntarily, and she squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to remain calm despite the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body.

"Alright put them out"

As Marcus and Morgana felt the needles prick their necks, darkness swiftly enveloped them, and they succumbed to unconsciousness.

"I still can't get my head around how the Thraens are so compatible with our genetic resequencing serums and augmentations. It's as if they are a blank page specifically made for augmentations,"

Jameson remarked, his voice tinged with wonder as he studied the holographic readouts of Marcus and Morgana on his tablet.

"Yeah, it's strange. It's as if someone engineered them from scratch, like us,"

Frank chimed in, his brow furrowed in contemplation as he observed the medical personnel attending to the two Thraens.

The medical staff moved with precision, attaching various monitoring equipment to Marcus and Morgana's bodies and fitting them with oxygen masks.

With practiced efficiency, they then lowered the Thraens into glass tubes filled with clear liquid, designed to accelerate the heavily Injured Terrans regeneration.

As an added bonus the tanks could also be used to accelerate he transformation process initiated by the genetic resequencing serum.

As the tubes sealed shut, Marcus and Morgana were submerged in the liquid, their bodies suspended in a state of weightlessness.

Inside the tubes, the clear liquid shimmered softly, its gentle currents swirling around the Thraens as they began their journey of transformation.

In the dim light of the medbay, the hum of machinery filled the air, accompanied by the soft beeping of monitors as they tracked Marcus and Morgana's vital signs.

The medical personnel watched attentively, their expressions focused and intent as they monitored the Thraens' progress.

Inside the glass tubes, Marcus and Morgana were immersed in the clear liquid, their bodies enveloped by its gentle currents.

As they floated weightlessly, the transformation process initiated at a cellular and DNA level began to unfold.

At the cellular level, the genetic resequencing serum surged through their bloodstream, penetrating each cell with precision.

The serum carried intricate instructions encoded within its molecular structure, guiding the cells to undergo profound changes. 

Within Marcus and Morgana's bodies, dormant genes were activated, unlocking hidden potentials that lay dormant within their DNA.

These genes, carefully selected and modified by the Imperium's advanced genetic engineering techniques, began to express themselves, initiating a cascade of physiological transformations.

The Thraens' cells multiplied and divided at an accelerated rate, replenishing damaged tissues and rejuvenating worn-out organs.

With the regeneration tubes accelerating the process exponentially,the serum acted as a catalyst, accelerating the cellular regeneration process and enhancing their bodies' natural healing abilities.

Meanwhile, at the DNA level, the genetic resequencing serum targeted specific sequences of nucleotides, rewriting the Thraens' genetic code with surgical precision.

Traits associated with strength, agility, and resilience were amplified, while vulnerabilities and genetic predispositions to disease were eradicated.

As the serum worked its magic, Marcus and Morgana's bodies underwent a profound metamorphosis.

Muscles expanded and strengthened, their sinews and tendons becoming more resilient, bigger and flexible.

Their bones underwent a process of densification, becoming, taller, bigger, stronger and more durable, capable of withstanding tremendous forces.

Internal organs were optimized and enhanced, their functionality augmented to levels far beyond that of a typical Thraen.

Hearts beat with steady rhythms, pumping oxygen-rich blood through revitalized circulatory systems.

Lungs expanded and contracted with newfound efficiency, allowing for greater oxygen uptake and utilization.

At the molecular level, Marcus and Morgana's cells were rebuilt from scratch making them superhuman In everything.

Throughout the transformation process, the medical staff monitored Marcus and Morgana's vital signs with unwavering vigilance, ensuring that their bodies responded positively to the genetic resequencing serum.

Any deviations or abnormalities were swiftly addressed, ensuring the success of the procedure.

As the hours passed, Marcus and Morgana's bodies underwent a remarkable transformation, emerging from the glass tubes as superhuman specimens, enhanced and augmented beyond recognition.

They were no longer just Thraens; they were the pinnacle of genetic engineering, forged in the crucible of science and technology to serve as the ultimate soldiers of the Imperium.

"Alright, take them out and prepare the surgical tables,"

Jameson commanded, his voice echoing in the sterile environment.

The medical staff sprang into action, swiftly transferring Marcus and Morgana to the surgical tables, where they were secured in place with restraints.

Frank, surveyed the scene with a critical eye, ensuring that everything was in place for the complex surgeries ahead.

"Shall we?"

He said, his excited voice echoing in the quiet room.

The surgical team, comprised of skilled technicians and specialists, moved with practiced efficiency as they initiated the first stage of the procedure.

With precision instruments and the help of surgical tables and robotic arms, they accessed Marcus and Morgana's brains, beginning the delicate process of unlocking their full potential.