C61 Paths Of Duty And Sacrifise

Morgana hesitated not sure whether to say it, her gaze shifting between Jameson and me.

"Because they're ugly,"

She replied bluntly In the end, her discomfort was evident.

Hearing this Jamesons and every other Terrans In the room shortcircuited, seeing this I had no choice but to Interviene.

"I suggest you don't remove them senior Lieutenant Schmitt,"

I said firmly, my tone leaving no room for argument.

"To every Terran Including me, each scar is a badge of honor. You'll earn respect among my men if you keep them, besides they do suit you, so wear them proudly you are now part of something greater than life Itself you a part of an Idea"

I explained while grinning In my trademark devilish grin that could make any woman's heads start spinning and so far It hadn't let me down.

Morgana nodded as she lowered her head shyly because she couldn't look the devil In the eye only to sit up on her bed.

"Wait! What's with this senior lieutenant thing?"

Morgana asked genuinely not understanding If Dracula and Jameson were pranking her or if it was just a slip of their tungs.

"Senior Lieutenant Schmitt you do remember that the propagandus department Is part of Militaris, so Its only fitting that I give you a military rank befitting of youre position"

I explained as I expertly pulled out a cigarette from my pack with my lips and Ignitted It with my lighter.

"Anyways since It seems like the procedure was successful my work here Is done, I'll be leaving you two In Jameson's hands"

I said after satisfying my curiosity regarding the twos augmentations as I turned around and left the room.

"Alright listen up your ribcage had already fused Into one solid plate put It's only 1 mm thick so not only will you have to take regular shots of nanocomposite alloy shots to strengthen your bones but you will also have to regularly spend some time In regeneration tanks to speed things up"

"There will also be additional minor augmentations you will be receiving In the future..."

I could hear Jameson blabber his mouth off like a machine gun only for Wolf already waiting for me to join my side and from the look on his face, I wasn't going to be happy.

"Alright, spill it already,"

I demanded, my voice echoing through the square corridors of Einherjar as Wolf and I made our way towards the bridge.

The crew, dressed uniformly in their standard-issue all-black space uniforms and service attire, moved around us with practiced efficiency.

Their movements were synchronized, a testament to their training and discipline as they went about their tasks with purpose.

Engineers bustled about, their hands deftly manipulating cables and pipes, while technicians ran routine diagnostic checks on the ship's systems.

The hum of machinery filled the air, accompanied by the occasional hiss of steam and the clatter of tools against metal.

The fluorescent lights cast harsh shadows along the steel walls, illuminating the corridor with an artificial brilliance that only served to heighten the tension in the air.

"Imperator, the island promised by Council Abdul is only 30 percent vacated,"

Wolf informed me, his tone stoic.

"And there are only 24 hours left before youre deadline"

Hearing this I let out a frustrated groan, the news displeasing but not entirely unexpected, after all, they were Threans.

"Send in the whole Hellas Legio I want the Island cleared by the end of the deadline, use force If you have to"

I ordered.

"And also deploy our engineers and technicians you can start demolishing buildings and building our infrastructure ahead of time"

"Also tell them that they are permitted to use Einherjars flak batteries to speed things up"

I added.

Hearing this Wolf nodded, his expression stoic as ever as he processed my orders. "Understood. And what about the application for Thraens who want to join the Imperium, we have been putting It on hold"

I paused, considering the question carefully.

"Open up forty thousand spots for now,"

I decided after a moment's thought.

"Priority should be given to war veterans, especially those with experience in the navy and support roles. We'll also need combat-ready individuals, such as marines and army grunts to fill up our cosmic marine and grendamanere ranks."

I gave my order as we entered the bridge as I did ewryone snapped to attention only to return to their tasks upon seeing me wawe my gloved hand.

"Also tell consul Abdul In advance"

I reminded after all so far the man was more than cooperative up till this point.

"Yes Imperator"

Wolf acknowledged my order as he salutes me and started fulfilling my orders one by one.

Its good to be the Imperator...

I thought as I lazily leaned Into my seat after sitting down.


Anna sat by her brother Tom's hospital bed, her phone in hand as she scrolled through various websites, searching for any information on how to join the Terranum Imperium.

It was something she did often, ever since hearing the Imperator's proposal.

Tom lay beside her, his frail form which was bones and skin at this point barely visible beneath the hospital sheets.

The only sound in the room was the steady beeping of the medical monitoring devices.

With a sigh, Anna set her phone down, feeling disheartened once again.

No matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find any Information.

But just as she was about to give up hope, a notification flashed on her screen, catching her attention.

Eagerly, she tapped it, and the Terranum Imperium's banner of an Iron Fenrir bitting It down tail Ingolden lauler leaves unfolded before her eyes.

Excitement bubbled within her as she quickly filled out the registration sheet that appeared the next second with hers and Tom's information.

With a sense of anticipation, she pressed send, but her hopes were dashed when a loading icon appeared, followed by a message stating that they didn't fit the current recruitment requirements.

Heartbroken, Anna was about to close her phone when another message popped up: "What can you and your brother offer the Imperium?"

She furrowed her brows, pondering the question. What could they offer? They were just two orphans struggling to get by.

She was 22 year old school drop out because she had to work full time to pay her brothers hospital bills.

Since their government didn't give a s*it about them.

And her brother well he got admitted to a hospital then he was only 14.

But then, Tom stirred beside her, his eyes opening to gaze at her with concern.

"What's wrong, Anna?"

He asked, his voice weak but filled with concern.

Anna hesitated, unsure if she should burden him with her worries.

But seeing his genuine concern, she couldn't keep it from him any longer.

She explained everything—their struggles, her failed attempt to join the Imperium, and the desperate situation they found themselves in.

To her surprise, Tom didn't hesitate as he offered a solution proposed by the Imperator himself to their problem.

"If enlisting in the Tereanum Militaris means I can live," He said, determination shining in his eyes, "Then I'm willing to do it."

Anna's heart swelled with pride and gratitude for her brother's selflessness. Gritting her teeth, she made a decision, with a renewed sense of purpose, she picked up her phone and typed out a response to the Imperium's inquiry.

She explained their situation and declared their willingness to enlist in the Tereanum Militaris for as long as needed.

As she hit send, a sense of determination washed over her.

They may not have much to offer, but they had each other, and they were willing to fight for a chance at a better future.