C67 Trials Of Fortitude

"Anna Bismark,"

Anna replied, her voice tinged with nervousness as she met the gaze of the fully geared-up and armed cosmic marine, who stared at her intently through the round crimson visors of his helmet.

The white skull painted on his facial visor only added to his intimidating presence.


The officer inquired.


Anna answered, her voice steady despite her apprehension.

"Serial number?"


She recited, trying to remain composed under the scrutiny of the officer.

"Hold still,"

The officer commanded, and Anna obliged as he snapped her photo with his glass see-through holographic phone.

"You check out, Miss Bismark. Proceed further,"

The officer declared, gesturing towards an awaiting paramedic with a cosmic marine escort.

Anna followed the paramedic as instructed, stepping outside the tent and observing other individuals being escorted in a similar manner into the military complex's main building.

As they navigated through the square, utilitarian corridors guarded by ever-vigilant cosmic marines, Anna couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach.

Each step forward brought her closer to the unknown, and she couldn't help but wonder what awaited her in the next room.

Eventually, they arrived at a separate room filled with medical devices, and Anna's apprehension only grew as she prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

"Lay down"

The paramedic ordered as he picked up a medical tool.

As Anna laid down on the cool, alloy medical bed, she felt a wave of apprehension wash over her.

The rings above her hummed softly as they activated, emitting a soft holographic glow that enveloped her body.

They began to scan her from head to toe, their intricate sensors mapping out every inch of her form with meticulous precision.

The soldier overseeing the examination moved with practiced efficiency, his movements swift and sure as he collected various samples from Anna.

He extracted a vial of blood with a prick of her finger, before Anna could even react.

Next, he used a small instrument to pluck a strand of hair from her scalp, capturing it in a sterile container for analysis.

Anna winced slightly as he clipped a small portion of her nail.

With each sample collected, the soldier analyzed them on the spot, his tablet displaying real-time readouts of Anna's biological data.

He scrutinized the results with a critical eye, comparing them against established benchmarks and protocols to ensure accuracy and consistency.

As the examination progressed, the soldier maintained a professional demeanor, offering brief explanations of each procedure to Anna as he worked.

"It's to determine the risk of unwanted mutations"

The paramedic explained In a plain voice the importance of gathering comprehensive data to assess her overall compatability to the genetic resequencing serum and augmentations.

Anna listened intently, grateful for his transparency and expertise in guiding her through the process.

Once all the samples had been collected and analyzed, the soldier nodded, indicating that the examination was complete.

"Everything looks to be in order. You're cleared to proceed to the next stage of processing."

The paramedic declared with a final tap of his holographic tablet.

Anna felt a surge of relief wash over her, grateful that the examination had gone smoothly.

She sat up slowly, stretching her limbs as she prepared to move on to the next phase of her journey within the Terranum Imperium.

As she stepped out of the examination room accompanied by the cosmic marine, she couldn't help but marvel at the efficiency and precision of the medical facilities.

Everywhere she looked, she saw state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge technology, a testament to the Imperium's commitment to ensuring the health and well-being of its citizens.

"This way"

The cosmic marine said as he lead the way to another room.

The moment Anna stepped into the dimly lit room, her heart started pounding in her chest like a jackhammer.

The sight of the alloy table and the two chairs, with Hans himself who eminated natural dread because of his demeanor Itself sitting on one of them, sent a shiver down her spine.

She felt a cold sweat break out on her brow as all the hair on her body stood up.

Before she could react, two strong armored hands grabbed her by the back of her head and arms, slamming her onto the table with a force that knocked the breath from her lungs.

A cold muzzle pressed against her forehead, sending a chill through her entire body as her mind raced with fear and uncertainty.

"Anna Bismark, you have been identified as a Workers Union spy"

Hans' cold voice cut through the tense silence, devoid of any emotion as he stared down at the panicking Anna.


Anna stammered, her voice trembling as she struggled to form coherent words amidst the overwhelming fear that threatened to consume her.

She had no Idea what Hans was talking about, It must have been a mistake but despite knowing that her mind couldn't come up with an explanation no matter how she tried.

Before she could respond, Hans began to count down, his voice cold and relentless as he examined Anna's reaction like a hawk.

"10, 9, 8..."

Anna's heart hammered in her chest, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps as the seconds ticked by.

She felt a surge of panic unlike any other welling up inside her, threatening to overwhelm her senses.

Only for her mind to enter the zone, her heart rate slowed down and her breathing calmed down.

As all the fear she was feeling dissapeared like It was never there only calmness and the desire to save her brother no matter the cost was left.

"J... just save my brother..."

Anna's surprisingly steady voice was barely a whisper, choked with emotion as she pleaded for mercy, her eyes brimming with tears.


The click of the pistol's bolt getting released echoed through the room, reverberating in Anna's ears like a death knell.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as she lay frozen on the table, her mind reeling from the shock of what had just transpired.

But then, to her astonishment, nothing happened.

The muzzle of the pistol no longer pressed Itself against her forehead, there was no gunshot, no bullet tearing through her flesh.

Anna remained frozen in her position, her mind struggling to comprehend what had just occurred.

Slowly, she began to realize that she was still alive, that she had somehow managed to escape the grasp of death.

"Congratulations, Miss Bismark. So far, you have shown the best mental aptitude out of all the candidates,"

Hans' voice broke through the stunned silence, his tone surprisingly congratulatory as he Inserted his pistol back Into his holster.

"T... This was a test?"

Anna's voice wavered as she wiped away her tears and snot, her hands trembling with relief.

"Yes, and you passed it with flying colors. Your willingness to face death with a state of calm mind is a trait that every Terran should have,"

Hans explained, his expression unreadable as he noted down Anna's evaluation on his glass see-through holographic phone.

"Now, it's time for your last step,"

He continued, motioning with his hand for Anna to follow the cosmic marine that brought her here.

Feeling as though she had just emerged from a nightmare, Anna followed the cosmic marine out of the room, her legs feeling weak and unsteady beneath her.

But as she stepped into the corridor beyond, she felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that she had passed the test and proven herself worthy of the Terranum Imperium's trust.

It didn't take long before she stepped Into another room but this time It was an expensive space filled with the regeneration tanks filled with unconcious Thraens and made by the militaris grade 3D printers from the TIS Einherjars and spare resources just like any other piece of advanced equipment.

And teams of medical personnel operating on the unconcious Thraens on rows of operating tables with robotic arms.