C69 Subspace Anomaly

Once done with Interviewing Tom Morgana, Marcus and their entourage entered the massive room full of regeneration tanks and operating tables.

She could see the medical personnel wash of the residual blood from the tables with a high pressure water hose.

After that new unconcious candidates straight from regen tanks were placed on them.

The personnel of medical department accompanied by soldiers of R&D wasted no time as they cut the now taller and bigger candidates open.

If she had to describe the scene It was like a factory line working non stop as It ran like clock work.

She quickly scanned the room until she spotted her target as she did she beelined straight to him.


Inside the pristine medical facility of the Terranum Imperium, Klaus sat on the operating table already butt naked, surrounded by a squad of surgeons.

His heart raced with anticipation and a tinge of anxiety as he awaited the commencement of his augmentations.

The massive room buzzed with activity, the air filled with the faint hum of flesh and bone being cut, broken, the splash of blood and the scent of antiseptic.

Jameson, the head of the medical department, and Frank, the head of the R&D department, stood beside Klaus, studying the holographic projections of his anatomical scans.

Their voices overlapped in a heated debate as they discussed the sequence of procedures.

"I still think we should perform the augmentations first and then attach the cloned leg"

Jameson argued, his tone firm and authoritative.

Frank shook his head, his expression skeptical.

"No we should clone his missing leg first and attach It, this way we will save time"

Klaus listened to their debate with growing unease, his mind racing with uncertainty.

He had put his trust in the hands of these skilled professionals, but now, as they deliberated over his treatment plan, he couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension.


He finally interjected, his voice cutting through the tension in the room.

Both of the men turned to look at him, surprised by his sudden outburst.

"Look sirs If it's too hard to grow a new leg, then just give me a cybernetic prosthetic instead."

Klauss words hung in the air only for the two men to bark In unison.


Klauss looked at the two not knowing what to do.

"As long as we have resources and the ability we will never deprive a fellow soon to be Terran of the chance to have his missing limb back"

Jameson reiterated firmly.

Frank nodded in agreement, his expression unwavering.

"Absolutely. We have the technology and expertise to grow a new leg for you, and we will do just that as the Imperator had said we Terrans are a one big family and family looks after each other"

As Klaus listened to their words he couldn't help but feel touched at the twos words.

"Thank you,"

Klaus said, his voice tinged with heartfelt gratitude.

"Alright, let's start already"

Frank said while motioning with his hand as he did one of the soldiers grabbed the syringe containing gene resequencing serum and Injected It Into Klaus neck.

It didn't take long before the man passed out.

"Put him In the Regen tank, take a sample and start cloning his leg"

Jameson ordered as he did the personnel of the medical department did just that.

One of the men first extracted a genetic material sample which was already Infected with the gene resequencing serum.

And carried It straight to the cloning tank designed to grow organs and limbs and ewrything else a heavily Injured Terran might need to make full recovery as fast as possible.

While others put unconcious Klaus Into the Regen tank after attaching an oxygen mask and a bunch of medical cables to his body.

"Tell me you recorded that"

Excited Morgana asked.

"Sure did boss"

Marcus answered while giving a thumbs up.

"Good let's go, we need to get as much footage as possible"

Morgana ordered as she lead the way to other operating tables.


A few days earlier.

After entering subspace the damaged by the blue laser subspace drive of Isabellas space fighter melted down, a surge of energy erupted from its core, rippling through the fabric of space and time.

In an instant, a rift began to form In the third dimesnion, its edges crackling with unstable energy as it expanded outward, swallowing everything in its path.

The orc frigates, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the rift, attempted to maneuver away, but it was too late.

With a deafening roar, the rift engulfed them, pulling them into its depths with irresistible force.

The massive vessels vanished into the swirling vortex, their metal hulls twisting and contorting as they were torn from existence.

Meanwhile, the once bustling space station stood no chance against the overwhelming power of the subspace rift.

Its defenses were useless against the cosmic anomaly, and with a mighty tremor, it too was consumed by the swirling void.

For a moment, the space around the rift seemed frozen in time, the echoes of destruction lingering in the air.

Then, as quickly as it had appeared, the rift began to contract, folding in on itself until it vanished completely, leaving behind only emptiness.


"Well that was unexpected..."

War said as she leaned Into her seat after closing her third dimensions projection In front of her over the ancient round table with a wave of her hand.

"Tch! Those creations of yours are truly disgusting war"

Desire hissed her voice full of disgust.

"I can say the same for you, those snobs of yours with sticks up their asses are no better, at least mine don't pretend to be angels while living the life of depravity and sin"

War barked back.

"Shut It b*tch!"

Desire snapped back feeling herself being Insulted because her creations were made In her Image as she stood up from her throne.

"Or what? You f*cking whore?!"

War asked In a proactive tone as she cracked her knuckles while standing up.

"Pipe down both of you!"

Knowledge raored as he slammed his clenched fist Into the table.




Both of the woman snorted as they turned away their heads, crossed their arms under their large caliber chests making them puff up and sat down while crossing their legs.


Knowledge muttered to himself as he looked at civilization who had the same depressed look as knowledge In his eyes.

"Alright what happened has happened, the Important thing Is will this benefit him or not?"

Knowledge asked more to himself than others as he started calculating the most likely outcome of the future In his mind.

"Well that frankenstein of a warship will definitely wipe the floor with those frigates with zero losses"

Civilization commented.

"I mean who the f*ck Installs so many weapon platforms Inside their warships while also turning It Into a carrier?".

Civilization started ranting like a child.

"Even my civilization isn't that mad enough, hell even their titans aren't that powerful!"

Civilization practically screamed at the end letting out all of his frustration.

"Yeah I feel you civ, I mean compared to my failed products his warriors are truly the perfect bio mechanical weapons"

"It's frustrating to say the least, I had used all of our civilizations knowledge and resources back then to create them only for them to turn against us"

"Yet a random guy created the perfect warriors with that f*cked up mind of his, what did he call It? Oh yeah the ultimate edge lord state"

War also complained as she placed her extended hands on the round table and leaned forward only for desire to ask the question that has been nagging her mind for a while now.

"Hey knowledge are you sure he Isn't one of your super duper secret lab experiments like Cezar, Alexander, and every other warlord that you put on E*rth?"

Desire asked as she narrowed her eyes at the absentminded Knowledge who after hearing this snapped back to reality.

While the other two hearing the question perked up their ears as they focused their gaze on knowledge.