C73 Rapid Response


TIS Einherjar Bridge a few seconds after Mark Issued his orders.

The crew responded with practiced efficiency, their movements precise and coordinated.

The atmosphere on the bridge was tense, but each member knew their role and executed it with unwavering focus.

"XO senior Lieutenant Vasqueiz!"

Mark salutes as he Introduced himself In Front of Wolf's holographic projection.

"Status report!"

Wolf who had been automatically alerted by TAI which had also raised Nova Romas readiness level to DEFCON 1 asked.

"Sir, all departments are responding to the emergency protocols,"

Mark reported crisply, his voice cutting through the tension on the bridge. "Navigation has plotted an emergency course away from the projected rift location. Weapons are primed and standing by for further orders. Engineering has diverted all available power to shields and propulsion."

Wolf nodded, his holographic image flickering slightly in the dim light of the bridge.

"What's the estimate on the rifts materialization?"

Wolf asked, hearing this Mark glanced at the projected by TAI countdown.

"40 seconds sir"

Mark answered.

"You have command first lieutenant, there's no time I'll be taking over command of Nova Roma"

Wolf Immediately made the decision.

"What's the engagement parameters sir?"

Mark asked for clarification just In case already assuming that Einherjar was about to engage In battle.

"Standart procedure first Lieutenant"

Wolf answered.

"Understood sir"

Mark saluted once again as he did the holographic projection disappeared.

"Status report!"

As Mark barked out his command, the bridge crew sprang into action, each member providing a rapid-fire stream of status reports.

"Navigation confirms emergency course plotted and locked in, sir!"

"Weapons systems fully armed and standing by for your orders, sir!"

"Engineering reports all systems operating at peak efficiency, sir!"

"Life support systems at optimal levels, sir!"

"Medical bay ready to receive casualties if necessary, sir!"

"Communications systems online and functioning, sir!"

The reports flooded in, each delivered with precision and clarity despite the urgency of the situation.


As absentminded Nole met up with Liza, his mind still occupied by the holographic blueprints, emergency sirens started blaring through the entire Island, they were high-pitched enough to even wake up the dead.

Before the schoked Nole, Liza and every other Thraen from Nole's company could figure out what was happening Wolf's voice reverberated through the entire Island.


"What is going on...?"

The scarred Liza asked with her hands pressed firmly on her ears as she kept looking left and right with those eyes of hers full of fear.

Only for seargent Fury to bark out his orders In a neutral tone, devoid of any changes from his usual demeanor to him this was just another day In the office just like to every other Terran.

"Round them up I want a head count!"

Seargent Fury barked promoting his squad's warriors to do just that as they rounded up Nole's former employees and after ensuring that all were accounted for the squad's second In command gave a green light to Fury.

"Sir everyone Is accounted for!"

"Follow me, make sure no one strays away!"

"Yes sir! You heard the man start moving!"

The second In command thundered causing the Thraens shocked minds to sober up, as they ran through the air bases tarmac towards the nearest underground shelter.

The Thraens saw the warriors of Terranum Imperium scramble to their battle stations, their movements disciplined, professional, and coordinated.

They heard the haul of sirens echo across the various military Installations, signaling the imminent threat and prompting a swift response from militaris personnel.

They saw Terrans mann their defensive weapons installations, their hands steady as they prepared to repel any potential attack.

Flak batteries barrels swiveled into position, their barrels trained upwards, ready to unleash a storm of firepower at a moment's notice.

Missile batteries hummed to life, their targeting systems locking onto potential threats with deadly accuracy.

Mass accelerator canons barrels crackled with electricity as their barrels got elevated and adjusted to focus on the rift's projected coordinates.

They saw pilots already geared up in their black skintight flight suits under their armored vests with their fully enclosed helmets on with their hoses connected to their life supports fixed to their backs.

Jump into their space fighters, Interceptors, and bombers' cockpits and start doing pre-flight checks.

"Get those engines fired up! We're going in hot!"

A space bombers pilot barked to his co pilot as he started flipping his cockpits panels switches one after another.

"Systems check...weapons check...all green,"

The co pilot reported back as his gloved fingers tapped on the holographic panel which was showing green markers.

While the ground crew scrambled to change the strike crafts munitions to fit the parameters of their mission as militarist codex demanded.

"Switch out those areial based munitions for space-based ones—70 percent anti-space, 30 percent anti-ariel"

One of the ground crews NCOs commanded, his voice ringing out over the din of activity.

"We need our battle brothers to be ready to fight in space."

His team worked with precision, swapping out the ordnance with practiced efficiency, two Terran soldiers effortlessly picked up a 60 centimeters wide space torpedo with a fission warhead and fixed It to the bomber's opened munition compartments locks.

They knew that every second counted, and they were determined to ensure that the pilots had the firepower they needed to confront the enemy head-on.

"Stay close and keep moving!"

Seargent Fury barked once again, casting a quick glance over his armored shoulder to ensure that everyone was keeping up.

Behind him, Nole and Lisa followed closely, their expressions grim as they realized the severity of the situation.

As they reached the entrance to the shelter, Fury keyed in the access code, and the heavy blast doors slid open with a hiss of hydraulics.

The group rushed inside, the doors sealing shut behind them with a resounding thud.

Inside the shelter, the air was cool and dimly lit, the faint hum of generators filling the space. Rows of bunk beds lined the walls, each equipped with blankets, rations, and other supplies necessary for survival.

"Take a bed and make yourselves comfortable,"

Seargent Fury instructed, his tone firm but reassuring.

"We could be in here for a while."

Nole and Lisa nodded in understanding, their faces pale with apprehension as they surveyed their surroundings.

The others, still visibly shaken, huddled together near the entrance, their eyes darting nervously around the shelter.

"We'll be safe here,"

Seargent Fury assured them, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.

"These shelters are built to withstand even the most intense orbital bombardment. We've got everything we need to ride out whatever comes our way."

As the group settled into their makeshift accommodations, Fury's squad began to take stock of the shelter's supplies as militarist codex demanded.

They checked the food and water rations, ensuring that there was enough to sustain everyone for an extended period of time.

They tested the communications equipment, making sure that they could stay in contact with the outside world.

Meanwhile, Nole and Lisa sat huddled together on one of the bunk beds, their minds racing with thoughts of what lay ahead.

They knew that they were facing an uncertain future, but they took solace in the knowledge that they were not alone.

With Fury and his cosmic marine squad by their side, they felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

Outside, the sounds of alarm sirens raged on, It didn't take long before the sound of distant echoes of flak batteries, missile launchers and mass accelerator cannons discharging their payloads filled their ears.