Now for this outcome, there were two primary reasons, the number one being that the zero-point reactor was a level 5 tech.

And Einherjars deflectors were only a level 1 tech, If Einherjar had advanced shields which was a level 5 tech.

Then the explosion would have barely depleted It's shields, plus the melting down subspace drive didn't help the situation.

After all the thing had enough power to Insert Itself Into the subspace a middle ground between third and fourth dimension which was a bridge connecting the two.

"Weapons do we have firing solutions?"

First Lieutenant Vasqueiz asked snapping out from his trance, the explosion could be considered as hostile actions and he was gonna do exactly what Militaris Codex demanded him to do In this situation.

And that was to neutralize the hostiles In front of him and he was going to do exactly that.

Any thoughts of Identifying the opponent were thrown out of his mind at this moment.

"Negative, the residual energy Is scrambling our sensors we can't lock on"

The weapons officer first Lieutenant Carlos Mendez reported as he did everything he could to acquire targeting solutions as fast as he could.

"Get me those firing solutions!"

First Lieutenant Vasquez barked as he dialed nthe space strike crafts hangar bays control.

"Sir, 2nd Lieutenant Chen!"

The holographic Image of the officer In command of the space strike crafts hangar bay saluted.

"2nd Lieutenant Chen do you see those frigates?"

First Lieutenant Vasqueiz asked causing Chen to crank his neck.

"I do sir"

Chen said after looking at the frigate stat seemed to have taken a beating too, which was evident from their malfunctioning Ion thrusters that kept Igniting and extinguishing with sporadic lines of electricity running through those patchwork frigates.

"I don't want to 2nd Lieutenant Chen"

Vasqueiz barked.

"Yes, sir!"

2nd Lieutenant Chen barked back as he performed a crispy salute while his light crimson lips curled Into a small sadistic grin.


A few minutes earlier.

Alex a standard shut In who had been receiving psychological counseling after seeing one of the cosmic marine kill squads execute a man right In front of his eyes sat peacefully on a bench in the park, enjoying the serenity of the afternoon.

The sun cast a warm glow over the surroundings, and the gentle rustle of leaves added to the tranquil atmosphere.

"If you look at It from the Terran's perspective their actions although extreme are justified..."

Alex muttered to himself only to sigh bitterly.

"...but I still get that scene out of my mind, that man was someone's son, a brother, and a father yet they executed him like that without any trail"

After finishing his monologue Alex felt silent, but suddenly, the calm was shattered by a deafening explosion that ripped through the sky.

Alexs eyes widened in shock as a massive ball of fire erupted in the cloudless sky even It was still bright the rapidly expanding blinding ball of light could be clearly seen to the point that his eyes became watery causing him to avert his gaze.

"What in the seven hells is happening?"

Exclaimed the shocked Alex, his voice drowned out by the roar of the explosion.

Before he could process what was happening, a powerful shockwave swept through the park, making the ground tremble his feet as his body got knocked down to the ground.

Trees swayed violently, and birds scattered in a panic, their chirps drowned out by the cacophony of chaos.

As the shockwave subsided, Alex took out his smartphone with the Intention of logging Into F only for It to suddenly go dead, its screen flickered and then got black.

"No, no, no..."

Alex muttered frantically trying to restart his device, but to no avail.

Around him, panic erupted as cars screeched to a halt, their engines stalling as the electromagnetic pulse which was a side effect produced by the massive outport of energy fried their electronics.

Horns blared, and tires screeched as drivers desperately tried to regain control of their vehicles.

"Stay calm, everyone! Stay in your cars!" shouted a police officer from nearby, but the chaos was already unfolding.

Planes and helicopters overhead faltered in mid-air, their engines sputtering as they lost power.

Alex watched in horror as one by one, they began to plummet from the sky, leaving trails of smoke and debris in their wake.

"Oh no, look out!"

Cried out a nearby pedestrian as a helicopter spun out of control, crashing into a nearby building with a deafening crash.

Screams filled the air as people ran in every direction, their faces contorted with fear. Some sought shelter under trees, while others ran for the safety of nearby buildings.

Amidst the chaos, emergency sirens wailed in the distance, adding to the cacophony of sound.

Alex could only watch in shock as the scene unfolded before him, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he realized the magnitude of the disaster that had just struck his city.


President Thomas who had been escorted Into the underground command bunker right below the Liberty House by his secret service the moment the Liberty States satellite detected the space anomaly sat at the head of the table, his brow furrowed with worry as he watched the chaos unfold on the large screens that were translating live video feed from unaffected military grade satellites, surveillance aircraft and drones in front of him.

The room buzzed with activity as his chief of staff and other members of his cabinet conferred with Liberty States armed forces commanders and officers.

"What's the situation?"

President Thomas asked, his voice tense with concern.

The chief of staff stepped forward, a grim expression on her face.

"Mr. President, it's a disaster. We've lost contact with multiple cities, and reports are coming in of widespread damage and casualties."

President Thomas nodded, his mind racing with the enormity of the crisis at hand. He knew that he had to act quickly to coordinate a response and minimize further loss of life.

"Have we been able to establish communication with any of the affected areas?"

He asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging outside.

The communications officer shook his head.

"No, sir. The residual energy from the explosion has caused an EMP shockwave that had affected the whole planet, any non military grade and technologically advanced electronics were fried. We're working on restoring communications, but it may take some time."

President Thomas sighed, a heavy weight settling in his chest. He knew that time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to wait for communications to be restored.

"Contact FEMA and the National Guard,"

He instructed, his tone firm.

"I want them mobilized immediately to provide assistance to those in need. We'll need to coordinate with local authorities to ensure a swift and effective response."

As his cabinet members and military advisors sprang into action, President Thomas turned his attention back to the screens before him.

The images of devastation served as a stark reminder of just how vulnerable they were despite all of the advances In technology that they took pride In, but what worried him most was the space anomaly and unknown space craft that had exited It just before one of those space craft exploded and caused this mess.

"May g*d have mercy on our souls..."

Thomas muttered to himself after switching a few of his screens live video feeds, although he could barely make out the TIS Einherjar and the unknown spacecraft through his still functioning military grade satellites which seemed to be suffering the aftershock of the explosion.

His Instincts were telling him that he was about to face an even bigger crisis and the worst thing was that he thought that the madman of the Imperator was going to profit from It.