C84 Zombies

Authors thoughts.

I feel like my writing quality has gone down the drain lately, let me know If It's just my Intrusive thoughts messing with me or am I right?


"How much time does he have?"

Sergeant Mirov asked.

"Id say 5 mins tops before his hearts stop sarge"

Senior private Rob answered as he grabbed Dracula's armpits while another death marine grabbed his legs and placed him on the stretcher because senior private Han couldn't grab both of the legs with one of his hands.

"Delta Mike to hotel quebec..."

Seargent Mirov contacted Fenrir's den while senior private Rob covered Dracula's body with a thermal blanket to keep his rapidly cooling body warm only to see seargent Jagers squad finally run over to them.

"...were bringing In Fenrir, prepare for surgery, sending over Fenrir's condition status now over"

Sergeant Mirov reported as he transmitted Dracula's conditions file.

"You missed the party battle brother Jager"

Seargent Mirov barked as seargeant Jager who was also a first generation Terran ran to him while his men secured the perimeter by making a circle around them.

"I can see that, what are you're orders battle brother Mirov?"

Seargent Jager asked as he looked around only for his eyes under his helmet to focus on Dracula.

"Grab our Imperator and run like you're life depended on It, we will follow from behind"

Sergeant Mirov declared while extending his armored forearm which seargent Jager grasped firmly.

"Got It battle brother I'm not letting our Imperator die on my watch even though It's not true death for him"

Seatgent Jager declared as they bumped their armored shoulders.

"Harry, Peter, Luce, and Hermin you heard the man, grab our Imperator and run to the medical complex as fast as you can!"

Sergeant Jager barked Into his squad's communication channel.

"Yes sir!"

Came the reply as four cosmic marines left the protective circle and grabbed the stretcher with one of their hands.


Senior private Harry counted down as he did he and the three cosmic marines stood up In unison.


Sergeant Jager barked as he did his squad formed up around the four cosmic marines, covering each angle as they started sprinting towards the medical complex.


Isabella's POV.

F*ck he's not going to make It.

Isabella thought as she watched seargent Jagers squad take off.


Isabella started cursing, the more she did the more pissed off she became, her nails enlarged, her eyes whites became pitch black while black veins and arteries spread out under her unnaturally white skin.

While the psionic energy provided by the four masterminds behind Dracula's reincarnation started bottling up Inside her like a volcano ready to erupt.

"Private Jenkins grabe the xeno"

She heard the commander say.

"Yes sir"

The armless warrior answered as he put his pistol Inside his holster and after that extended his armored hand with the Intention to toss Isabella onto his armored shoulder.


Isabella roared as a shockwave made out of pitch black psionic energy erupted from her as the epicenter.

Knocking private Jenkins and every other death marine to the ground together with seargeant Jagers entire squad.


Isabella muttered as he snapped the handcuffs designed to withstand Terran male's strength In half while standing up.

As she did the residual psionic energy seeped Into the orc's corpses and to the horror of every Terran the corpses rose to their feet.

"Protect our Imperator!"

Seargent Mirov raored as he stood up while grabbing his smart assault rifle with the Intent to fill Isabella with rounds only for an orcs reanimated corpse with half of his head missing showing brain to pounce on him.

As Isabella walked to Dracula all around her cosmic and death marines were emptying rounds after rounds at the reanimated corpses.

Yet nothing seemed to work as even after decapitating and slicing them In half the reanimated corpses continued to move.

And that was because, unlike the Imperial Vampirian States death knights that were reanimated with vampires blood.

These ones were reanimated by Isabella aka Death Itself one of the two most powerful existences, the other one was of course Death's little sister Life.

So the only way to kill them was to vaporize their bodies Into atoms.

The moment Isabella reached Dracula she ripped off the thermal blanket with stretcher belts over him while biting her own tongue causing her mouth to get filled with her blood.

Consider us even.

Isabella thought as she sat down on Dracula's ripped sixpack, grabbed his head, and Invaded his mouth with her tongue.



In my barely conscious state, I felt two mounds of soft and firm flesh press against my abdomen muscles while two slightly cold hands grabbed my head.

While all I could hear was the sound of gunfire, the sound of lazer edged blades slicing through flesh, and the sound of explosions and shouting.


I thought as I felt someone else's lips press against mine while a pierced tongue Invaded my mouth together with some kind of liquid, I had no choice but to gulp It down.

As I did I felt my consciousness return my bloodred view became normal once again as I did I saw a pair of purple eyes with a tinge of red staring at mine at point blank range.

"What did you...?"

I asked only for an Inhuman pain to assault my mind which should have been Impossible but It did.


I roared In a bloodfreezing and soul shattering voice as I pushed away the xeno woman causing her to get flung away like a rag doll.


I roared once again as I looked at the xeno woman with my bleeding eyes, nose, ears, and mouth while I felt my cells get torn apart and reconstructed at the same time.


Isabella's POV

"What the f*ck this Isn't how It should go?!"

The dumbfounded Isabella muttered to herself as she watched Dracula sink his own nails Into his flesh and tear It off while trashing around on the ground only for the nanites to close the wound In seconds.

Wait don't tell me the reason why we are forbidden to turn any other race apart from our dark elves Into vampires Is because we can't?!

The horrified Isabella thought In her mind realizing that she just f*cked up big time.


(Unknown species subjects body restored to 100 percent)

(Rebuilding the unknown species subjects DNR Into the original hosts template)

(Error, Error, Error the unknown species subjects body Is incompatible)

(Begining termination of the unknown species subject)

(Warning, warning, warning detected that the unknown species subjects genome structure matches creators with a 100 percent accuracy)

(Initiating original operational protocols)

(Rebuilding the host's body to the original state)

(Warning, Warning, Warning additional nanites required Immediately)

(Begining multiplication)

(Warning, Warning, Warning the host will die before multiplication reaches the required number)

(Initiating additional nanites replenishment from the original host)


As Isabella racked her brain to come up with a solution to the problem she caused herself the trashing Dracula froze.

Seeing this Isabella looked at Dracula's eyes only to see his whites become pitch black while black blood vessels spread out under his skin.

"Oh f*ck no..."

Isabella managed to curse out before Dracula pinned her down and sunk his teeth Into her neck.

"Get off, get the f*CK off!"

Isabella roared as she tried to push Dracula away but couldn't because currently, she was weak as a Thraen, her surge of strength had left her body entirely.

And with each second she became weaker and weaker, her view becoming darker and her consciousness slipping from the blood loss.


Isabella managed to mutter out before she blacked out as she did Dracula finally yanked out his bloody teeth.

A primal roar escaped his bloody mouth only for him to black out too and collapse onto Isabella.