C91The Gathering Storms

Once the bomb drilled Itself Into the ground the bomb's fuze detonated causing a ball of flames to consume everything Inside Its blast radius.

While the shockwave flung away cars, weapons, debris, and bodies away like rag dolls as windows shattered Instantly, hell the explosion was powerful enough to rip out benches, bus stops, and road signs.


In total three ear defending explosions rang out one after another, It was safe to say that the kinetic force and the fire that was hot enough to melt even metals that had the highest melting temperature Instantly.

Was more than enough to kill the fireteam of female orcs who at most had an armored vest on them to protect their vitals.


As the flight of out-of-commission jet bombers hastily taken out from storage and loaded up with obsolete munitions lumbered through the sky.

Flanked by two generations old flights of fighters and interceptors each, the sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows over the landscape below.

In the cockpit of one of the fighters, Flight Commander Owen Evans sat tense, his hands gripping the controls with white-knuckled intensity.

Beside him, his co-pilot, Lieutenant Sofia Reid, monitored the radar display with furrowed brows.

"Sir, do you see that?"

Sofia asked, her voice tight with apprehension as she nodded towards the radar screen.

Owen leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he studied the display.

"It looks like a glitch, try fixing It"

He replied after glancing at the flickering dots as he did Soafias fingers started flying over the controls as she attempted to recalibrate the radar system.

But as she continued to work, her brow furrowed in frustration.

"Sir I can't seem to fix it,"

She admitted, her voice tinged with frustration at having to fly this old piece of junk only for three large gusts of flames to rise Into the air which caught hers and Orlow's attention.

"F*ck those are Terran fighter jets!"

Sofia cursed out loud as she caught a glimpse of Terran space fighters climbing back Into the air.

Orlow's heart sank at her words, he knew what it could mean.

Terran spacecraft in their airspace was never a good sign, especially not in the midst of the chaos that had engulfed the Liberty States.

"Contact command If the Terrans are here we can't go through with our mission unless we want to bear the consequences,"

He said grimly, his voice betraying the shock and fear he was currently feeling.

Sofia nodded grimly, her fingers flying over the communication console as she relayed the message to their superiors.

"Eagle nest this Is eagle 1 we have a situation over here over"

A few seconds passed until her Inbuilt headset Into her flight helmet crackled to life.

"This Is eagle nest what's the problem over"

The communications officer asked as he did Sofia Inhaled deeply.

"We have visual confirmation of Terran space fighters performing ariel bombing In our missions objective please advise over"

Soafiaa reported In one breath as she did the line fell silent for a few seconds.

"Abort mission, stand by for orders over"


As the report of Terran forces performing aerial bombing in one of their cities reached the underground command bunker, shock and disbelief rippled through the room like a palpable wave.

President Thomas, seated at the head of the table, listened in grim silence as the chaos unfolded around him.

"F*ck we have a national crisis on our hands and now Terran forces bombing our cities once again?!"

Exclaimed one of the generals furiously, his voice tinged with disbelief as he stared at the communications officer.

"Who the f*CK do they think they are?! G*damn Terrans!"

Cursed a cabinet member as he exchanged worried glances with his colleagues.

President Thomas's brow furrowed in contemplation.


He finally barked, his voice cutting through the cacophony of voices filling the room. "Let me think."

The room fell silent at his command, the tension thickening with each passing moment.

President Thomas's mind raced as he considered their options.

Protesting to Terrans wouldn't work because they simply didn't care and they already had enough problems on their hands.

The problem was why though? Why would they do this? Remnants of the Humanity First? Not likely the Imperium had completely eradicated the whole organization In days with ruthless efficiency.

Bombing Innocent civilians? That wasn't the way Imperium did things.

The more he thought the more confused he became until an Idea struck his mind.

"Contact the other countries and ask them If they have also spotted Terrans forces In action" He ordered, his voice firm with resolve.

As the communication officer hurried to carry out his orders, President Thomas clenched his fists as a flicker of Hope burned In his mind.

If he could gain Terran's assistance then It would only be a matter of hours before all the xenos were hunted down.

And that would come at a cost, the Terrans wouldn't help them just out of the kindness of their hearts and he knew that very well.

But he was prepared to do it because he truly cared for his people.


"Alright let's hear It Hans what do you want?"

Wolf asked after deciding to give Hans who kept on burning holes In his back with his eyes 5 minutes of his time once he couldn't take It anymore.

"XO We should help the Thraens take care of the xenos"

Hans declared with that ice cold face of his, hearing this Wolf fell silent for a few seconds.


He asked while narrowing his eyes.

"First of all It's a great opportunity to boost our Image In Thraen's eyes, second It's counterproductive to have the Thraen nations collapse completely In our Imperator's eyes, the damage caused by the EMP blast Is already substantial enough"

Hans explained as he did Wolf started considering Hans's words, and almost Immediately he came to a decision after all Han's reasoning was more than logical.

"Got It Hans I'll make sure to report youre Insight to our Imperator once he wakes up"

Wolf declared as he patted Han's shoulder.

"No need XO, knowing that our Imperators plans go smoothly is more than enough for me"

Hans rejected Wolf's offer decisively because he had no need for such things as acknowledgment or praise because to him the prosperity of the Imperium was the biggest acknowledgment and praise of them all.

"Though If we're being honest here sir It wasn't my Idea, but that of first Lieutenant Schmitt so If any credit should be given It should be given to her"

Hans who although didn't like Morgana and Marcus simply because they became officers right from the got go told the truth despite that, after all, Imperium was a meritocracy In which justice and honor prevailed.


"Prep for breaching!"

The masterchief barked as he pushed his gattling upwards as the dropship turned around and descended to the seventh floors window.

"Stand up!"

The sergeant barked as he did the unison sound of armored boots hitting the dropships floor resounded at once.

"3, 2, 1 go, go, go!"

The masterchief barked once the dropship's secondary thrusters started blackening the concrete wall, as he did the sergeant and his second In command was the first to jump out from the dropship.

The two giants with the added boost of their power armors Inbuilt chemical thrusters easily crossed the couple of meters distance and broke the windows glass, as they did they expertly landed on their feet their rifles raised.

"Alpha left side, Bravo right"

The sergeant quickly barked out his order after scanning the apartment's Interior.


The second In command replied as they started cleaning the apartment In a textbook manner while one after another members of Alpha and Bravo fireteams joined the fray.