Whispers In The Darkness



'How much longer am I supposed to remain here?' Such a thought flew past my mind. Well, I didn't really have a mind now as I was in a soul-like state, but anyway. Point is I had been floating in this inky black nothingness for who knows how long, alone.


Hey, I wasn't exactly a saint in my previous life but that doesn't mean that I had committed some horrific crimes deserving of this void treatment. Honestly, I didn't really do any major good deeds to my name either now that I think about it.


If I had to put it accurately, I simply did not care for others at all. As long as I was satisfied, it did not matter to me what other's did or experienced. Perhaps I could have been called self-centred but it is what it is.


So based on my actions maybe this void space isn't hell or any of its variants that I knew of. It certainly wasn't heaven either. This might be the medium-place, the land where the mediocre, self-centred people go?


You don't have the 'heavenly' experience but don't experience hellish torture either. You just exist forever, alone stranded in this void with nothing to do. I guess it could be called the best of both worlds? It's just an idle speculation.


Well, I'm not really complaining about my circumstances. Honestly, besides boredom, I don't really mind this place at all. Since it is the near perfect place for a loner like me. It certainly isn't perfect as I have none of my precious entertainment. Or I have already gone crazy.


Maybe I did not have any true friends as none of the people I had interacted with had the same interests as me? My personality certainly had a part in it, but finding a manga and webnovel reader where I lived was truly rare.


Maybe if I had been born in China, Japan or Korea things might have been different? All these things were invented and developed in these places so I assumed they were common topics of conversation for people there.


Funny what boredom and solitude does to a person. I certainly would not engage in such meaningless thoughts had I still been alive.


But for entertainment's sake, let's try to imagine a few scenarios. Maybe some protagonist from a cultivation world would summon my ghost self? Maybe this was not the void at all and I am the grandpa in a ring for the destined to guide the protagonist?


If I counted my time spent in the void, I might certainly have been a grandpa by this point of time. But with my personality, I won't simply guide the protagonist. I might try to convert him to a evil protagonist for fun instead.


Initially, possessing said protagonists body came to mind but I denied it. With the wonders of plot armour, I would be the one getting screwed over instead and I did not have the patience to guide protagonist-chan in hopes of getting a new body.


This soul like state isn't bad at all. There is no need for sustenance in this form and maybe it succumbs to no injuries either. Hey, someone else might say that such worlds probably have ways to hurt ghosts/spirits like me.


But it's not like I have experienced the rules of mystical worlds in person. For all I know, this state is the truly invincible one which no one can reach. The immortal realm or whatever. If the way to become immortal is to be a loner and die, that would be funny. Or maybe I'm just a whisp of smoke that can be blown away by a breeze.


Now that I think about it, maybe this is hell. A roundabout way the demons decide to use in order to torture me. Leaving me alone with no entertainment. For someone who gets withdrawal symptoms when I don't get my daily dose of reading webnovels, this might be the ideal hell.


Haa, what am I thinking? Let's put aside this meaningless nonsense and go back to counting numbers. I resumed counting, the rhythm echoing in the vast expanse of the void. 1, 2, 3... The numbers flowed in a steady stream.


As the count progressed, the numbers multiplied. 100, 200, 500... The once-simple task transformed into a ritual, an anchor for my sanity. in the featureless void. 1,000, 5,000, 10,000... The count became a lifeline, a connection to something tangible in the boundless emptiness.


Each digit was a marker, a testament to the ceaseless passage of time. 100,000, 500,000, 1,000,000... The numbers soared like a cosmic symphony, filling the void with their resounding echoes. Time blurred as the counting continued, reaching astronomical figures, a reflection of the eternity endured in this desolate realm.


By this point I assumed that I must already have been crazy if I wasn't before. I was after all, a mostly normal human prior to my supposed death. Not a shonen protagonist who could keep up with this situation through sheer willpower. For instance, like Senku did.


As I resigned myself to an endless repetition, a glimmer of hope emerged, suggesting that my patience was about to yield its long-awaited fruits.


Yes, it was a holographic screen that popped up in front of me at some point of time. A very manga-like development. This was my ticket outta here. I just knew it instinctively and I needed to grasp it. 'Let's not waste any more time looking through whatever this is,' I thought.


No point waiting any longer. If there was a hidden timer for this screen to disappear which I did not know about, all I could do then was to wallow in regret for the next unknown period of time I would spend counting.

I focused attentively at the screen desperate not to miss anything. The information on the screen displayed was:


[Soul:9602 has obtained the opportunity to reincarnate for a second and final time due to interference by entity @#@/?0/?. Upon death, soul:9602 will return to the void between worlds for eternity unless said individual manages to release all *& seals placed by entity @#@/?0/?. Choose the circumstances of your next reincarnation wisely as there will be no third chance.]


What was written was self-evident. I either release whatever seals this @#@/?0/? has placed on me or I eventually die one way or another and return here forever. Nope, not a chance. I was resolved to do whatever it took for my safety and more importantly, for my entertainment. Reading on it said:


[Soul:9602 will be placed in a new multiverse comprising of multiple 'fictional' worlds present on the cosmic spec known as 'Earth' in the individual's previous existence. As an obvious perk, soul:9602 will be allowed to retain memories of its past life.


While choosing the circumstances of reincarnation, know that every choice made will have appropriate consequences. Soul:9602 is advised to strike a balance between power obtained and survival. Know that fate is predestined for most which for now include soul:9602 for the most part but not entirely. Do your best to break free of the shackles of fate.]


'Strike a balance between power obtained and survival…hmm, I guess that makes sense.' If I get to choose the circumstances of next life and I choose to be the creator of worlds, if that is even allowed, it would make sense that there would be equal downsides.


The gifts of fate have been marked with a price and whoever @#@/?0/? is, definitely isn't handing out free gifts. Perhaps they are doing this for entertainment, as a test or for some ulterior motive but that does not matter. At least not right now.


This is essentially a give and take situation with unknown stakes of what is being taken. Regardless, this is my only chance and I don't want to waste it.


Conversely, if I choose not to obtain adequate amounts of power in the hopes of lesser danger, I definitely won't be able to release whatever seals have been placed or guarantee survival. As this screen said, balance is key.


I have to obtain enough power but also be careful not to overdo it. Considering that I don't know what level of challenges I will be facing, I will have to gamble to a certain degree. This screen indicates that where I will be going will have multiple fictional worlds to mashed together.


In webnovel terms, it's a crossover world with lots of chaos. I can't survive in such a world with the given stakes if the power I choose is something like Usopp's abilities. Nor can I choose something like golden experience requiem or other overpowered JoJo stands.


It's best if I have a certain level of power from the get go, whether it be my personal power or of a backing organisation. Ideally, both. Even better if said organisation consists of diehard loyal followers who won't hesitate to turn the world upside down on my command in a heartbeat.


Once these conditions were figured out, I already had an idea of what I was looking for. Now to confirm if it was possible. And as expected, there was a category called [Overlord].


Unfortunately, it seemed as though the conditions for choosing circumstances were not as free as I had expected. It seemed as though I could not choose to become a new member of Ainz Ooal Gown or replace any of the present ones either.


If I chose to create a new guild of my own this is what showed up:


[Disclaimer: Choosing to create a guild of your own would lead to the creation infinitely more variables in the #$%! system. Threat level would increase infinitely as well to counterbalance variables.


Remember, as mentioned earlier fate is predestined for most and greater changes lead to obstacles in turning the gears of fate. For each level of change made, threat levels to attain normality will increase.]


I guess that makes sense. I don't mean the whatever system but the explanation. From my understanding, I am a virus in the machine known as the multiverse. And the greater the infection I cause the multiverse the greater the defence mechanism for my removal would be.


Regardless of what choice I make it will lead to the creation of variables. Given this, I just have to tie myself to the pre-existing concepts to reduce variables as much as possible. If I can't become a new supreme being of Nazarick, perhaps I can become an NPC or relative of a supreme being.


Preferably a position of power. As long as I can gain the benefits of having authority over the NPCs it's the best. It would be a position of relative safety with enough power to not succumb to multiversal shenanigans immediately.


 And upon tweaking and tinkering with the screen I was able to come up with a compromise. I could simply place myself in the position of a supreme being's offspring. It would be a rather prestigious position as the NPCs would still revere me and go to any lengths to protect me.


The question now was which supreme being to choose. According to the screen, depending on who I chose, the templates offered to me for my reincarnation would differ. Essentially, if I chose to be Ainz's child, I won't be able to get a template of something like angels.


I might be able to modify the results a bit such as being an undead angel or something like that but in essence, the template would be related the 'themes' displayed by the supreme being as base. In Ainz's case, it would be 'death'.


And going forward on my path to ascension, this choice would play a fundamental role. And just this made me not want to pick Ainz as my 'parent'. After all this time, I had come to despise the very concept of death.


I wanted to live, cause chaos and try to be an enigmatic exitance. The consequences of death made me want to be free and beyond anything. Free to cause trouble without consequences.


What if I choose Ainz as my parent and the whatever system judged me to be 'dead' for becoming some sort of undead being. It might be an outlandish thought but who knows what might happen. I had to be cautious of such traps.


And as long as I was related to one of his friends, Ainz himself would give me the royal treatment. If played well, I can have the entirety of Nazarick wound around my thumb. Based on all of this, I chose Tabula Smaragdina as my choice. This would lead my path to open into more 'eldritch' themes.


And I felt that being some sort of eldritch being suited my needs perfectly.


[Are you certain of your choice? There will be no chances to change it upon confirmation.] [Yes/No]. I promptly clicked yes. I could not view possible templates without making a gamble so I was fine taking this risk.


Upon making my choice, another menu opened up with possible templates and another disclaimer which read:


[Please choose one of the multiple templates listed below:….]


[Disclaimer: Please note that the individual is allotted free 50 levels for use. Additional levels can be allotted by selecting certain debuffs. Debuffs are permanent unless the individual manages to find a solution for it.


Please note that only items that can warp reality on universal scales such as the artifact known as infinity stones amongst others can remove debuffs. Additional 10 levels will be allotted for each debuff selected.]


[After selection, soul:9602 can design a 'backstory' to better fit the narrative of existence. The more in line said narrative is with soul:9602's selected abilities the lesser the variables will be created.


Despite this, a more outlandish backstory can be woven such as creation beings which did not exist in chosen world originally or transplanting entirely new concepts. One extra perk will be allotted upon completion]


[Primary World Allotted: Earth X67&-L (SCP universe)-Unchangeable]


That was a lot of information. So I would end up in a SCP universe. There is certainly a level of danger there and Nazarick won't be present in this universe. And that's where the magic of the backstory comes into play.


I can weave a narrative which will bring Nazarick to my location or grant myself new powers beyond those chosen through template selection. It was like a novice gamers perk except that the difficulty of the following game would be raised for every advantage chosen.


Let's proceed further carefully. I opened the template selection menu and looked each of the templates over carefully. There was obviously a template based on Tabula Smaragdina as he was my chosen 'parent'.


I rejected multiple of them based on my liking. I would prefer a template with a humanoid form with the ability to transform into a truly eldritch creature. Additionally, I wanted the template to be more magic focused. Being a spellcaster seemed intriguing.


And finally I chanced upon a template that satisfied me. A so-called [Eldritch Demon] template. It was not truly a demon in the traditional sense. Unlike the stereotypical malevolent entities often portrayed in folklore and mythologies, this template embraced a more enigmatic and cosmic essence.


The Eldritch Demon exhibited a humanoid form with the unique ability to transform into an otherworldly, eldritch creature, transcending the boundaries of typical demonic imagery.


Its focus on magic emphasized a mastery over arcane forces, distinguishing it from the brute strength often attributed to traditional demon archetypes lacking devilish traits. This template hinted at a fusion of shadowy energies, abyssal essence, and eldritch power.


It had the standard eldritch mind breaking working hand in hand with more demonic aspects.


Now all I had to do was choose some debuffs to increase my level. Ideally, it would be a debuff which would have a net zero effect on me as my other abilities would provide a workaround for them.


I finally selected some of them after pondering for a while:


[Eldritch Deception: The individual is compelled to maintain a deceptive persona, making genuine relationships challenging.] For a good natured person, this would certainly be a negative but I did not mind this at all.


I myself was not the best of people and deception for my benefit was the norm. It went well with my eldritch theme as well.


[Veil of Tragedy: The individual is burdened with a tragic past, leading to emotional vulnerabilities and potential obstacles. Must be included in character background.]


I can indeed weave a good background if I take it into account that the world I am going to is that of the SCP foundation. I can weave some sob story that will help gain the protection of Nazarick's members even easier.


After all, how could they let the fact slide that a supreme being's offspring was suffering while they loafed around. A little suffering in fine for obtaining greater power. And I am not a masochist so I will certainly make sure to repay the ones who will cause my suffering in full and with interest.


I then selected debuff's like [Blindness] and [Curse of Ailments]. I did not need vision in order to 'see'. My senses would no longer be defined in the same way as I was a human. I could simply 'sense' what I wanted to see or read using my racial traits.


[Curse of Ailments] weakened my physical traits. It did not cause diseases as it was made to sound, but rather simply reduced my physical defence and attack stats but my magic related stats would increase as a trade-off. I am creating a level 100 character so I would still have a decently strong physique.


It would be a min maxed spell caster character with Nazarick's forces as my backing. Through my own efforts I can somehow increase my powers as I go along as well but for a beginning it would be decent.


Choosing the last debuff gave me a headache. The debuffs remaining were rather fatal such as [Limited Lifespan], [Amputated Limbs] or [Curse of Misfortune]. After looking through them, I begrudgingly made a hard choice.


It was [Debuff: Female]. It was the least deadly or inconvenient amongst all of the remaining debuffs and I could somehow reverse it in the future. But thinking about it, this debuff started bothering me lesser as time went on.


I was already dead for who knows how long and losing my sanity. Becoming a girl did not seem as bad in comparison. More importantly it would give me the power I desired. It would also be easier to manipulate people if they thought of me a 'pitiful' girl with a tragic past.


Yes, this was it. I finally started creating my character and it was time to write my backstory. So I got down to it immediately.


[Lilith Nyxshade is the player name of the account created by Tabula Smaragdina's daughter. Thanks to her father's expertise, she embarked on her virtual journey embodying the rare and mystical eldritch demon racial tree, a distinctive heteromorphic race in the gaming world.


She was not allowed to become one of the 41 members of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown to which her father belonged to due to the guild's rules, but was rather considered to be an honorary member.


She stayed until YGGDRASIL was shutdown on its last day only to end up in another world in the body of her in game character. In the earth-like world, she was apprehended by a group known as the SCP foundation with the aim of containing and possibly terminating her.


While it was not possible for the SCP foundation to immediately terminate her due to circumstances, they conducted a variety of horrific experiments on her in hopes of being able to counteract other anomalies upon witnessing her mystical powers.


The reason they were able to apprehend her was due to her true self being 'unconscious' or 'asleep' as a side-effect of her racial traits. The experiments lead to her becoming blind and a weakening of her physique.


A unique combination of her racial traits, circumstances and transmigration allowed her character's eldritch abilities to heighten to newer levels leading to her acquiring a new power.


This power would allow her to summon objects or individuals from across space and travel to other worlds herself. In her unconscious state she summoned the entirety of Nazarick and its residents to the world she is in by accident.


Upon finding out her situation, the ruler of Nazarick, Ainz Ooal Gown was furious and promptly decided to save her…]


That was the gist of the backstory I wrote. I also added some stuff like what other people would think of me. An example would be that Albedo won't view me as a threat or an enemy but would try to assume the role of an overprotective mother due to Tabula inputting something like this in her backstory.


Hey, a person could fear yanderes or find security in them. A yandere would remove all threats for you after all. And in this case she won't even view me romantically but in a mother with a sever daughter complex sort of way.


It would make it even easier to manipulate her. I made modifications to everyone else as well to varying degrees. Now all I had to see was the free perk that was mentioned:


[Soul:9602 will be allowed to gain the ability of dimensional travel mentioned in the backstory with certain restrictions and no extra variables created. The first summoning of Nazarick will be free.


Thereafter, soul:9602 will only be able to designate one individual to accompany on dimensional travels. The ability can be used once a month. Restrictions can be lifted with increase of power or soul:9602 finding an alternate method. Good luck on your journey!]


And before I could rejoice, my consciousness faded…



The MC's character sheet and stats will be shown in a future chapter