Symphony of Madness

Lilith PoV:


"~ …In shadows deep, where nightmares creep,

A melody of madness, a secret to keep.

Horrors whisper, people die,

In the cosmic void, where stars entwine.~


Thank you for your praise…Ehehe."


I smiled and gave a bow to the tentacles that were entranced by singing as they danced along. It was only appropriate that I returned the favour for keeping me entertained for so long. What better way to do so than singing a little tune of my own in the eldritch tongue? Especially, as my stay with them is coming to an end today. I wish I had a piano to play my self-created madness sonata that I had just thought up.


On the topic of singing, I am almost tempted to create my own 'unique' versions of lullaby's and spread them around the world for the fun of it. Imagine the beautiful scene of families going crazy just because they sung a 'harmless' little song. 


The difficulty in such a project lay in being able to give power to the words spoken themselves. I mean, if I sang such a tune, certainly it would have the intended effect but if an average human being sang it, it would hold no power.


They would simply be regular spoken words. Being able to give textual information permanent, everlasting power for any person using it or speaking it in any language. That was challenging. A good example would be the legendary Necronomicon.


Researching the creation of something analogous to the Necronomicon, granted a rather tame version, is a fascinating and thought provoking subject. The issue is my own understanding of my abilities.


My situation is essentially similar to Ainz right now. Ainz could use more than 700 hundred spells and effortlessly cast super-tier magic, but he did not know their workings. For him the use of magic was instinctual.


It's like using a computer program but not knowing the specifics of it. This was the difference between a person who could understand coding and person who could only use the result of said coding.


Needless to say, I had never even used magic prior to my reincarnation. The magic I do now is preinstalled into the very fabric of my existence and I can use the spells I do know with ease. But outside of these spells, I can't use any magic or abilities.


That is why I am intrigued with this idea of creating a pseudo-Necronomicon. I can call simply it Lilith's book of spells. No, it won't only contain spells so maybe an encyclopaedia? Or a grimoire? That's very magic-like. Well, I'll think of trivial stuff like this after my research actually succeeds.


I have realized that my current charming personality is due to a mixture of multiple factors. Not only was I most likely already clinically insane by human standards when I was stuck in the void, my [Eldritch Demon] race also definitely has a part in it.


As I had speculated earlier, my self-centred personality is still evolving into something different and my actions will determine the result. The sadistic aspects directly derive from the 'demon' part of my racial tree.


As for the rest, I figure that it is due to this title I obtained:


[Nyarlathotep's Blessed: You, an eldritch youngling, have managed to catch the attention of the Crawling Chaos. This fascination has resulted in the messenger of the outer gods granting you its blessings.


With this blessing you attract attention from the vast reaches of the cosmos due to having high hopes of ascending and becoming a prospective outer deity. As with everything, this attention is both positive as well as negative.]


[The blessing allows you to borrow Nyarlathotep's powers. Has been integrated into individual Lilith Nyxshade's skill tree. Further effects locked.] [Warning: Be warned of personality alteration due to high level of blessing] [Warning:….]


And after that was a slew of warnings. Essentially the main negatives were attracting more danger and my personality being altered, both of which did not bother me too much. Ever since I chose to be reincarnated, I was well aware that danger would swarm towards me in some shape or form.


If this blessing were to open me up to more power and opportunities, I would gladly take it. That is why I was fine with selecting a few debuffs to increase my power.


My personality becoming more extreme does not bother me in the slightest. I am not a human anymore and human standards don't apply to me. All that matters is myself. In that particular aspect, my personality has not changed at all ever since my previous life.


I have also seen some of the spells and abilities this blessing has provided me and I must say it's worth it. Even more so due to the fact that this blessing is interwoven with my existence and not limited to the abilities provided to me as a YGGDRASIL character.


The blessing will continue evolving as I keep increasing my power through different avenues. Now, onto the blessing itself. Nyarlathotep is frequently depicted as actively involving itself in human affairs.


It enjoys manipulating and deceiving humans, often causing madness, chaos, and destruction in its wake. Unlike some other cosmic entities that are indifferent to humanity, Nyarlathotep takes a more direct and malevolent interest in human affairs.


It has cults and followers who worship and serve it. These cults are often associated with dark rituals, madness, and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge.


Unlike some of the other Lovecraftian entities with fixed, describable forms, Nyarlathotep's ever-changing appearance adds to its mysterious and unsettling nature. All in all, Nyarlathotep is an oddity when compared to most other eldritch beings


And its nature is very much in line with my own personality as well as the [Eldritch Demon] template. If both of us were humans, then Nyarlathotep would have been the extremely popular actor or singer that me, the newer generation actor or singer, must aspire towards. Or in simple terms, a role model.


Anyway, with that out of the way, it is only a matter of time before Ainz shows up. I can feel the restraints holding me back weaking every second. It might even be a few more minutes by the time he makes an appearance.


Until then, I might as well look over my status sheet to see if I missed anything:


[Name: Lilith Nyshade

Racial Tree: Eldritch Demon

Race: Dreadlady

Level: 100

Title: Lady of Horror; Nyarlathotep's Blessed; Daughter of One of The Almighty Supreme Beings of Nazarick; One Who Has Peaked Beyond The Veil; Loved By Madness; @#@/?0/?'s Chosen One

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Sense of Justice: -350


Racial Level:

Voidspawn: 25

Shadowweaver: 15

Abyssal Horror: 10

Chaotic Archfiend: 10

Dreadlady: 5


Job Level:

Veil Shaper: 10

Mindbender: 10

Eldritch Sorcerer:10

Nyx: 5


Approximate Status:

HP: 50

MP: Exceeds Limit

Phy. Atk: 30

Phy. Def: 30

Agility: 35

Mag. Atk: 100

Mag. Def: 95



 Some of the titles were self-explanatory and gave appropriate descriptions of effects while others did not. For instance, this is the description for the title [Loved By Madness]:


[Your temperament is irresistible to the unhinged and the insane. The crazier an entity is, the more susceptible they are to your charm. Efficacy decreases with increasing sanity.]


In simple terms, a batshit crazy person like Albedo will easily find me irresistible but the effect won't be the same same on someone like Sebas. To a certain extent, the effects were understandable.


The same could not be said for the [One Who Has Peaked Beyond The Veil] title which read:


[If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. This title is awarded to those who have peaked beyond the veil of what should not be seen.] My gut feeling is that the title has something to do with my time in the void but nothing has been clearly stated. No effects have been displayed either.



*Stab* and *Thud* Blockbuster Sound Effects


The sounds of the few guards loitering around outside my cell brought my attention back to reality. As I used the reality sense to figure out what was going on, an undead had intruded into my containment area. It was not the much awaited Ainz but rather a death knight.


Regardless, it seemed that Ainz was close by. As the death knight finished thrashing those guards, it turned towards me. So I simply waved towards it and spoke:


"~Hi, it's a pleasant day today isn't it?" And then there was uncomfortable silence for a few moments before the knight turned around and left as it had come.


"H-hey, don't leave me without responding. How rude!" It seemed that the death knight was most definitely not having a pleasant day. Speculating where this particular death knight came from, it was easy to understand why. It most likely got its ass handed by Ainz, huh.


Anyway who cares about that bag of bones. What's important now is the fact that Ainz is likely around and on his way here. This means I can finally start my new life in the truest sense. Lilith is free!



~Resistance stat and Special Ability stat are not mentioned as I don't know the dynamics of how they work exactly. More of her spells and abilities will be explored as the story progresses instead of revealing all of them here. Hope you enjoyed reading!~