
The film "Hunger Games" not only swept across the screens of the United States, but soon found its way to Europe, screening in countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and France. The movie's popularity soared, quickly amassing a dedicated fan base.

Similarly, in Asia, the film received an overwhelmingly positive response, leading to a surge in the fan bases of both the movie and its stars.

Lucas Knight and Jennifer Lawrence basked in the limelight as their popularity reached new heights. Fans of Lucas Knight, in particular, were entranced by the young star's charisma.

These international admirers, though oceans apart, remained connected to their idol's life through the power of the internet, which proved to be a valuable source of updates and information.


May 2, 2012. UK, England, London. The Warner Bros. Pictures project, "Gravity," was about to commence filming.

The cameras were set to start rolling in a week's time, but the cast and crew were already hard at work at Pinewood Studios, shooting the early sequences of the film.

Lucas Knight, donning his heavy spacesuit, couldn't help but marvel at his co-stars: Chris Evans and his friend Paul, both clad in similar attire. The spacesuits were meticulous, high-quality replicas of the ones worn by NASA astronauts.

"Ohh, it's so uncomfortable inside..." Chris grumbled, struggling to walk in the bulky suit. Simple tasks like bending their arms or even turning their heads became herculean feats.

Chris's complaints were far from exaggerated; Lucas could attest to the discomfort. Every movement was a chore, and even the act of walking resembled a clumsy shuffle.

"Just think of the Oscars," Sandra joked, her voice muffled by the helmet. "This is what we sign up for, right?"

Lucas grinned as Paul complained, "I feel the pressure in this suit, especially around the joints. It's like I'm being squeezed."

"Well, it's necessary," Lucas responded, mimicking a jump before being thwarted by the suit's limitations. "It's all part of simulating the conditions of space..." He could relate to the discomfort, feeling a similar squeeze around his own joints.

The spacesuits, as it turned out, were true to their NASA counterparts, down to the built-in radios that allowed the cast to communicate. Their own breathing echoed in their ears, mixing with the static of their communication devices.

The restricted vision and isolating atmosphere inside the suit only added to the authenticity.

The only glaring flaw Lucas noticed in the replicated space suits was the oppressive heat inside. Sweat pooled at every crevice. He remembered his Mind Workshop experience, where he'd worn a space suit in a mental space that simulated the vacuum of space, and how it had been both warm and cool simultaneously.

Despite the suffocating heat, Lucas had to admit that the designers had come quite close to replicating a real spacesuit's authenticity.

Meanwhile, Sandra, Chris and Paul, wrestled their way out of the suffocating spacesuits. Rivulets of sweat streamed down their faces as the crew rushed to assist them, aprons in hand to soak up the perspiration.

Katrina and the others fared no better, with some barely lasting ten minutes. The crew, used to this by now, efficiently went about their work, assisting their sweaty stars out of the constricting suits.

Lucas, on the other hand, endured the heat for a full three hours. Sweat had long ago soaked through his shirt and shorts, plastering his clothes to his skin, yet he remained resolute. He wanted to understand what it felt like to be an experienced astronaut, to capture those subtle nuances that would make his performance believable.

Chris and Paul stared at him, awe-stricken. "How can you even breathe in that thing?" Chris asked, fanning himself with his shirt.

Lucas gave a wry grin, his voice muffled through the suit's speakers. "Practice, I guess."

Even Sandra, who initially thought him just a talented actor, reconsidered her thoughts, impressed by his drive and hard work.

After a thirty-minute break, Chris and Paul were the first to don their spacesuits, followed by Sandra and Katrina. With the help of the crew, they were once again sealed inside the stuffy suits.

"Hey, Lucas, you alright down there?" Paul's voice crackled through the radio as he tested his communications.

Lucas, already suited up and standing in the set doubling as the interior of the Hubble Space Telescope, continued to practice his movements, specifically gripping objects with the bulky gloves.

"I'm doing just fine." He waved a hand nonchalantly, his eyes focused on the task at hand.

"Dude, you better take a break, or you'll outshine the rest of us." Chris's voice was laced with both admiration and playful jealousy.

The other co-stars laughed, but Lucas remained serious, his thoughts far away.

Lucas's brows furrowed with concentration as he maneuvered in the cramped space, honing his movements in the bulky suit.

While he had rehearsed wearing a legitimate spacesuit in the zero-gravity environment of the Mind Workshop's simulated space, the experience of donning a prop suit on Earth was vastly different.

The pull of Earth's gravity and the added weight of the prop suit made even the simplest of tasks infinitely more challenging. If anyone had asked, Lucas would have said that floating around in space in a real spacesuit was a breeze compared to the gravitational resistance he faced now.

Chris, Paul, and the rest of the cast looked on, a mix of awe and amusement on their faces as Lucas continued to practice. It was clear that, when it came to dedication, Lucas Knight was in a league of his own.

Lucas's voice crackled through the radio, his breath coming in ragged pants, "Guys, don't worry about me. I can wear this suit for five hours, no problem."

Chris, Paul, and the others exchanged unbelieving glances. Rivulets of sweat trickled down their faces inside their suits, and they all knew they'd barely lasted thirty minutes.

Paul shook his head in disbelief, "No wonder he became so famous so quick..."

Chris mirrored his expression, "There's a reason for his fame, huh..."

Sandra and Katrina shared a knowing look, both thinking the same thing: "His talent was scary enough, yet combining it with hard work, he's a monster."

The cast members couldn't help but admire Lucas's determination. In their eyes, his status as a rising star, dubbed by fans as a superstar in the making, was well-deserved.

What impressed them even more was that, despite having creative power on the project and his rapidly growing fame, Lucas never acted entitled. Instead, he worked tirelessly to perfect his role, which earned him the respect and admiration of the entire crew.

Inspired by Lucas's dedication, his co-stars also tried their best to stay in their spacesuits and practice their astronaut movements for as long as they could. But even with their efforts, no one lasted more than an hour.

Director Alfonso was both impressed and worried about Lucas's endurance. He checked on him periodically, making sure the young actor wasn't pushing himself too hard.

After a take, Lucas removed his helmet, gasping for air as he gulped down water. Sweat soaked his shirt, but his eyes blazed with determination.

Alfonso put a hand on Lucas's shoulder, "I know you're committed, but you don't have to push yourself this much. It's okay to take breaks, you know."

Lucas wiped the sweat from his brow, a tired grin on his face, "I want to wear the suit for as long as I can. I need to be familiar with it so I can act more naturally. I don't want to look stiff on camera because I'm not used to the suit."

Alfonso knew there was no arguing with such dedication. He tried to convince Lucas to take more breaks, but in the end, he gave up with a helpless sigh.

As the days flew by, the cast and crew members began to understand how Lucas could deliver such quality performances in his indie films. His dedication to his craft was legendary.

Though focused on the project, Lucas never forgot to bond with his co-stars and crew. One time, he even pranked his friend Paul by secretly putting salt in his coffee.

Naturally, Paul couldn't let that slide and retaliated by spiking Lucas's lunch with Tabasco sauce. A prank war ensued between the two, with Chris, Sandra, and the rest of the cast caught in the crossfire.

Their pranks escalated each time, and no one was safe, not even the director, Alfonso.

One day, Lucas discreetly sprayed a fart spray on a microphone while "interviewing" a clueless Alfonso. Paul, who was recording with his phone, studiously hid his laughter as Lucas shoved the mic in Alfonso's face.

Alfonso's eyes watered, and he tried to maintain his composure, but eventually, he couldn't take it anymore. He recoiled, covering his nose as he realized it was a prank. The entire cast and crew roared with laughter when they watched the footage later on.

The video was a hit within the production team, but they all knew better than to leak it online. After all, they couldn't risk any leaks during the making of such a high-profile project.


Finally, after weeks of preparation, the cameras began rolling. Lucas and Sandra found themselves in their respective roles as astronauts Matt and Ryan, tethered outside the spacecraft, carrying out repairs. Their characters were receiving instructions from Houston on Earth, guiding and assisting them through their mission.

Suddenly, a distress call from Houston interrupted their work. A powerful and unprecedented solar flare was headed their way, and they had mere minutes to seek refuge in the spacecraft or risk being engulfed by the flare's lethal radiation.

Frantically, they rushed to the space shuttle, their hearts pounding in their chest-pieces, the sound of their breathing amplified in their helmets.

In the story, as they sealed the hatch behind them, the spacecraft shook violently as the flare hit. Static filled the communication channels with Houston, and then complete silence. Ten agonizing minutes passed before the characters realized the terrifying truth: the flare had caused irreparable damage to their spacecraft's systems, severing their communication to Earth.

Matt and Ryan, were now confined in the cramped quarters of the space shuttle with their fellow crew members, David (Chris Evans), Eric (Paul Sterling), and Anna (Katrina Law). The aftermath of the solar flare had rendered their communication systems useless and crippled other critical functions.

"I've never seen anything like this," Matt, with fear in his voice, said as he scanned the flickering monitors inside the space shuttle. "The space shuttle defenses were designed to withstand these kinds of flares, but this one, it's like nothing we've ever encountered."

The others exchanged worried glances, their faces illuminated by the dim emergency lights.

"Communications are down, and without a way to contact Earth, we're flying blind out here," Eric added, frustration creeping into his voice. "We have no way of knowing how long this flare will last, or how bad the damage is."