It's been a long time

Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel


Lucas sat in the dimly lit recording booth, staring blankly at the microphone in front of him. Although the filming of "Gravity" was over, his involvement with the project lingered on. Warner Bros. had hand-picked a backup singer to collaborate with him on the songs that would be featured in the film. He could still vividly recall the pressure-filled days spent on the set, but now, it was just him, the microphone, and the hauntingly beautiful instrumental arrangement of "Sound of Silence" playing through the headphones.

After days of relentless work, Lucas finally completed the song. Sitting alongside him, director Alfonso and the producers leaned in, anticipation heavy in the air as the music began to play. A hauntingly familiar melody filled the room, chills crawling up their spines as soon as the first line hit their eardrums.

"Hello darkness, my old friend," the deep voice crooned, almost as if it were seeping out of the speakers themselves, "I've come to talk with you again..."

The backup singers joined in, their harmonies sending shivers down everyone's spines. Lucas's voice, raw with emotion, continued to weave its melancholic tale.

"Because a vision softly creeping. Left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain," the haunting lyrics resonated with the listeners, "Still remains. Within the sound of silence..."

As the song progressed, the profoundly moving lyrics carved into their souls, perfectly encapsulating the film's themes of isolation and desperation. The scene that immediately came to mind was the heart-wrenching sequence where Lucas's character, stranded in the unforgiving void of space, grapples with his own sanity. Hallucinations plaguing his every waking moment, the song embodied the essence of the film's most harrowing moment.

The haunting melody echoed through the room, each note seeping into the very bones of those who listened. Lucas's voice drifted through the air, painting a vivid image of loneliness and isolation:

"In restless dreams, I walked alone. Narrow streets of cobblestone. 'Neath the halo of a street lamp. turned my collar to the cold and damp. When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light. That split the night. And touched the sound of silence"

The WB chief Jeff exchanged a knowing glance with Lucas, a ghost of a nod giving away his approval.

The song continued, Lucas's voice blending seamlessly with the harmonies of the backup singers:

"And in the naked light, I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more. People talking without speaking. People hearing without listening. People writing songs that voices never shared. And no one dared. Disturb the sound of silence."

The melancholy in the lyrics hung heavy in the air, each word striking a chord within the listeners' hearts:

"Fools" said I, "You do not know. Silence like a cancer grows. Hear my words that I might teach you. Take my arms that I might reach you. But my words, like silent raindrops fell. And echoed in the wells of silence."

As the song reached its poignant conclusion, the room fell into a reverential silence:

"And the people bowed and prayed. To the neon god they made. And the sign flashed out its warning. In the words that it was forming. Then the sign said, "The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls. In tenement halls". And whispered in the sound of silence."

The final note faded into the ether, leaving behind an audible hush. Applause erupted from the crowd, a testament to the power of the song and Lucas's haunting performance.

Alfonso, visibly moved, turned to Lucas and said, "The song is exceptional, my friend. Its truth cuts to the very core of the human condition, much like the endless expanse of space, where the only constant companion is the sound of silence."

Lucas glanced at Alfonso, a grin tugging at his lips. "I didn't know you were a philosopher, Alfonso."

Alfonso laughed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I've seen your video lecturing your fans at the 'Hunger Games' premiere, Lucas. You're quite the philosopher yourself."

Jeff joined in the banter, "Well, Lucas, you're from New York. New Yorkers are known for their... philosophical nature."

Lucas couldn't help but chuckle. "I was born in Los Angeles, though."

Jeff countered, "But you're living in New York now."

They shared a laugh before returning to the matter at hand.

A crew member leaned in close to Lucas. "You have another song to record. Is the studio paying you enough for this?"

Lucas chuckled, a knowing glint in his eye. "Well, I think," he said cryptically, leaving the others to wonder at the significant percentage of earnings from the film's songs that would find its way into his pocket.

After the moving performance of "The Sound of Silence," Lucas turned his attention to the next song: "Don't Look Back in Anger" by Oasis, a band that didn't exist in this world. Feeling the need to introduce the masterpiece to the world, he spent several days recording and fine-tuning the track for the film.

Finally, his work with Warner Bros. on the film project was complete.

Lucas met his agent, Vincent, who now resided in a palatial mansion in Beverly Hills. Vincent's astute investment in the company they founded together, "Uber," had paid off enormously. After selling most of his shares, he now lived a life of luxury, but he continued to work as an agent for Lucas and other IAA clients.

Lucas couldn't help but chuckle upon seeing Vincent, who was now sporting a sleek, straight hair and round sunglasses, "I almost didn't recognize you, Vincent. You sure you're still the Vincent I know?"

The man's hair, usually a mess, was now miraculously straight, and Lucas suspected a wig was involved. Vincent had also put on a bit of weight, likely enjoying the fruits of his labor.

Vincent grinned as he sipped his lemonade, "Of course. What do you think of my new digs?"

Lucas smiled, his eyes surveying the opulent surroundings, "Not bad for a guy who sold his shares in Uber. You do know the value could have gone even higher, right?"

Vincent laughed, "Here we go again, Mr. Business Mogul. Don't worry, I still have a few shares tucked away, and besides, now I have more time to focus on our other ventures."

Lucas chuckled, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Vincent had missed out on a golden opportunity. They continued their conversation, enjoying the lavish surroundings and catching up on each other's lives.

Vincent leaned back in his chair, sipping his lemonade. "So, Lucas, how about you? Thinking of buying a place here too? We could be neighbors, you know?"

Lucas chuckled and shook his head. "No, thanks. Renting's fine for me. Besides, I'd rather see my money going to a good cause than have it spent on extravagant things."

Vincent rolled his eyes dramatically. "Yeah, yeah. I know, Mr. Philanthropist. You're a breath of fresh air in this rotten world."

Lucas grinned. "Well, someone's gotta do it, right?"

Vincent's expression softened. "You've got a point there. Do you, Lucas. You're one of the few good ones left. Keep doing what you're doing."

Lucas nodded in appreciation. "Thanks, man. Speaking of our company, how much did we make?"

Vincent's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Oh, just a measly... tens of millions in a few months."

Lucas's jaw dropped, unable to hide his surprise. "Wow, really?"

Vincent clapped him on the back. "See, even with me spending my shares, we're still raking it in. We've created a monster, my friend! A profitable one at that."

. . .

"So... you're not going to donate most of it right away?" Vincent asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lucas shook his head. "No, I'll reinvest most of it in our other ventures. But I'll set aside some for the LK Charity, so we can help more people and hire more staff."

Vincent looked at him incredulously. "You're really something else, you know that, right?"

Lucas chuckled. "Well, I've gotta do something with the money, might as well put it to good use."

Vincent shifted gears, "Speaking of work, your manager, Neil, told me about the 'Modern Family' offer. They're offering 150k per episode for a short appearance. And since you're in-demand now, they probably won't feature you in most episodes."

He grinned wickedly. "I think your star power has surged too high, my friend. HBO must be glad your character's dying in season 3, huh?"

Vincent added with a smirk, "To be honest, I don't think you should continue being an actor, you already have money-"

Lucas rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but smile. "Vincent, you know I don't care about that. I am having fun being an actor. Besides, the money I earn from it can go into our business, and when it grows, I can use it to help those who need it more."

Vincent slapped him on the back. "I know, I know. You're a real humanitarian, Lucas. So, what's your next move? Back to New York or staying here in LA?"

Lucas pondered for a moment before answering, "Well, I definitely have more free time for at least two weeks. I think I'll relax and enjoy it."

After spending some time at Vincent's place, Lucas returned to New York, eager to see his old friends, Liza, Leo, Samantha, and the others. With his big pocket, he treated them all to a trip to Disneyland, including the kids with cancer from Bellevue Hospital.

Lucas couldn't deny how much he'd grown to care for those kids. It all started when Liza would bring him along to the hospital during their visits. Even now, Lucas would visit them whenever he had the chance.

Disneyland was no exception. He spent the entire day with the children, going on rides, buying them ice cream, and patiently listening to their stories. He didn't mind the stares or the occasional photo op with fans.

Over time, he also managed to maintain a long-distance relationship with Jennifer, albeit it was becoming increasingly difficult due to her busy schedule.

Finally, mid-August rolled around, and Lucas flew back to the West Coast for the "Modern Family" shoot.

Upon glancing through the script, Lucas noticed that his character's role was brief but significant. In a particular episode, he found a heavy reference to the Godfather, which piqued his interest.