
The Harvey Weinstein case had been a headline and talking point across the nation as the days went on. On the fourth day after the stunning verdict, there was still no sign of the hype dying down.

Late-night shows scrambled for content around it. Jimmy Fallon cracked on The Tonight Show, "Hey, you guys hear about this Lucas Knight guy? He just sent a big shot to jail. So I guess Lucas Knight really knows how to give an amazing performance — on any screen!"

On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert said wryly, "Harvey Weinstein's in prison because an actor spoke out about his behavior. … You know what they say: Sometimes the hero doesn't wear a cape — but does have an excellent attorney and a brother who'll spill everything."

Even in daytime Ellen DeGeneres couldn't resist bringing it up. "I had Lucas Knight on my show not long ago," she told her audience. "Who knew when he left here he'd be responsible for bringing down one of Hollywood's biggest monsters? Maybe instead of Lucas Knight we should start calling him Lucas Day, because he's certainly had his."


Lucas had just settled back into his New York apartment when there came a sudden banging at the door. He opened it to find Paul Sterling, his actor buddy, bouncing on his toes with excitement.

"Dude!" Paul yelped, enveloping Lucas in a bear hug. "You crazy bastard! Taking down Harvey Weinstein? That's nuts!"

Lucas laughed and hugged him back before leading him inside. "C'mon in, man. Good to see you."

Paul sank onto Lucas's couch and shook his head in wonder. "I can't even wrap my brain around it. One minute you're just another pretty face in Hollywood, the next you're this... this goddamn avenging angel or something."

Lucas grabbed two beers from the fridge and handed one to Paul. "Believe me, I'm still wrapping my own brain around it."

They clinked bottles, and then Paul leaned forward eagerly. "So spill: what was it like in that courtroom? Was Harvey as terrifying as they say?"

Lucas took a swig of his beer and thought for a moment. "You know?" he said finally. "Surreal doesn't begin to cover it. One minute I thought we were toast; next thing I knew Bob Weinstein was dropping bombs left and right."

As the night went on they traded more stories — wilder stories — until their laughter filled the apartment; amidst all the madness that had become his life lately, Lucas cherished this one brief night of ordinary.

"You know," Paul said some time later; he'd gone serious again without quite seeming to realize it himself yet — maybe he never would — "you did good, man. What you did... that took balls."

Lucas smiled at him then because what can he say to that but thank you?


The next day, Lucas's dwelling was filled with the lively chatter of comradeship as Liza and Samantha entered. They greeted him with hugs so tight they could have strangled a bear and excited babble.

"Lucas, I still cannot believe what you did," said Samantha shaking her head in disbelief. "It is like a movie."

Liza nodded her head up and down. "You always surprise me but this one takes the cake."

They moved into the front room and conversation flowed freely. Samantha shared her new music composition ideas eagerly; her eyes lighting up while she described how complex some of the melodies were.

During a pause in the talk, Liza looked at Lucas with gentle eyes. "So when do you think you can come see the kids at Bellevue? They've been asking about you."

Lucas' face lit up when he heard them mention the children. "How are James, Jonathan, Marian, Nicole… all of them?"

A grin spread across Liza's face. "They're doing great Lucas! Your LK Charity has paid for all their treatments and we're seeing some really good signs!"

Lucas let out a sigh of relief that could've extinguished a candle before visibly relaxing his shoulders. "That's… that's amazing news Liza… You don't know how happy I am to hear that…"

Liza reached across squeezing his hand tight. "Your charity is a godsend Lucas… It was awful of Harvey to try and smear that good work."

Samantha nodded hard enough to give herself whiplash. "Seriously though Lucas… Not just Harvey but what you did with your charity too... It's changing things for real."

Lucas choked back tears as he thought about what his friends had said and imagined those poor kids getting better. "I'm- I'm just glad I can help … Those kids are the real heroes..."

He struggled to hold back tears while Liza and Sam playfully teased him.

"Aw, look at our big Hollywood hero crying," Sam grinned.

Liza joined in, "Who knew taking down Harvey Weinstein would make you so soft?"

Lucas chuckled and wiped his eyes. "Oh, shut up you guys. I'm allowed to have feelings."

Laughter filled the room–a moment of levity after everything that had happened. But then Lucas' phone rang, and his face grew serious as he checked the caller ID.

"Sorry guys, I have to take this," he said as he left the room.

"Hello Bob," Lucas answered, his voice low.

Bob's greeting came through the phone tinged with a sadness that Lucas could almost feel. Sensing where Bob's emotional state was, Lucas didn't pry; instead he simply asked "How are you holding up?"

Bob sighed heavily. "It's… it's been tough, Lucas. The company is furious with me. Seems like the whole industry is pushing me away. I knew there would be consequences but…"

Lucas set his jaw determinedly. "Listen, Bob. You did the right thing and I'm not going to let you face this alone. I've got some connections in production companies who are looking for experienced executives–let me make some calls and see if I can get some meetings set up for you."

"You'd do that?" Bob's voice was full of surprise and gratitude.

"Of course," answered Lucas firmly. "You risked everything for what was right; all I'm doing is making sure you land on your feet."

As they continued talking, Lucas' mind was already racing with industry contacts whom he could reach out to.

Lucas came back into the living room with a thoughtful look on his face. Liza and Sam looked at him expectantly, but he only shook his head slightly, indicating that he wasn't ready to talk about the call yet.

As the afternoon dragged on and their visit drew to a close, Lucas walked them to the door. Just as they were about to leave, he turned to Liza with an apologetic expression.

"Liza, about visiting the kids…" He started, running his hand through his hair. "I think I might have to put it off for a bit."

Her face fell slightly, but she nodded in understanding. "Because of all this attention you're getting right now?"

He sighed. "Yeah. My name is pretty hot at the moment - I don't want to bring a media circus down on that hospital. Those kids need some peace and quiet."

Sam slapped him on the shoulder. "Always thinking about others, huh?"

Liza smiled softly. "They'll understand, Lucas. Maybe we can set up a video call or something in the meantime?"

"That's a great idea." He brightened up again. "Let's plan for that – and as soon as everything dies down a little bit I swear I'll show up there myself."


Seven days after the Harvey scandal erupted, Lucas observed that the noise was starting to die down. At least in New York. He figured he should get back to work.

The moment he stepped outside his apartment, a small mob of paparazzi rushed at him, cameras flashing. Jack and Simon, his bodyguards, moved to intercept them without missing a beat.

"Mr. Knight, any comments on the Weinstein case?"

"Lucas, over here!"

Lucas ignored the shouted questions and gave a little wave to a few star-struck bystanders who obviously recognized him but kept their distance.

"You all right, sir?" Jack asked as they reached the car.

Lucas nodded. "Yeah, thanks guys. Not as bad as I thought."

He slipped into the car; Shawn was waiting for him inside. Without a word from either of them, Shawn pulled away from the curb — he knew exactly where they were going next: Some discreet little place in Midtown where Lucas was set to meet with the CEO of Big Machine Records.

As they drove along, Lucas stared out the window at all those big-city skyscrapers passing by — but really he was thinking about this upcoming meeting. His first time coming face-to-face with this CEO guy. 'I wonder what they've got planned for me…'

He'd worked with different artists before — different producers — but who did they have in mind this time? And then there were these new songs of his … still unpublished … that could potentially go on his next album.

They weren't far from the building now; Lucas straightened his jacket and started mentally preparing himself for what lay ahead.

Lucas moved into the eatery. His eyes settled on the dark, beautiful inside of the restaurant. At one of the corner tables, he saw Scott Borchetta, Big Machine Records' CEO. As he approached, Scott got up from his seat.

"Hi Lucas," he said with a friendly but professional tone and shook his hand.

Lucas shook it back just as firmly. "Thanks for meeting me, Scott."

They both sat down and a waiter appeared almost immediately.

"Good to see you," Scott began leaning forward slightly once they had ordered their drinks. There was a hint of smile on his face. "I appreciate you coming in especially given all the… excitement of the past week."

Lucas nodded with neutral expression on his face. "It's good to focus on the music again."