
Robert broke the silence with a chuckle, looking at Lucas with a mix of admiration and relief. "You really got into it, kid. For a second there, I thought you might actually kill me," he joked, his voice still slightly shaky from the intensity of the scene.

Lucas smiled, a hint of shyness creeping back into his demeanor as he stepped out of the Joker's skin. "Sorry if I scared you, Mr. De Niro. I guess I got a bit carried away," he replied.

A short while later, they moved to the monitor to review the scene.

As they watched, Lucas was struck by the duality of his performance. In the beginning, the Joker seemed almost playful, desperately trying to fit in despite his unsettling appearance and behavior. There was a moment where it seemed like redemption might be possible.

But as the scene progressed, Lucas saw the shift. The lighthearted atmosphere gradually darkened, tension building until it exploded into the shocking act of violence on live TV. The contrast was jarring, even to him.

After watching the scene, Robert patted Lucas on the shoulder, his eyes filled with admiration. "Kid, you're part of a new breed of actors. The real deal. Method acting taken to a whole new level."

Lucas smiled, a hint of color rising to his pale cheeks. "Coming from you, Mr. De Niro, that means the world. I'm truly flattered."

Robert's gaze lingered on Lucas's gaunt frame, concern mixing with his praise. "I've got to say, though, I still think you're pushing it too far with this weight loss. Are you sure you can bounce back to that heartthrob physique the girls are crazy about?"

Lucas chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't worry, Mr. De Niro. I've done this before, though not quite to this extreme. I thinned down for a cancer patient role once. I'll be back to my old self in no time after we wrap."

Todd, overhearing their conversation, chimed in with a grin. "If you bounce back that fast, we'll have to start calling you the second Christian Bale."

The crew members around them erupted in laughter.

"Lucas Bale," Robert quipped, joining in on the joke.

Without missing a beat, Lucas shot back, "Is that you talking, or is Murray still in there somewhere?"

The set filled with laughter once more, the tension from the intense scene finally dissipating. As the laughter died down, the crew began saying their goodbyes to Robert, his part in the film now complete.

Lucas watched as Robert De Niro made his rounds, a sense of admiration and satisfaction settling over him. Despite the brief time they had worked together, Lucas had to admit he'd had a blast acting alongside the legendary actor.

He couldn't help but marvel at how seamlessly Robert had played along with his improvisations - from the playful beckoning behind the curtain to their impromptu ballet dance. Robert's willingness to go with the flow and embrace the unexpected had elevated their scenes together.

As Lucas replayed the dance scene in his mind, a chuckle escaped him. The image of the Joker twirling Robert De Niro around like a princess was both goofy and genuinely hilarious. It added an unexpected layer of levity to the film, a moment of absurd comedy amid the growing darkness.

Yet, that lightness was quickly overshadowed by the chilling realization that this same Joker would later kill Murray on live television. The juxtaposition of the comical dance and the brutal murder sent a shiver down Lucas's spine, and he noticed similar reactions from crew members who were discussing the scene.

This stark contrast, Lucas realized, was exactly what made the Joker such a compelling and terrifying character.

The ability to shift from playful mischief to cold-blooded violence in an instant was what made him truly unpredictable and dangerous.


The production had shifted to Newark for one of the film's pivotal scenes. Lucas, now adorned with makeup, sat in the police car, ready to bring the Joker's chaotic journey to its climax.

As he gazed out the window, Lucas let out occasional bursts of laughter, perfectly timed with the car's abrupt stops. The crew worked efficiently, preparing the scene where the truck would collide with the police vehicle.

After a brief cut, filming resumed with the riot scene in full swing. Extras, playing the part of chaos-embracing citizens, swarmed the police car. Lucas felt their hands grabbing at him as they pulled him through the open window, his body limp yet responsive to their touch.

Lucas portrayed the Joker's disorientation masterfully. He coughed, his face smeared with fake blood, as he sat against the wrecked police car. Slowly, he lifted his gaze to the crowd before him, their cheers growing louder as they recognized their unlikely hero.

As Lucas rose to his feet, he felt a surge of complex emotions coursing through him. There was Arthur's desperate longing for acceptance, finally being fulfilled. But there was also the Joker's twisted satisfaction at the chaos he had unleashed.

The adoration from the crowd was palpable, and Lucas let it wash over him. He basked in their cheers, their outstretched hands reaching for him. But even as he reveled in this moment, a sobering thought crossed his mind: these people weren't embracing Arthur Fleck, the failed comedian and social outcast. They were celebrating the Joker, the agent of chaos and symbol of their collective rage.

As the scene unfolded, Lucas felt a profound shift within himself. Arthur's lingering presence finally melted away, fully embracing the Joker persona. It was a rebirth, a transformation complete.

Surrounded by the cheering crowd, Lucas allowed a genuine smile to spread across his face. He began to dance, his movements elegant and fluid, in stark contrast to the chaos around him. The Joker's grace amidst the mayhem was haunting and beautiful.

Suddenly, Lucas felt the trickle of blood from his nose - a planned detail in the scene. Without hesitation, he brought his hand to his face. Instead of wiping the blood away, he smeared it across his lips and cheeks, creating a gruesome, extended smile.

In that moment, Lucas could hear the merged thoughts of Arthur and Joker echoing in his mind:

"They adore me. Finally, they understand. I'll teach them all to smile in the face of adversity, to laugh as the world crumbles around us. This beautiful chaos... it's all because of me. We'll dance together on the ashes of their old world, and they'll thank me for it. Every broken smile, every manic laugh - it's a tribute to the truth I've shown them. The joke that is our existence."

The intensity of these thoughts sent a chill down Lucas's spine, even as he continued to embody the Joker's triumphant moment.

Lucas raised his arms in victory, his blood-smeared smile a chilling testament to the Joker's complete dominance over both Arthur and the city he had set ablaze.

As the crowd continued to cheer, Todd watched the scene unfold with a sense of pride and excitement.

He had meticulously placed Easter eggs throughout the background of the riot scene, including a subtle countdown hidden in various elements. It was Lucas's idea initially, but even without him, Todd will still do it anyway, feeling it added an extra layer of depth to the film.

These hidden details, carefully woven into the fabric of the chaos, silently told the story of Arthur's final transformation into the Joker. Todd knew that these subtle touches would keep audiences engaged and discussing the film long after its release, dissecting each frame for hidden meanings and clues.

As he observed Lucas fully embodying the Joker, dancing atop the police car with his blood-smeared smile, Todd felt goosebumps rise on his arms. The level of immersion Lucas had achieved was both impressive and slightly unsettling.

The energy of the scene was electric, with extras playing rioters, the carefully placed details, and Lucas's chilling performance all coming together in a perfect storm of controlled chaos.

After what felt like an eternity, Todd finally called "Cut!" The word hung in the air for a moment before the spell was broken, and the set erupted into applause and cheers.

With that final, powerful scene, the filming project known as "Romeo" had come to an end after weeks of intense work.

Lucas exhaled deeply as crew members helped him down from the police car. He spotted Neil approaching and nodded in acknowledgment.

Neil greeted him with a mix of relief and humor, "I'm glad you're finally done filming this. I've been feeling uncomfortable seeing you as Joker. Kept thinking you might kill me in my sleep."

Lucas chuckled, his voice still carrying a hint of the Joker's rasp, "Don't worry, Neil. I save my murderous tendencies for on-screen only."

After they moved to a quieter spot, Lucas asked Neil about the outside world, admitting he'd been out of touch for weeks.

Neil laughed, "You don't know? According to various articles, you've died of some mysterious illness or accident on the set of 'Romeo'."

Lucas shook his head, amused. "Then I guess you're talking to a ghost."

"No," Neil quipped, "I'm pretty sure I'm talking to the Joker."

Lucas smiled, slipping into character for a moment, "Stop it, Batman. Joker is already resting in the depths of my mind. He's in slumber, waiting to be awakened in Joker 2."

Neil groaned playfully, "Oh? You still think Joker project will have second part? I kind of hope not."

Lucas chuckled, the sound a mix of his normal laugh and the Joker's manic giggle. The joke about a sequel hung in the air between them, both aware of the impact this film could have and the possibilities it might open up.

As they continued to chat, Lucas felt the weight of the character slowly lifting from his shoulders. He was ready to step back into his own skin, but a small part of him knew that the Joker would always be there, lurking in the recesses of his mind, ready to emerge if called upon again.




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