The future

The moment hung between them as Lucas and Jennifer stared at each other, until at last, Lucas broke the silence.

Lucas smiled nostalgically. "Yeah, me too," he said softly.

There was a moment of comfortable silence before Lucas spoke again. "By the way, you're looking different. That outfit really suits you," he said, gesturing to her stylish ensemble.

Jennifer chuckled, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "Thanks. It's all thanks to my glam team working on my appearance every day."

"Oh, those, huh..." Lucas nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "You know, thinking about it, in all my career, I've never had a team like that. I just decide what I wear myself."

Jennifer laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "That's the mystery about you, Lucas. Despite not having a team to decide your everyday look, the fashion magazines still admire your style." She leaned in conspiratorially, adding, "Some of my colleagues have asked me about who's on your team. When I tell them you don't have one, they can't believe it."

Lucas shook his head, chuckling. "Honestly, who even needs those teams anyway?" Then, catching himself, he looked at Jennifer with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, sorry. You have teams," he teased.

Jennifer snorted, playfully swatting his arm. "Not everyone has taste in clothing as good as yours, Lucas. Some of us mere mortals need a little help."

They both laughed, the earlier tension melting away. Lucas leaned back, a warm smile on his face. "Well, I guess I should be flattered. But really, it's not that hard. You just wear what feels comfortable and looks decent."

Jennifer raised an eyebrow. "Says the guy who somehow always looks like he just stepped off a runway."

Lucas grinned. "What can I say? It's a gift."

Their laughter filled the apartment, a reminder of the easy companionship they'd always shared. As the night wore on, they found themselves slipping back into their old rhythms, talking and joking as if their "break" had never happened. It felt good, natural, and both of them silently wondered why they'd ever thought they needed time apart.


A few days later, Lucas and Jennifer were spotted again in New York. The media and people who had been speculating about a potential break-up due to their prolonged time apart and their seemingly distant behavior at the Oscars were immediately silenced.

"I knew those news stories about Lucifer breaking up were fake," one fan tweeted enthusiastically.

Another chimed in, "I never believed the media these days. They just wanted to stir up drama for clicks."

Despite the positivity from the 'Lucifer' fans (the popular nickname for Lucas and Jennifer's relationship), some haters were still finding ways to criticize.

"I've noticed a change in Jennifer's face. I think she had surgery," one skeptic commented on a gossip site.

"Yeah, I think so too," another agreed.

"Lucas too, he looks handsome all the time. I bet he's had surgery to maintain his appearance. Maybe even enhancing it as he looks more gorgeous than ever," a third chimed in.

The fans were quick to defend their idols:

"Are you kidding? Jennifer's face hasn't changed at all. She's just naturally beautiful," one supporter argued.

Another fan jumped in, "And Lucas? Come on. The guy's been blessed with good genes. No surgery needed when you look like that naturally."

"Some people just can't accept that others are naturally attractive," a third fan added. "Not everyone needs surgery to look good, you know."

The debate raged on in comment sections and social media platforms, with fans and critics alike analyzing every photo and video of the couple.


Meanwhile, Lucas bid farewell to Jennifer after a few days of bonding. Now alone, he found himself diving into research on Netflix's current and upcoming projects.

As he scrolled through articles and reports, Lucas reflected on the future of the entertainment industry. He knew that in the coming years, major studios would increasingly rely on familiar formulas and franchises to guarantee profits. The rise of superhero movies was just the beginning.

Lucas could already see it happening - popular actors like Ryan Reynolds, Chris Pratt, and Scarlett Johansson were being cast in comic book adaptations. Even talented dramatic actors like Benedict Cumberbatch and Brie Larson would soon join the superhero craze.

While Lucas enjoyed these films, he understood that this trend would eventually lead to a saturation of similar content. He knew that Netflix would play a significant role in the future of entertainment.

Netflix wasn't bound by the same constraints as traditional studios. They could take risks, experiment with new formats, and give creators more freedom.

Lucas remembered reading about a Korean filmmaker who had been struggling to get his unique project off the ground.

The creator of what would eventually become "Squid Game" was likely still facing rejection after rejection, unable to find anyone willing to take a chance on his unconventional idea. Lucas could imagine the frustration and determination of the creator, holding onto a story he believed in despite years of setbacks.

Thinking about it, Lucas felt the urge to visit Netflix's offices. After all, as a significant investor, he had a certain level of access and influence. He wondered if there might be projects he could support or invest in directly.

Lucas pulled out his phone and dialed his financial advisor. "Hey, it's Lucas. Quick question - as an investor in Netflix, what kind of say do I have in their projects?"

After a brief conversation, Lucas learned that while he couldn't directly greenlight projects, he did have the ability to set up meetings with Netflix executives and pitch ideas or express interest in certain types of content. His status as a major investor and his reputation in the industry could potentially carry weight in these discussions.

"Interesting," Lucas mused. "Could you set up a meeting for me with someone high up in their content division?"


Meanwhile, at Netflix's content division in Los Angeles, Ted Sarandos, Chief Content Officer of Netflix, and his team were having their usual Monday morning meeting. They were discussing potential new series and reviewing audience data when Sarandos assistant, Emily, burst into the room, looking flustered.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," she said, catching her breath, "but I just got a call from the investor relations department. Apparently, Lucas Knight wants to set up a meeting with you."

The room fell silent for a moment before erupting into confused murmurs.

"Wait, Lucas Knight?" one of the content managers asked. "Like, the actor Lucas Knight?"

Emily nodded, "Yes, that Lucas Knight. Apparently, he's a major investor in Netflix."

Sarandos leaned forward, his brow furrowed in surprise. "Lucas Knight is an investor? How did we not know about this?"

Another team member chimed in, "Are we sure this isn't some kind of prank?"

Emily shook her head, "No, it's been confirmed. His financial team reached out directly to our investor relations department."

The room buzzed with excitement and confusion. Lucas Knight was not only a major star but also known for his business acumen. The fact that he was interested in meeting with them sent waves of anticipation through the group.

Sarandos took a deep breath, trying to process this unexpected turn of events. "Okay," he said, addressing the room, "let's not get ahead of ourselves. Emily, please set up the meeting. And someone get me all the information we have on Lucas Knight's investment in Netflix. I want to be fully prepared for this."

As the meeting adjourned, the content team couldn't help but speculate about what Lucas Knight might want to discuss. This unexpected development had just made their week a lot more interesting.

As the team filed out of the meeting room, excited chatter filled the air.

"What could Lucas Knight possibly want to meet with us about?" Sandra, one of the content managers, wondered aloud.

Mark, a data analyst, shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe he wants to make sure his investment is in good hands? Check if we're doing a good job growing the company and his money?"

"Or perhaps he's interested in starring in one of our original series?" Jessica, a development executive, suggested hopefully.

"Come on," laughed Tom, another content manager. "A star like Lucas Knight? He's probably too busy with big-budget films to consider a Netflix series."

The speculation continued as they walked back to their desks.

"What if he's looking to produce something?" Sarah mused. "He's got that production company, right?"

Mark shook his head. "Nah, he's probably just doing his due diligence as an investor. You know, checking in on operations, that sort of thing."

Despite their enthusiastic guessing, none of them came close to imagining that Lucas might want to influence and invest more in their current and future projects. They weren't prepared for the possibility that a major Hollywood star might have specific ideas about content direction or be interested in actively shaping Netflix's project pipeline.


Lucas arrived at the Netflix headquarters, where he was greeted warmly by the staff. As he made his way through the lobby, he was surprised to see Reed Hastings, the co-founder and CEO, approaching him with an outstretched hand.

"Mr. Knight," Hastings said, grinning broadly. "I've always wanted to meet you. Welcome to Netflix."

Lucas shook his hand, returning the smile. "Likewise. I've been looking forward to meeting the CEO of the company that beat Blockbuster at their own game."

Hastings let out a hearty laugh. "Well, it's their fault for not buying my company when they had the chance. They even had the nerve to laugh us out of the room back then."

Lucas chuckled, appreciating the irony. "I guess he who laughs last, laughs best, right?"

"Indeed," Hastings agreed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But enough about ancient history. I hear you're here to meet with our content team?"

Lucas nodded. "That's right. I'm excited to see what you all have in the works."

"Well, we're thrilled to have you here," Hastings said. "Ted Sarandos, our CCO, and his team are waiting for you upstairs. I'm sure they'll be eager to hear your thoughts."

As they walked towards the elevators, Hastings added, "You know, we were quite surprised to learn that you're interested in our current projects and content strategy. It's not often we get Hollywood A-listers taking such an active interest in our operations."

Lucas smiled mysteriously. "Let's just say I have a good feeling about the future of streaming. I'm looking forward to discussing some ideas with your team."

Hastings raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Now you've really piqued my curiosity. I might just have to sit in on this meeting myself."