Disney Castle

After a few days of resting and visiting your fellow fore-tellers, You felt strong enough to travel. You enjoyed your resting however, your friends cheered you up and you helped with their duties to pass the time. You'd visit Luxu and talk about small things. At one point, you even had a bunch of Chirithys together and kicked a ball of light around. Afterwards, you'd go back to your room and rest. 

You tried summoning your key-blade once more, successfully doing so and admiring its luminescent beauty. "I missed you, key-blade." Somehow, summoning them felt different. You felt more powerful, and felt like there was more you could do. 

It seemed to twinkle in response, causing you to smile a little. Chirithy appeared on your shoulder. "Master! Are you ready to travel again?" 

"Yeah, I miss my friends. but..." You frowned for a moment. You didn't want to go through those memories or visions again. You wanted to be extra careful from then on. You still wasn't sure what it showing you exactly. You glanced at your key-blade. You felt it was watching you in warning. "I'll keep my distance a bit. Play the mystery card, right?"

"If you're OK with that, master." Chirithy nodded. "I'll be with you the entire time, so you won't feel alone!"

"Thanks, Chirithy. You're the best." You smiled happily and pulled him into a hug. After hearing him squeal, you held out your keyblade and watched the light grow around you.

When the light died down, you glanced around your surroundings, eyes widening at the wonderful structure a castle made out of a large bush? You smiled in an endearing, amused way. Chirithy climbed over your shoulder. "Its really well made!"

"Where are we Chirithy?" You asked, glancing around the room which you realize was a garden. 

"We're currently in a world called Disney Castle!" Chirithy said. You hummed in appreciation of the beautiful garden, when you suddenly heard voices. "Oh!" 

By instinct, you held out your keyblade and activated some magic. You were then covered in a mystical veil. "There... now we can watch without being seen." You murmured. 

"Look!" Chirithy pointed towards some heartless that began to form from the ground. You jumped away from the area to avoid being detected. "There's heartless in this world!"

"No kidding." You nearly glared, when you spotted Sora burst through the doors of the bush castle. Your eyes widened. 'Sora?! He's ok!'

"There's heartless here! Come on you guys!" Sora called out to some new friends you have yet to meet. 

"Yeah yeah! We're coming!" Said the scratchy voice of a duck. 'A talking duck? Should I be surprised?'

"Wait for me!" Said another. Their voice sounded wacky, nearly causing you to chuckle. "I'm coming to help too!"

"You're so slow goofy!" Said the duck, as he waved his wand at the heartless.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Sora laughed at the two, slashing away some heartless. "Use that energy for the heartless you guys!"

You smiled at him. His eyes were as bright as ever. You felt his heart was full of light. Chirithy noticed your smile. "Sora seemed to have grown a lot huh?"

"Yeah. I miss him." You nearly wanted to tear. You held back however, and watched as they finished getting rid of the heartless. "Let's see what they'll be up to."

Sora and his new friends gathered before the castle. "looks like the Heartless are running around the castle. Let's go check on Queen Minnie." 

"Yeah! And Daisy too!" The duck quaked. You didn't think you would get used to his voice. 

"Hyuck! Let's go then!" Goofy nodded and followed his friends through the castle doors. 

You followed after the trio, watching them fight heartless. You were impressed at their abilities, the duck's magical spells, Goofy's shield... You were most impressed with Sora however. He expertly used his keyblade, reminding you of Ventus. You couldn't help the fond smile on your face. Chirithy was also impressed, as you both stood in the shadows. "Wow! He's doing really well with the keyblade! Its great to see other keyblade wielders outside of daybreak town."

"Yeah." You nodded in agreement. 

You continued to follow the trio down the castle halls, when Sora suddenly turned around. You flinched, feeling his eyes almost bore into yours. The duck quaked in surprise. "What's with you Sora?!"

"Yeah, you seem all fidgety all of sudden..." Goofy tilt his head, holding up shield. "Is it more heartless? I don't see any..."

"It's not that. Haven't you guys felt like... we're being followed?" Sora continued to look your way, even though he couldn't see you. "I keep feeling like there's eyes on my back or something..."

"I don't feel anything!" The duck crossed his arms.

"Me neither." Goofy shook his head.

"Huh, I guess I'm just imagining things..." Sora rubbed his head with a confused frown. You couldn't help giggling at his face. 

"Get your head out of the clouds Sora! We're on a mission here!" The duck knocked him on the head.

"Ow! Donald, I know that!" Sora whined, rubbing his head. 

Chirithy chuckled with you. "They're a lively bunch!"

"I agree!" You covered another giggle. Still, to think Sora can feel your presence...

The trio entered a library and you quickly slipped in, staying in the back. However, you couldn't help moving closer to see the small figure before them. You gasped. "Oh what a cute little mouse in dress!"

"Your majesty!" Donald saluted the figure known as Queen Minnie. 'So she's Queen Minnie, what an adorable queen!'

As the trio conversed with the queen, you spoke with your Chirithy. "Hey Chirithy, is it just me, or can Sora feel my presence?"

"I've been wondering the same thing, master. I don't think he can fully feel your presence exactly. Its faint, but its enough for him to know that 'something' is around him. I don't think he understands or knows 'what' or 'who' is watching him though." Chirithy explained. You began to wonder as he continued. "I think because you met him briefly at one point, he can feel you in a way. You're in his heart, or his memories to be exact, to at least remember what you're like."

"You think so?" You looked back at the group as they prepared to escort the queen to the 'audience chamber'. 'Does Sora even remember you?'

You decided to it was best to travel and check on other worlds as they walked past you. As you summoned your keyblade, Sora had walked through you like the ghost you were. It felt weird to you, yet Sora stopped briefly right behind you as if he felt the same thing. You returned his gaze when he looked behind him, just as your keyblade began to glow. Your eyes met his, and his widen as if he could actually see you. 'Could he-?'

"You-!" Sora gasped, before you disappeared in a flash.