A Dark Day for Russia

Today I turned eight, you'd think that would be a day of celebration but it seems fate is quite cruel.

A week ago my grandma came with the flu, something that was deadly to a healthy human being so you can imagine how it would affect a 52 close to 53-year-old woman, I thought I could buy my grandma a few more years with my modern advice yet death decided only a year was her bought time.

I entered the room and what greeted me wasn't the healthy and hale grandma 2 weeks ago but a woman on her last legs.

My grandma had dismissed everybody in the room and it was only me and her left, my grandma tried sitting up but I forced her back down, she's so weak that it wasn't much of a challenge for my little eight-year-old body.

I soon heard her raspy voice, the same voice that was so powerful so recently, time can be a cruel lady to bring a woman from her highest to her lowest in so little time. "Heh, my idiot grandson visited me before my idiot son, what an ungrateful child, well Paul what brings you to see me, your weak grandma can't even fight off a cold, divine right my ass, if the royal family was blessed by God we wouldn't be laid so low by the common cold".

I promised myself that I wouldn't be attached to her as she wasn't my real grandma and I knew she was going to die soon, but human emotions are weird, here I am with tears welling in my eyes, my fists clutching the bedsheets and biting my lips is causing some metallic taste in my mouth but that doesn't matter now my brain is just too focused on the fact that this might be last moment with her.

"Why are you sad Paul? Death comes for us all and just consider my dying as a course of nature. Ah, it is a shame that I won't get to see my great-grandchildren" my grandmother lamented.

"*Cough Cough*, ah that hurt, Paul I'll give you one last gift of mine, just consider it a grandmother spoiling her grandchild one last time, I see the looks you send Alexei and I have decided that he will serve you to his best of his abilities, a tip for you, the man while not evil or good is a pragmatic man, and do make sure your father doesn't do stupid decisions. Truly a shame you weren't born a few 10 years earlier", with that my grandmother went back to sleep.

Letting go of my grandmother's hand I slowly stood up and reached for the door, but before I left I sent a last glance to my grandmother, God willing she will survive this.

However, it seemed God did not listen to my pleas. The next day 4 am, my grandmother dies while in her sleep, a peaceful way to go for a woman who lived a life of hardships.