the resistance

The five figures then descended softly to the ground seeing the fight was now over, they then treaded to where Atlanta was. Flora quickly got down on her knees, checking up on Atlanta.

"S-she's still alive!" Flora shouted turning Atlanta around. She was surprised how she was still alive, as her heart was still beating but slowly.

"We have to leave now, the hunters will soon send reinforcements." Gin a bald head man in his early twenties uttered.

"Saber carry her, gin you carry sole. we're taking them to headquarters." Zero uttered with a calm expression, his interest in Atlanta growing the more. She just joined the resistance about two years ago, but she'd somehow managed to kill a lv 4 hunter.

"A-are you sure, we should take her to the resistance HQ? I mean we're not sure about her yet, she might be a spy for all we know." Saber suspiciously stared at her, he didn't trust her a bit as her newfound powers scared him the more.

"Spy or not she's one of us, and we stick together no matter what."


"Don't worry I'll take full responsibility myself." Zero said and saber didn't argue any further, lifting her up placing her on his shoulder. The four then leapt to to incredible heights with their advanced battle suits, which heightened all their movements more.

Shaking his head zero crouched down inspecting kobal, touching his metal robotics compartments he could feel it's toughness, as it was made of some really hard metal.

'You don't see something like this everyday.' Zero chuckled softly shaking his head.

'We just might have a chance.' He smiled, leaping on the many containers heading away.

The five then made their way to the outskirts of elite city, very far away from the hunters checkpoint at the entrance of elite city. There was nothing but plain fields, filled with scarpes of pieces of machines compartments, robots, cyborgs, cars, etc. They then went to a particular section on the north wing, where various damaged cars were towed up together.

Moving through the spoilt cars, they were presented by a flying craft which was called a spaceship. The spaceship wasn't that big, but it was still comfortable to accommodate about 50 people or so, but it's condition was in a terrible state. The thrusters were destroyed, so was the fuel pump, and many other things.

"Home sweet home." Zero said as a metallic chime resounded with a clang, before the spaceship was shifted to the side revealing an opening with a lift. Standing on the lift they then proceeded downwards, while the hatch closed up like nothing ever happened.

Heading downwards the ride took about 5minutes, it then began slowing down as it reached the end of the journey. The space was massive, reaching lengthy amounts space. the room was filled with different compartments like invention sector, training sector, health departments, and so on.

Everywhere was lively buzzing with people each working in their various departments, they then stopped seeing zero and the gang.

"Welcome back big 5!" They shouted, bowing their heads slightly to zero and the rest.

"Thanks.. continue with the good work." Zero smiled to which they excitedly shouted back, continuing in their business. Zero, Flora, faiya, gin, and saber then headed to another lift which then took them down to another different floor.

"Doc, how are you?" Zero smiled seeing a man in white robe. His back was turned against them, as one could see he was working on a strange invention.

"Doc?" Zero raised a brow, not getting a response from the man in white lab coat.

"He's acting strange."

"He's always strange." Gin rolled his eyes. The weird man unaware of the five presence mumbled to himself, screwing the last bolt onto his strange invention.

"Now for the moment of truth..." pressing a red button encased on the center of it's head, the male robot then sprung to life as it sat up straight.

"Good day everyone, my name is KD 234." The robot spoke in a human male dialogue, standing up straight. It examined the room looking around, like a new born born child that just came into the world.

"Yes! I've finally done it." He joyfully shouted, happily clapping his hands staring at his creation.

"So this is what you've been working on doc, another robot?" Gin sarcastically said. they had a few robots still functional, so looking at doc's mind-blowing invention was just like looking at another robot.

"This isn't just any other robot. This is an advanced module from the rest, equipped with complex commands, and the same primary objective. Protecting human lives." The man smiled, a creepy grin plastered on his face.

"So it's just another robot." Gin smirked mockingly, which made doc's eye twitch slightly.

"W-why you!" Doc angrily roared, turning round to strangle gin when he saw sole headless body.

"W-what happened." He stuttered shaking slightly, shock filled his eyes as he couldn't believe what he was seeing right now.

"It was-"

Zero words were cut short, when KD 234 abruptly attacked saber still carrying Atlanta on his shoulder. The robot swung his fist at saber's head, but he dodged kicking it's chest sending it back.

"Doc! What's happening!" Saber shouted dodging a kick, then punching forward with his hand at the robots head.

'Bam!' The robot stumbled to the ground from saber's fist, he was just using his physical strength right now.

"I-i don't know, it wasn't supposed to be like this." Doc murmured holding his chin. he'd spent so much time and effort on this robot, as it was meant to be his defining creation. but like all his other creations, this one had a little backlash.

"Shit!" Saber grunted taking a punch from KD 234. his battle suit did well in protecting him, but the robot's strength was far much more.

Grunting, saber dropped Atlanta to the floor seeing KD 234 wasn't stopping in his strikes. he could face KD 234 with ease, but with Atlanta on his shoulder he wasn't on his full performance.

"Huh?" Saber threw a punch to KD head but the robot dodged, heading for Atlanta.

'He's heading for the girl.' Zero smiled watching the scene. Even doc had a bewildered expression, he didn't know why KD 234 had suddenly malfunctioned and attacked saber, and now Atlanta.

"How rude!" Saber enraged pulled out an item. it looked like a small black hilt, pressing a button energy surged outwards reaching about four feets high, pulsing with blue energy. Pressing his foot he shot forward gripping his lightsaber tightly, KD seeing the attack crossed his hand to his head intending to defend.

KD 234 metal was hard but it was no match for saber's lightsaber, as it cleanly cut through it's hand and head. Saber then pressed the same button, retracting the energy placing the hilt away.

"Quick doc! you have to do something about sole." Flora panickly tugged on his arm, he could see tears in her eyes as he stared into it.

"B-but I can't do anything." He shook his head, sole had already been dead for a few hours and there wasn't much he could do.

"Turn him into a cyborg." Zero finally said, making doc's eye go wide.

"B-but it would be against the rules, and you five still have to decide."

"We've already decided, sole's more than a valuable asset he's family." Gin calmly said to which they all nodded to.

"What happened to her?" He pointed to Atlanta's unconscious body, he knew her as he was the one that had saved her from dying not quite long ago.

"She killed a lv4 hunter."

"What?" Doc exclaimed stepping back a bit. They were all surprised how she could achieve that all by herself, and without any battle suit equipped.

'The nanites are far more complex than I imagined.' Doc thought. The nanites were ever evolving mechanisms always growing, it was meant to give the successfully bonded user mind blowing attributes, such as the hunters features.

But to kill a lv4 hunter on the other hand would take about 10 of the resistance group, armed with weapons and battle suits. And if the situation was much dire than expected, then two or one of the big five would step in.

"I'll try my best." Doc then got to work placing sole's body and head in a tube, closing it strange light green liquid filled it through the various tubs connected to it. Gin, saber, faiya, and Flora then left, leaving only zero and doc in the room.

"You know something we don't doc." Zero suddenly uttered, he could tell when someone was lying and doc was doing it now.

"What do you mean?"

"The girl, she's special isn't she?"

"Yeah.. I guess." Doc shrugged maintaining a poker face, he knew zero was gaining in on him but he wasn't sure if he could tell him yet.

"She killed a lv4 hunter unarmed, years ago that would be considered impossible. There's only two possible reasons. One she's now a cyborg, but that can't be possible. no.. she hates them with her life."

"The other and this is interesting.. is maybe she got her hands on the only nanite, created by the one and only Richard gene." As soon as zero said that doc froze a moment, his hands shaking slightly.

"T-that's impossible. how can she be the long lost daughter of Richard, you sound more crazier than me." Doc awkwardly chuckled but zero could see through him, he knew he was hiding something from him.

"Come on doc! we've known each other forever, we both know she doesn't stand a chance without the nanites. please don't lie to me." Sighing doc had a look of defeat, he couldn't continue lying as he'd already been caught.

"Fine.. she's the long lost daughter of Richard gene, and she successfully bonded with the nanites." Zero's eye widened extremely, a bright smile plastered on his face.

"W-when did you know?"

"Not quite long ago when I saved her from death."

"Haha! this is good news. After all this years, we finally have a chance at regaining what was once ours." Zero chuckled, staring through the glass window.

"She can finally lead the resistance to glory."

"Wait! We can't tell her just yet. I promised Richard if I found her I would wait till she was ready, and I don't plan on breaking the promise." Doc boldly said standing on his words, zero then nodded as he knew what was at stake.

"You're right, she isn't ready yet. The resistance can still wait." Zero then glanced a last look at Atlanta countless thoughts filling his head. Turning his back he then left the room with a smile on his lips, mumbling some words to himself.

'Why do I have the feeling something bad is gonna happen~' Doc shook his head, smiling bitterly staring at Atlanta still recovering. Touching her hand, he could feel her body vibrating as the nanites worked nonstop repairing her damage tissues, strengthening it.

'I can't do this alone Richard, just where the hell are you?' Shaking his head, he then continued with his other works.


A black SUV hovered in the air as it then descended softly to the ground, it's four thrusters facing vertically. The door opened as a figure stepped out, staring round he then made his way to the lifeless body of kobal.

Looking at him there wasn't much wounds on kobal's body, except for the hole in his head and the destroyed testicles.

'It couldn't be the resistance.' Micheal knew the resistance were just a bunch of humans, with very few techs that could harm the hunters. If they wanted to take kobal down they would throw everything they got at him, but judging from the less damage and how precise this individual was, he knew it wasn't them.

If a hunter were to get killed strangely then a red dot would be displayed in the Hunter's HQ, and normal low level hunter enforcements would be sent over. But he'd been the one assigned here, directly by the one heading the hunters association named legion.

"Yes." Michael placed his hand to his left ear, as a voice from the other side spoke to him.

"Did you find anything." The voice spoke in a deep distorted tone.

"Not much. It wasn't the resistance for sure, maybe another hunter from the higher cities."

"No! I can sense it, the energy is still in this city. Find the person and eliminate immediately." The voice spoke in an rather uneasy tone.

"I understand." The chat ended and Micheal then head back into his black SUV, with a thought lingering on his mind.

'This is the second time he's contacted me.' No one had ever seen legion, nor did they know if he was male or female, or where he was. They couldn't contact him only he could and he only did so rarely, it was an honour to any hunter to be contracted by legion, as the rewards were going to be good.

'This the first time I've heard him unsettled.' Shaking his head Micheal then drove off, back to the Hunter's guild.