9 — The Escape

"M-My lady... P-please take your c-clothes o-off-" The maid hesitantly spoke, stuttering as she witnessed everything Zahra had done from the first day she entered the palace.

The once peaceful palace had turned into chaos as soon as she stepped in.

When she was first locked up inside the guest room, she started yelling, screaming and banging the door nonstop for the first few hours. When the king, queen and queen dowager came in to talk it out, she grabbed the sword hung upon the wall for decoration, and threatened to kill anyone who would step close to her. It left the king with no choice but to tie her up until she would calm down, which never happened.

The queen and queen dowager took turns to come and talk to her but in vain. She refused any food or drink. She refused to shower until now, leaving the maid frightened. The maid knew she wasn't one to compelle easily.

"Ah, yeah. But get out of the room first," Zahra grabbed the clothes from the maid's hands.

"B-But, his highness told me to help you out.

"Get out of the washroom then."

The maid stood there, still shaking in fear.

"I said, get out." Zahra coldly said, glaring at her fiercely, scaring her.

The maid flinched and rushed outside in case Zahra would do something harmful again.

Zahra closed to door and carefully examined the washroom. It surely had a window but it seemed you couldn't open it.

"No one those bastards left me here," she muttered to herself, chuckling.

Her gaze fell on the mirror. She looked at herself, running her fingers in the cold mirror.

"I surely look like shit," she laughed. "But it doesn't matter. I need to go find Dad. And for that..." Zahra smashed her hand hard against the mirror, breaking it into pieces.

Hearing the noise, the maid rushed inside despite her fear for Zahra. She couldn't possibly let her get hurt in any way possible.


"Oh, that was quick," Zahra smiled, holding a sharp piece of mirror.

"M-my lady?! Y-you're bleeding! Let me get a doctor for you quick!"

"Stop right there!" Zahra ordered, getting closer to the trembling maid who noticed the sharp arm in her hands.

"Go get me the ropes there."

"W-why?" The young woman hesitantly asked, trembling.

"Do as you're told," Zahra switched to the maid's back, sticking the sharp piece of mirror against her back slightly.

The maid flinched, feeling something poking her in the back.

"M-my lady, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. Please spare me," tears started running down her cheeks.

"Shh, shh. You're being too noisy now. Just do as you're told and you will be just fine." Zahra stuck the arm in her hand against the maid's back a little harder enough to make her bleed a little.

"I-I'm sorry!" The maid rushed out of the washroom and grabbed the ropes on the floor, handing it to Zahra.

"Go back to the washroom."


"Just do as you're told."


The maid rushed back inside the washroom, Zahra continued to hold the piece of mirror against the maid's back, following her closely.

"Hands beside you."


"Hand behind!"

"Ah! Y-yes!" The maid obligated quickly.

Zahra slowly dropped the sharp arm on the carpet, without noise. She quickly grabbed the maid's arms and tied them up tightly. She pushed the maid inside the bathtub and tied her legs as well.

"M-MY LADY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! HE—" Zahra quickly grabbed the clothes the maid brought for her earlier and wrapped them around her mouth, making the sounds of her voice muffled by the cloth.

"What am I doing? I'm tying you up, obviously." Zahra smiled innocently. "Why am I doing this? I'm not interested in playing Princess Princess with your masters, so I'm," Zahra leaned closer to the maid's ear and whispered. "Escaping." She quickly stood up and locked the door from inside.

"That's all good. But how do I get out of this room? There are guards everywhere—"

Just then, the door opened.

"It's you, again?!"

A female voice interrupted Zahra in her thoughts.

"Ah. It's you, Spoiled lady," Zahra chuckled.

"Shut up," Layla frowned. "Did they bring you here? Are you that Princess that everyone was talking about?" Layla scoffed. You're nowhere near what a princess should be like!"

"On that point, we think alike. They are mistaken or they lost their minds after losing your older sister," Zahra laughed. "I mean, I heard you're MY younger sister?"

"Shut up! I don't share the same blood as you! Just look at you and look at me!" Layla pointed out Zahra then her.

There were surely differences between them. They were like the sun and the moon. They were both pretty yet with their distinctive features.

"Do me a favour, Spoiled Lady. Since you live in this house, help me get outta here," Zahra approached Layla who stood in front of the door a little closer.

"Why should I—" Layla paused for a second. Her lips then curved into a smile. "Oh, but I was joking. Of course, I will help you."

Zahra could sense that Layla wasn't kind enough to help without her benefits however it didn't matter now. She needed to escape and as long as Layla helped her out, her intentions mattered less.

"Where did the guards go?" Zahra inquired.

"I sent them away. I told them I would be meeting you in private and our conversation should be a private one," Layla replied. "Also, if you wish to escape, now is the best time. It's almost 9 pm, the time guards change their shifts. It takes almost ten minutes for them to completely take their position. It should be perfect if you make a run for it—"

Layla paused, looking at Zahra's features. "Can you even run with that body?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well, surprise! I can run pretty well actually." Zahra rolled her eyes first, then gave a forced smile.

It wasn't that she was used to people teasing her for her weight and appearance. It wasn't that she wasn't used to it. It was a mixture of both. So far, she only met people who appreciated her apart from Layla and Yuden whom she despised and the feeling felt mutual.

"I was planning on climbing down by the window but the window in this room is nonexistent and the one in the bathroom is too small for me to sneak out," Zahra explained her prior plan for escaping.

"It matters less. Follow me quietly from behind and wear this," Layla wrapped her scarf around Zahra's neck, covering her face until her nose. "And I doubt any guards have seen you. Just go with one of my maids and she will guide you to the gate. And I will give you some money so that you can at least take a taxi to go home."

Zahra listened attentively without making any noise as she walked carefully to not make any noise.

After reaching Layla's bedroom, Layla's most trusted maid, Maria, helped Zahra change into a maid's uniform.

Maria then guided Zahra to the gate, safely leading her outside.

One of the guards inquired why a maid was leaving late at night.

Maria gave the pretext of an emergency in her hometown that left her no choice but to leave immediately.

Although the guard was doubtful, it wasn't impossible.

"Finally! I'm out of that hell!" Zahra let out a sigh of relief as she crossed the gateway of the palace as if she landed in another country.

Layla stood beside the window of her room, her hand posed against the window as she gazed down at Zahra.

"Don't come back. You weren't here for years, so don't you dare come back. Everything here is mine," She turned her back as soon as she made sure Zahra was gone.