22 — Issac Is Caught!

"You?!" Zahra exclaimed as she saw Issac standing in front of her.

Her face brightened at the sight of his figure.

Issac quickly pushed her back inside the room and closed to door behind him.

"Shh!" He whispered.

"What are you doing here?! And how come you called me Princess Zahra?" Zahra asked, confused.

She furrowed her eyebrows once she saw the clock indicating 8 pm.

"It's late, Isaac!" She exclaimed.

"I couldn't stand not meeting you for days," Issac said, approaching Zahra.

Zahra's frown soon disappeared, lighting up her face.

"Do you know how hard it was the first week when I couldn't even contact you? And now you're telling me I won't be able to meet you until you can show your new family that you are worthy of being a princess? You are a princess no matter what to me!" Issac exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around Zahra's waist, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I know you're worried for me. But please try to understand." Zahra looked up at Isaac as she held him in her arms.

"Take a seat." Zahra pulled away from Issac's embrace and sat on the couch in her bedroom, patting the seat next to her.

Issac sighed and sat beside Zahra.

"Look, Isaac, it's true it's hard. It's hard for me too. But you saw right? I can't even escape them. I tried but they found me and brought me back. The reason why I came is cause even if I stay away from them, I'd be a burden to you. I'm not educated enough to have a decent job or anything. I can't bear to be a burden to you."


"But? No buts. It is how it is." Zahra smiled.

"Tia..." Issac sighed. "I can never win an argument against you," he faintly smiled.

"How can you win an argument when you lost your heart to me?" Zahra chuckled.

Issac looked up at her blankly for a second.

"What's wrong?" Zahra asked, noticing his strange behaviour.

"Oh, nothing. You're right," he smiled warmly at her.

"Princess." Yuden's voice was heard from the other side of the door.

"Fuck! Why is this bastard here?!" Zahra frowned.

"Who's that?" Issac, confused, asked.

"Don't worry. Just ignore him."

"Princess Zahra."

Now, it was the Queen Dowager that was calling her.

"Even that old hag is here?! What the hell's going on?!" Zahra whispered. "Hide in the closet. Hurry!" Zahra opened the door of the closet.

Issac quickly nodded and followed Zahra's instructions.

Zahra took a deep breath and fixated herself.

She slowly opened the door.

"What's wrong?" Zahra asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I heard someone talking in this room," Layla stated while standing against the door, her arms crossed.

"Who? There's no one but me here!" Zahra shouted.

"Princess Zahra! You shouldn't shout like this!" Emera shrieked.

"Let me in. I need to check something," Yuden made his way into the bedroom.

"You have no right to check my room like this!"

Zahra protested as she hurriedly stood in front of Yuden, trying to stop him.

Yuden sneered yet his eyes remained cold. He stepped closer and closer to Zahra while she backstepped each time.

"Where did you hide him?" He coldly asked.

"H-hide who?!" Zahra frowned, looking up to meet his gaze as she yelled at him.

Yuden carefully examined the whole bedroom however no one was to be found.

"See?! There's no one! Now get the hell out of here!" Zahra yelled, starting to push Yuden out of the bedroom.

"Why are you shouting so much, princess?" Yuden asked, stepping closer to bed, and looking at her in the eyes.

"I'm not," Zahra calmly replied.

Yuden ignoring Zahra's reply walked towards the closet.

"What are you doing?! I have clothes in there!" Zahra stepped in front of the closet, trying to stop Yuden from opening the door of the closet.

Zahra's reaction and fury only raised Yuden's doubts.

He glared at her coldly.

Zahra felt shivers run down her spine. She didn't want to move however she felt an overwhelming aura wrapping around her. She slowly stepped aside, giving him space to open the door of her closet.

She didn't do anything wrong, so what was there to hide?

Yuden aggressively opened the closet, his cold gaze turning into a rage as he saw Isaac inside the closet.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, his lips curling into a smile.

"Look at what we have here!" He grabbed Issac by his collar and pulled him out of the closet.

Yuden threw Isaac on the floor harshly.

Issac groaned in pain once he was slammed on the rigid ground.

"What are you doing?!" Zahra quickly rushed towards Isaac, helping him to get up.

"What am I doing? Really, Princess?" Yuden sneered.

"Princess Zahra! What is the meaning of this?!" Emera who witnessed the affair, shouted, in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?! And why are you shouting when you told me that I shouldn't shout?!" Zahra glared at Emera and Yuden.

"Let her be, grandmother. It seems she doesn't care about our family's reputation. All she cares for is her and her little world. I could never imagine a princess bringing a stranger man in her bed-chambers late at night," Layla shook her head innocently, adding fuel to the fire.

"You shut up!" Zahra shouted. "Tryna make things worse at any chance you get," She mumbled.

"Get up." Yuden coldly said, pulling Issac by his collar from the ground with one hand.

"Let him go bastard!" Zahra tried to push Yuden hard away from Issac however in vain. She was too weak compared to him.

"Let go, Princess." Yuden glared at Zahra before dragging Issac outside of the palace.

"Call the police," Emera ordered a servant.

"Isaac!" Zahra ran to follow Yuden who was dragging Issac away however Emera grabbed her by her hand, stopping her.

"Let me go!" Zahra shouted.

Emera remained silent pushed Zahra back into her room and locked the door from outside.

"Let me go! What the fuck is wrong with you crazy people?!" Zahra banged on the door but in vain. It wouldn't break.

"Issac!" She exclaimed and rushed towards the window to catch a glimpse of him.

"Thank god the windows can at least show me what's going on downstairs!" Zahra sighed out of relief.

"How dare you come here?" Yuden asked, furiously.

"Why not? She's my girlfriend. I love her and she loves me. So I have every right to go in her bedroom unlike you," Isaac sneered.

"You fucker!" Yuden's voice erupted in a fit of rage as he spun his body, delivering a crushing blow towards Isaac.

Isaac couldn't evade the incoming strike, feeling the full force of the impact collide with his face, causing him to cough up blood in its aftermath.

"You think this will do anything to me, you bastard?! Try harder!" Isaac mocked, retaliating with a punch aimed squarely at Yuden's face, fueled by his frustration and anger.

Yuden's eyes took on a primal, bloodthirsty gleam as he shoved Isaac to the ground, unleashing a barrage of kicks upon him. No matter how many times he struck, his anger refused to be quelled, each kick punctuated by the seething fury coursing through him.

"Stop, Your Highness! That's enough!" Emera tried to stop him however Yuden didn't refrain from his action.

"How dare you go close to MY fiancee?!" Yuden bent down and punched Issac's face a few times.

By then, the sirens were heard. The police had arrived.

"Please stop, Your Highness. We will take care of the rest." The police officer stated.

"Get him in the car!" The police officer ordered his colleagues before bowing to the crown prince and the queen dowager.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," He bowed.

"You can leave with that bastard," Yuden waved his hand at him, irritated.

The police officer nodded and left the palace with the police car.

Zahra who watched the whole scene from upstairs was boiling in anger.

"How dare this bastard touch Isaac?!" She huffed in anger and threw the vase posed on the wardrobe.

Upon hearing a loud noise, Yuden and Emera rushed upstairs.

A maid opened the door for them to enter.

"How dare you hurt Isaac?!" Zahra yelled throwing another vase on the floor.

"How can you bring another man in your bed-chambers, Princess?!" Yuden shouted, losing his cool. "Just so you know, I told the world that you are my would-be crown princess. I have been kind to you all this. Don't test my patience." Yuden calmly said yet his anger was evident.

Zahra glared at him.

"No one cares about what you said. I never agreed to your bullshit. Get this in your head, I will never marry you!"

"Crown Prince Yuden," Emera started speaking, interrupting Yuden before he would even say anything. "I think you should head home. I'll handle her," She gave him a faint smile.

Although Emera was too stunned by what she had witnessed, she couldn't let Yuden witness her way of punishing Zahra for her misdeeds.

Yuden sighed, turning his feet and left the bedroom in anger.