29 — Will You Be My Friend?

"Your Majesty," a maid knocked on the door.

Emera was working on documents sent from Averlyon that needed to be reviewed within two days.

"What is it?" Emera asked, gazing up from her stack of papers.

"The crown prince has requested an audience with you."

"Alright. Tell him to wait in the audience room. I'm coming," Emera said, removing her glasses as she walked toward the audience room.

"Your Highness!" Emera exclaimed upon seeing Yuden's silhouette seated on the couch.

Yuden rose and greeted the queen dowager with a respectful bow.

"Good morning, Your Majesty."

"What brings you here?" Emera asked as she took a seat in front of Yuden.

Yuden sat back in his seat.

"I wish to take Princess Zahra outside today," he said with a bright smile.

"Then go and take her for a walk in the garden. The garden is pretty big," Emera smiled brightly.

Yuden chuckled.

"Your Majesty, I am talking about taking her outside, not within the palace but to a fancy restaurant for dinner."

Emera furrowed her eyebrows, displeased with the idea.

"You know she might try to escape again," she sighed. "I can't go through the trouble of trying to find her again."

"She won't. She already made a deal with you. She seems to dislike people who break their words, so I'm certain she won't do the same," Yuden confidently stated.

"I hope nothing wrong will happen this time," Emera mumbled.

"So, can I bring her out tonight?" Yuden nervously asked.

He tried to convince her; however, he wasn't sure if what he said was even valid. He just wanted to keep his promise to Zahra. When she got a good grade on her calligraphy exam, she asked to be able to get out of the palace for at least a few hours.

"Yes," Emera hesitantly nodded.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty!" Yuden exclaimed.

Layla, who was passing by, overheard their conversation.

Filled with rage, she glared at Yuden.

"How can he do this to me?!" She thought. "He only cares about the alliance after all. Well, I'm not the type to let things go as you plan, Crown Prince. I hope you will remember how I always spoiled your plans," She sneered.

The day had quickly passed for Yuden. He didn't realize it was already 6 pm when he looked at his watch after a long day of work at his office.

He had to deal with office work. King Aiden would soon have to retire due to his age, so Yuden had to take over all the work slowly.

"Prepare the car," Yuden ordered his assistant as he walked into the lift.

Once Yuden reached the parking area, his driver was already waiting for him inside the car.

Yuden entered the car.

"Go to the Throrens."

The driver nodded respectfully and started driving to the Ruby Palace, given to the Throren family during their stay in the capital of Yurania.

After a drive, which seemed eternally long to Yuden, they arrived at the Ruby Palace.

He stepped out of the car and walked inside the palace.

"Where is Her Highness?" Yuden inquired to the maid he crossed paths with in the corridor as soon as he entered.

"She has been waiting for you in her bedroom. I will call her out," The maid said, bowing respectfully before heading upstairs.

Yuden stepped forward towards the exit, waiting for Zahra to come downstairs.

"Did I make you wait long?" Zahra chuckled as she descended the stairs elegantly.

She was wearing a red dress decorated with golden laces at the edge of the dress. Her wavy hair, which was always in braids or ponytails, was let down loose.

For the first time, she removed the necklace given by Issac and replaced it with a golden necklace that matched her amber eyes and was wrapped around her neck.

"Too surprised to talk?" Zahra teasingly asked as she reached the first floor.

"I..." Yuden was too stunned to utter a word.

"I know, I look beautiful!" She exclaimed as she hurriedly walked outside.

"Let's go!" She exclaimed once she reached his car in the yard.

Yuden chuckled.

"Like she would ever change," He smiled as he nodded and walked to his car.

Yuden elegantly opened the door for Zahra, and she entered the car. The driver opened the car door for Yuden, and he entered.

The driver then got inside the car.

"To the restaurant Love & Luxe," he ordered.

The chauffeur gave a nod and proceeded to the road.

"Ah! It's been so long since I stepped outside of that palace!" Zahra excitedly opened the window, enjoying the view outside.

The flashlights of the night in the capital were something she always longed to watch ever since she arrived in the city.

However, Aziel wouldn't allow her to stay outside late at night.

Not to mention, he barely ever permitted her to go out; if it hadn't been for her sneaking out, she would never have met Issac, Sylvia, or Cocoa.

Zahra closed her eyes, feeling the cold breeze hitting her face.

"Careful, Princess," Yuden pulled Zahra back inside the car. "You can hurt yourself," He said, smiling.

"Let me be! And stop calling me princess!" Zahra frowned.

Every time Yuden called her princess, it seemed flirty to her. It irritated her more than anything.

"Just call me Zahra," she reluctantly said.

Zahra couldn't shake off the feeling of being Tiana, a name that had been hers for 15 years, more than half of her current age of 21.

Despite knowing her true identity as Princess Zahra, the name felt unfamiliar, like a garment that didn't quite fit right.

"But you're a —"

"I know I am a princess," Zahra interrupted.

"You don't need to remind me. I thought we were becoming good friends!" She scoffed. "Friends don't call each other princess, prince, crown prince," Zahra mockingly mimicked the people in the palace.

Yuden burst into laughter at her poor yet funny acting.

"Alright, Zahra." Yuden agreed, smiling.

He felt more at ease with Zahra than ever.

She was his first female friend when he was younger, and now she was the only person he felt comfortable with apart from his elder sister.

"We've arrived," the driver stated as he stopped the car in front of a fancy restaurant.

The restaurant was called Love & Luxe. It was a restaurant owned by a friend of Yuden's.

"Let's go, Your Highness," Yuden stepped out of the car and opened the door for Zahra.

"Oh, my! Thank you," Zahra played along with Yuden's act, chuckling.

"Let's get going," Yuden extended his right arm toward her.

Zahra, unaccustomed to being escorted this way, nervously gripped his arm with her hands.

She had practiced it with Owen and Fiona; however, it was nothing like the actual experience.

She would mostly burst into laughter while doing so, as it was too odd for her.

"Welcome, Your Highness," the manager bowed as soon as Yuden and Zahra entered the restaurant.

"I booked the top floor," Yuden stated.

"I will lead the way," the manager replied, starting to walk towards the elevator.

They entered and arrived at the 10th floor. The restaurant belonged to a nobleman, so it was no surprise to Yuden.

However, it wasn't the same for Zahra. She looked up at Yuden, her face imprinted with confusion.

"You will get used to it," Yuden mumbled.

"Never," Zahra shook her head.

The elevator chimed as they reached the tenth floor.

The manager led them to a table at the center of the room.

The table was large enough for five people to eat at.

It was adorned with yellow roses, following Yuden's instructions.

A scattering of candles illuminated the table, casting a soft glow, while petals were delicately strewn around its perimeter.

Yuden picked up one of the yellow roses from the vase placed at the center of the table and extended it toward Zahra.

Zahra looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I brought you here because," Yuden smiled as he put the rose in Zahra's left hand. "I'd like to ask, will you be my friend?"

Yellow roses, symbolizing friendship, held a special meaning for Yuden.

He hoped to mend the initial rift between Zahra and himself, which stemmed from their first encounter, by defining their relationship beyond their political roles as crown prince and princess.

Zahra, stunned, looked at Yuden stupefied for a second. Then, let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared me! I thought that marriage thing was still on your mind!" She laughed, taking a seat at the table. "Of course, I will be your friend!" She chuckled. "Aren't we already?"

Yuden didn't react to her words and stood there still.

"Sit," Zahra pulled on his sleeve, shaking it slightly.

"Right," Yuden smiled and sat on the chair opposite Zahra's.

"It's so pretty here," Zahra said beside the window.

"There are so many lights in the capital at night! I mostly grew up in the countryside so I never saw so many lights," Zahra exclaimed, enjoying the view.

He wanted to take Zahra to a place where he could let her see the view at night, and that was the perfect place.

He had ordered this especially, keeping in mind that she would like it.

"Oh my, you guys came here as well!" A feminine voice too familiar to Yuden and Zahra exclaimed.