82 — In Her Arms

Zahra tensed as she felt Yuden's breath on her neck. She held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut before slowly edging away from him trying her best to not make him notice.

Yuden curled his lips into a small smile, noticing she was unexpectedly shy attitude towards him.

"I forgot to ask. What were you doing near my bedroom this late at night?" Zahra asked, her tone suspicious trying her best to take her mind off the fact that they were so close right now.

As she pondered the situation, Zahra realized that when she had discovered the black snake with its scales shown in the dim light of her bedroom on her bed its beady eyes fixed on her, that late night.

Her scream had not been loud enough to alert the guards who were not far away from her bedroom.

Yet, none of them came to her rescue apart from Yuden.

There was only one way Yuden could have arrived at that time; he must have already been near her room.