The beginning

She open her eyes and wondered, "Where am I?". I look around me and realized that I traveled to the time where the tragedy begins. The journey where I walked on the mountain of blood and bones.

I remembered where I was. I see two adolescents before me that is holding a gun towards an elderly man.

The old man is trembling, but still standing. He said, "Go and take the rest of my money. Get out here." The two teens started to laugh at the old man, "Old man, you're trying to act brave."

The girl, Dawn looked at the old man and decided to walk away. The two teens saw that Dawn is walking away and wondered, "What's sup with her?" One of the teens decided to grab her arm and asked, "Where do you think you're going?

Dawn narrowed her eyes at them and said calmly, "Let go of me." The two teens laughed and said "No. You are supposed to look out for us, so we can leave when we get the money."

Dawn repeated her words again, "Let go of me." Then she grabbed his hands and twisted backwards. One of the teens cried out and tried to grab her hair.

She used her other hand to grab that hand that was reaching towards her hair. She used her foot to kick at his ankle to knock the teen on the ground. The teen screamed out of shock and pain. The teens was caught off guard and wondered, "What's going on? Why does she look so different? She had never fought back before"

The teens were frightened by her eyes, the eyes that were so frigidly cold. The teens can see the aloofness and disdain in her eyes. The teens and the old man felt a chill down their spine. They knew that something is wrong with her.

The old man saw an opportunity, to get out before they noticed him. The old man walked backwards slowly and decided to run in the other direction. The teens saw that and tried to run after him. Dawn used her leg to kick the other teen down on the ground. She told them, "Let the old man go. There's no need to to take his money."

Dawn let the teens go and the teens ran off. She watched them run off and turned left on the corner. She had to think for awhile, how to get home. She started to walk into the darkness into the alley, where she's going home.