
He curiously tilts his head as he watches me with his inhuman eyes. I realized I shouldn't move or he'll attack me again, like last time. Sirens can behave very aggressively if they feel threatened or stressed, which can raise their predatory instincts to the highest peak.

He watches me with those eerie eyes as I slowly and cautiously move backward from him while slowly moving my hands upwards to show I meant no harm.

After realizing I didn't have any ill intentions, he turned his attention elsewhere and slowly looked around his environment, the trees, leaves, grasses, and everything that was in front of him. It was such a strange thing to witness.

I could see the stiffness in his body as he walked around, but keeps a distance away from me. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know if he understood my language.

I decided to take a risk and ask a question cautiously, "Sirens have stayed away from the lands for centuries. Why have you appeared here again?"

After asking the questions, then he turned his attention towards me. He tilted his head in that same way earlier, so I didn't think he understood what I said.

Slowly he decided to take a few steps toward me cautiously and stopped a few distances from me. I stood very still and held my breath.

As we stared at each other without any words with the wind blowing softly. Our hair started to rise to the left. I could see his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. His face is so unnaturally pale, yet so beautiful.

I was so nervous, which was strange since I didn't usually get nervous in any situation. I was so perplexed by this situation I found myself in.

I heard some human steps and conversation behind me. If I was able to hear it, then the siren would be able to hear it as well.

I knew the siren wouldn't react well to another person's presence and might attack them as a response.

He took a few steps backwards and softly snarled as he heard another presence while I groaned since I knew the situation wouldn't turn out well.