He ceased his humming, the melody fading into the shadows of the moment. With a curious tilt of his head, he regarded us, as if a silent request lingered in the air.
His expression was a riddle, leaving me uncertain—was it gratitude or a yearning for praise for his haunting tune?
Jonathan's gaze met mine, a shared confusion reflected in his eyes, and he merely shrugged, his attention drawn to the siren.
I stepped closer, drawn by an invisible thread, observing the siren as his body tensed at my approach, yet he remained a statue, curiosity glimmering in his gaze.
With a gentle smile, I pointed to my chest and spoke slowly, "Hello, I am Dawn. My name is Dawn." The weight of Jonathan's stare pressed upon me, but I brushed it aside, noticing the siren's head tilt in response.
He parted his lips, attempting to form words, "Daa- Daw-." Jonathan and I exchanged astonished glances, caught in the strangeness of the moment. It was clear he was grappling with my name, his voice slightly off-key as he uttered, "Daw-Dawn."
A smile broke across my face, and I nodded, "Yes, you did it." The siren echoed my name, cautiously advancing toward me, his movements deliberate.
His gaze flitted from my eyes to my hair, tilting his head as if my color was a mystery to him. He pointed at my hair, and confusion washed over me. "What? Do you wish to touch my hair?"
I stood motionless as his hand approached, brushing against my hair before he leaned in, sniffing it with an inquisitive air. It reminded me of how animals explore the unknown, seeking to understand.
He circled me slowly, studying me as I remained still, my eyes tracking his every move. Jonathan's expression mirrored my own, a blend of intrigue and bewilderment as he observed the siren.
With a smile, I turned back to the siren, pointing to myself once more. "Dawn. I'm Dawn. What is your name?"
I gestured toward his chest, my fingers dancing in the air like whispers of the sea. The siren, with a curious tilt of his head, followed my movements, his gaze fixated on my outstretched hand before mirroring my gesture.
Then, with a voice that seemed to echo from the depths, he uttered, "I-I-ih-r-aa-v-uh-n." Jonathan and I exchanged bewildered glances, the air thick with uncertainty.
I sought clarity, "Iravan? Have I pronounced it correctly? Is your name truly Iravan?"
The siren affirmed with a nod, and as I repeated his name, a smile crept across my face, the meaning of his name swirling in my thoughts.
Iravan, a name steeped in Hindu lore, signifying 'king of the ocean.'
I observed the siren falter, his balance wavering like a ship in a tempest. Tentatively, I extended my arms toward him, unsure if he would welcome my touch.
As I grasped his rigid shoulders, he succumbed to the weight of the sedatives, his form leaning into me, eyes fluttering shut.