Dorm room

We pulled up before stopping at the gates. I recognized the guard from last night who looked at me and my mother.

I was worried that the guard was going to say something that would make my mom suspicious.

I wouldn't know how to explain it to her, but the guard acted as if he didn't know me.

I sighed in relief, knowing Jonathan must have told him to act as if I wasn't there last night.

The guard asked my mother for an I.D. and went to his computer. After that, he let us go through the gates.

My mom and I watched the large gates make a screeching noise as they went in different directions.

My mom and I went through a bunch of trees before seeing a large building in the distance.

My mom looked awed at the size of the building where students and teachers were going through and out of the building.

Some of them were on their phones, talking to their friends or acquaintances, or looking in the small rounded mirror doing make-up.

Some of the students wore some kind of pink or blue uniform, whereas male students wore black uniforms as well.

As mom pulled the car into the parking lot, some students were sitting on the bench and others were sitting under the willow tree next to the building eerily watching us. Some of the others just ignored us as if they didn't see us.

My mom was a little unnerved by their stares, but didn't let it get to her.

We grabbed some of the suitcases and we carried them with us as we walked up the steps before she opened the door.

We walked into the front office and the slightly hunched woman with short grayish-white hair and kind eyes smiled at us.

She asked, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

My mom smiled as she said, "Hi, my daughter is transferred to this school."

The slightly hunched woman nodded her head and got up as she asked us to wait.

My mom and I sat in the black chairs by the walls while we were waiting for someone.

The old woman came out with someone.

My mom got up shook his hands and smiled politely.

Jonathan smiled as well, "It's nice to meet you. Welcome to our school. Is this beautiful young lady your daughter?"

Jonathan acted as if he didn't know me, so I acted as well.

My mom said, "Yes, this is my daughter, Dawn. She's so excited to come to this school. Thank you for allowing her to come here."

Jonathan smiled at me before reaching his hand out, so I shook his hand as well.

Jonathan said. "Nice to meet you, Dawn. I have heard wonderful things about you. Are both of you ready? I'll show you your dorm room. You'll start class tomorrow, so you'll get some time to get adjusted."

My mom thanked him, so we followed him through the halls. We had to make a left turn and went all the way down the hall.

My mom and I were worn out by all of the walking as we had to carry our suitcases.

My mom almost groaned as soon she saw the spiral staircases, but she didn't want to appear rude, so she remained silent.

Jonathan grabbed the suitcase from my mother's hands since he noticed my mother's exhaustion.

My mom hesitated but gave him the suitcase since Jonathan was determined about it.

As we walked up the steps that kept going up around in a circle.

After a few minutes, we stopped at the door, which had door number 118.

Jonathan pushed open the door and our eyes widened at the sight of the beauty of the room.

The room was a simple contemporary-style dorm. The room had a dark vibe, which suited my taste.

There was a dark grayish rug under the bed, and the bed had a wooden bed frame.

There was a table with a chair on the right corner of the white wall. There was a large window glass behind my bed, where you could see everything- the trees, the sky, and the bright view of the sun.

On left side, there was a small closest where I could see the school uniforms.

Jonathan said, "Alright ladies, I hope both of you like the room."

My mom thanked him as she looked around the room. Then Jonathan said, "I'll be going out, I'll let both of a moment of family time, so you can say your goodbyes."

I heard the door shut as Jonathan left the room.