Team 4 vs Kecha Wacha: The Final Round

Jean yawned and he and his team had to go back to hunting the Kecha Wacha again. Mikasa was walking in front of him with a huge hole in the side of her shirt, revealing a glimpse of her toned physique.

'Not even a glimpse of a love handle,' Jean thought.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked the goth girl.

"I'm sure. A bit tired to be honest, but I'll manage," she assured.

Connie was in his full leopard form with his nose to the ground, sniffing out the trail while Sasha was on his back using her ability to see the monster from afar.

"So I'm curious about your well…healing power," Jean scratched his head. "Are you able to heal others with it?"

Mikasa hummed in thought. "Maybe, but I don't know how. So, perhaps it's a possibility but it's not the time to be theorising right now."

She quickened her pace now walking beside Sasha and Connie and leaving Jean behind. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he dragged his feet. He felt a little bit grateful that Mikasa was even talking to him much less even acknowledging his existence. Especially since she dislikes his dynamic with Armin like forcing the blonde to do his homework or making fun of his lack of athleticism or maybe it's with Eren, calling him a hoodlum and making fun of his dirty shoes. 

Jean had his varsity jacket tied above his hips so that he wouldn't smell blood. However, when he hugged the jacket out of embarrassment, a bit of blood stained his white tank top and his pants, leaving spots and smudges of blood on them.

'Two more pieces of clothing ruined,' Jean complained in thought.

"Guys, I see the Kecha ahead," Sasha informed. 

"What is it doing?" Mikasa asked.

"It seems frustrated. It's slamming its hands against a tree."

"It seems that we really pissed it off," Connie added.

"Well, when someone puts an arrow in your eye, obviously you can expect to be angry because of it," Jean commented.

"Well, not Mikasa since she can heal it back."

"Just because I can heal it doesn't mean I wouldn't be angry," Mikasa told Connie.

Mikasa slowly unsheathed her sword as Sasha prepared her bow. Jean cracked his crackles and stayed aware just in case.

"What's the plan this time?" Connie asked.

"Rush it," Sasha said. "It started to get exhausted after the second scuffle. So if we rushed now, it probably wouldn't have the stamina to keep up with us any longer."

Jean crossed his arms, looking at the brunette in doubt. "Sure about that? I mean, last time we followed your plans, we almost died and Mikasa got a nail stabbed in her side."

"Do you have a better plan?"Sasha looked at Jean. 

Jean hummed in thought. He knew that Sasha wasn't totally wrong in thinking that but rushing in blindly could lead to worse results than just Mikasa getting stabbed because he can't regenerate and as far as he knew, Connie and Sasha can't heal either. But then again, Sasha is the daughter of a high-rank hunter, so what does he know?

"Well I don't have a plan necessarily, but we need to learn why we failed last time. Clearly, the Kecha Wacha is too agile for us so we need to either outsmart it or match its agility and luckily we have two leopards here."

"Two?" Connie said, a bit confused. "But I'm the only…"

The three teens looked at Connie in disappointment before he realised that Mikasa could copy his ability, scratching his head out of embarrassment. Sasha giggled at his forgetfulness but Jean rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, we know that Kecha has range with its mucus shots. According to Sasha, the mucus is mostly water so our clothes will soak and stick to our clothes, it has hook-like nails to make it easier to grip on trees," Jean summarised the info.

"Should we focus on the nails, then?"Mikasa said. "If we cut off the nails,it would have trouble climbing."

Sasha snapped her fingers. "I like that, but I think you should get rid of the trunk, Mikasa. That way, it can't shoot mucus and lose our agility."

Jean nodded and approved of that plan. He knew that against the monster,they needed to be as agile as possible unless someone would want another nail in their sides.

"Ok here's the plan. Sasha, you will stay on top Connie and shoot from afar. Connie move around the area as fast as you can so that she can hit from all angles. Mikasa and I will be on the front lines. Mikasa will use Connie's ability to keep up with the monster and to cut off the trunk."

"What about you?" Mikasa looked at him plainly. "What will you do?"


"Alright then, so we charge?" Connie asked.

"Yup, charge and split."

Mikasa touched Connie, gaining his ability before she turned into her full leopard form. She looked at Jean, sighed and quickly jabbed her head in the opposite direction.

"Are you sure? I mean, I can run on my own but-"

"Shut it and let's go."

Jean nodded before he carefully climbed on Mikasa's back. He felt his face warm up as he sat on top of her.

"Am I too heavy?! You know, if your back is hurting I can-"

The two leopards started to sprint towards the injured monster. Sasha leaned in and softly grabbed his fur to stay on. Jean saw this and tried copying her but the rushing wind slapped his face, making it difficult to lean in properly. He felt himself slipping off so he grabbed a fistful of fur to stay on top. Just before the monster noticed them, the group split into two with Connie and Sasha going left to act as far-range as Mikasa continued going ahead.


Jean nodded and let go, allowing Mikasa to enter her hybrid form and prepare her blade against the beast. The Kecha roared before it leaped, latched onto a branch, and shot a barrage of mucus balls. Mikasa quickly evades some of them and Jean blocks the other with a dome-shaped barrier.

'It sucks how I have to rely on the others for offence,' Jean thought. 'Damn it! How can I prove my worth if I'm stuck doing this?'

Jean continued to block incoming mucus balls when a group of arrows hit the monster's midsection. It squirmed in pain before moving to another branch but Mikasa bounced off the tree behind her and cut the branch down making Kecha fall on the ground. Another pack of arrows riddled its face in arrows, causing the monkey-like beast to shriek as it covered its face with its ears.

Jean ran towards the beast, but it turned its focus towards Sasha and shot more mucus balls. Connie did dodge them but Kecha shot two more. One of them was heading in their direction but they dodged it, the second one came a couple of seconds later, giving them hardly any time to step back and they got hit by it.

"Fuck!" Jean muttered before it turned its attention to him.

The beast chased after Jean. He made a barrier wall over its trunk but the Kecha seemed to prepare another mucus round, inflating its trunk once more. He was about to close his barrier but the female leopard crashed down and sliced off the trunk. The Kecha grabbed the newly made stump in pain, with a geyser of blood bursting from where the trunk used to be.

"Holy shit," Jean accidentally said aloud. 

Mikasa leaped but the Kecha slapped her, crashing against a tree. Jean made another barrier wall and pushed it, using it as some form of a projectile.

"Come on and die you big-eared bastard!"

Jean wrapped his arms around the end of its detached trunk.

'Let's test this thing.'

He dragged the trunk against the ground before he threw the trunk, hitting the Kecha Wacha and making it stumble a few steps back with drool and blood dripping from its mouth as it swayed left and right.

'It's tired! Now it's the moment to rush it!'

The four teens ambushed it with Sasha shooting a barrage of arrows,the Kecha dodged the incoming projectile but Mikasa continued to close the distance slashing the monster Jean quickly deflected its attacks before Mikasa completed the deadly counter by slashing its throat. The Kecha flailed around, clutching its neck as the blood slipped through its fingers. Jean made a dome barrier to not drown in blood as it rained down on them, coating his barrier red. The Kecha fell on the ground and twitched a few times before it stopped moving.

"Test completed!"

Jean closed the barrier and stepped back from the blood that was going to drop on him but a bit of it fell on him nonetheless. Connie and Sasha returned with big smiles on their faces. Connie and Mikasa reverted back into human form.

"We did it!"Sasha began chanting with Connie as they locked arms and ran in circles.

Mikasa swiped her sword down, effortlessly slapping all the blood from her katana on the grass before she put the blade back in its scabbard and whispered something. Jean sat on the ground before he grew a small smile.

'We actually fucking did it. That's a shocker.'

A few minutes later, a group in uniforms consisting of white jumpsuits, boots and masks ran in and lifted the dead beast as one of the clean-up members threw a small white square on the ground only to expand into a platform.

They threw the monster on top as well as its separated trunk, Eld and Petra approached the group, the girl having a smile on her face and Eld sighing with his arms crossed.

"You guys did it! Although, you did have me a bit scared there with your wound," Petra said, pointing at Mikasa. "But how did you heal it?"

"I have always had this capability since I was born," Mikasa replied. "I don't know exactly where it comes from, but my father has this capability as well."

"Maybe some defect?" Eld said. "But again it's not the first time I've seen this."

Petra nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Captain Levi had this condition too."

"I mean it does make sense," Eld said. "She does share his last name so they must be related."

'So Mikasa isn't the only one with that so-called defect. Must be in her family's gene pool.'

"Anyways, we'll get you guys to the medic before you guys go back, Follow me," Petra said before she slapped Eld's back. "And you know-"

"Yeah,yeah I got it," Eld said,a bit irritated.

Jean got up as he and the others followed the female instructor back inside.