
"Hey Niya why are you staring outside. something there?"

"No, nothing".

"You seem troubled. Tell me already "

"I feel like someone stalking me."

He laughed "Oho, whose taste is so bad to stalk you. Don't hype yourself ok. Haha you are so funny"

I gritted my teeth "Shut up, why did you ask me if you're goin to laugh at me".

"Enough about it. Let's go."

"Wait I need to use washroom"

"Sure. I'll wait for you."

Vikram waited until she left for washroom then he went outside. Someone wearing hat and mask, hurriedly moved from there , Vikram walk past him and grabbed his  shoulder and punched him. He coughed and removed the mask.

"You? What are you doing here Ishan?"

"Why? Do you own this place"

"Haha I understand. You are keeping eye on Niya. Poor you, struggling to confess your feelings. Neither you can keep her nor can give up"

Ishan Grabbed his collar and punched his face.

"Shut up. Don't act like you know everything. I saw how you are treating her. You just wait I'll take her with me"

He laughed "I can't wait Let's see who'll she choose".

Both went inside caffe.

Ishan asked "where is she"

He doesn't reply just gestured at washroom.

Time went by 5 minutes 10 , 15. No sign of her.

Both are anxiously rushed to washroom. She is not there only her broken phone found.

Ishan shook Vikram's shoulder

"Hey stop joking. Tell me where is she. I know you hate me but please don't involve her in this. I beg you don't hurt her for God sake."

He gritted teeth and shouted "Cut the crap. What do you think of me, I don't know what's happening. She is missing you idiot. Get a hold of yourself and think who did this. Do you know anyone who had grudge against her?"

He panicked "I can't think straight right now. What I'm going to do without her. God please keep her safe. She is a kind-hearted girl, who is cruel enough to harm her" Pinched between brows to control tears.

Vikram looked at him.

"What about your girlfriend?"

Ishan troubled for a moment.

"What do you mean. Why would she do that."

"Because of Jealousy"

" I already give her a clarity about my feelings. Our relationship is based on mutual understanding." He paused  and replied with dead serious gaze "She knows what will happen on breaking deal"

Vikram stunned by his reaction.

He shrugged " Anyway first let's think where to search for her".

As remembering something Ishan took out a phone and opened something.

Bright flash appeared infront and something emerged from the phone.


"Yes master"

"Can you find out the location of Niya?"

"Ok Master"

Kitten vanished. After sometimes it reappeared.

Ishan and Vikram both asked in union "Did you find.."

Kitten answered " It's inside forest. I couldn't find exact location, it seems there is a magical barrier which mislead us"

Vikram surprised "Magical barrier how can that possible. It's not fantasy game."

Ishan shook his head "No something went wrong. Game is out of control now. It's not playing by game rules and started acting on own."

Vikram nod. Both are worried,  silence fill the room.