Getting Inside his car

After their classes ended for the day, Mia and Rayne walked out of the class together. 

"I can't belive that Diane's arrogance today. She's too full of herself because of the fame she's getting for something that isn't even hers. For a moment in there i had the urge to walk up to her and pull her beautiful hair!" Rayne exclaimed as they walked towards the unversity's exit. They were done for today's classes.

Mia smiled at her friend's words. She couldn't help but be grateful again for having a best friend like Rayne who stood up for her in everything she had done ever since they became friends. "Just let the girl be. I have already let go, she can have the fame of my hard work. Anyway, It's not like I won't have another chance to prove my abilities again." Mia said with a smile.