At the prison_escape plan

"Brother Neil," the whisper was almost inaudible, "What are you going to do if it starts snowing again tomorrow, like the weather forecast said?" Asked a young man in his early twenties as he leaned down from the upper bunk and looked at the man who was stretched out on the bed below his, staring at the ceiling. "Brother Neil, did you hear me or are you daydreaming again?" he added in a louder whisper to get his attention.

Though at first Neil had warned him to stop calling him brother, Kai would never listen and continued to call him that until Neil no longer cared anymore.

Neil finally pulled his mind from the endless thoughts of his plans to escape and the risks associated with it, he slowly turned his head and looked at the twenty one year old boy above his bed who shared his cell in the Novaria military mental prison.

"What did you say?" Neil asked, his voice detached with any emotions.