I believe you

"We're in Avalora," Mia pointed out the instant they drove past the sign announcing they were there.

Neil shot her a look of grim amusement. "I see that." He remarked nonchalantly as he relaxed his back on the seat.

Mia frowned deeply at his nonchalance, "Well? Where do you intend to get out of my car?"

"Not yet. Keep driving." He said calmly.

"Keep driving to where?" she cried in nervous fury. "Now look, I'm not driving you all the way to the mountains!"

Neil had his answer, she knew exactly where he was going!

"I won't do it!" Mia warned shakily, unaware that she had just sealed her fate with the devil.

"I can't...I won't." She murmured shakingly while fighting back her tears.

With an inner sigh at the battle she was bound to wage, Neil said, "Yes, Ms. Harrison, you can. And you will." He ordered with an unflappable calmness.