
He wasn't amused. "Unfortunately, I don't." He didn't like the feeling he was having nor did he like the wild beating of his heart whenever he looked into her eyes.

"Oh..." Mia drawled, disappointed at the realization that what she'd read into his expression wasn't really what she'd thought it to be.

Neil continued to speak, "In fact, I think we'd better reach some sort of clear understanding about what is going on between us and what we want to go on between us." In the back of his mind, Neil knew he was being completely irrational, but five years of imprisonment along with the harrowing emotional and physical events of the days and the roller-coaster ride she'd had him on for the last twenty-four hours were all combining to play havoc with his temper, his emotions, and his judgment.

"Well, do you agree?" He asked impatiently.

"I...guess so." She murmured softly.

"Fine, do you want me to start talking right now, or would you like to sit down?"