Playing in the snow

Neil got up to his feet and concentrated on brushing the snow off his hair and coat and legs, but he wasn't immune to the sudden exhilaration that came from being outdoors beneath a bright blue sky, surrounded by a winter wonderland of snow-covered pine trees and in the company of his lovely Mia who had suddenly turned playful towards him. He'd never been the kind to be out in the snow playing, even as a boy, his life had revolved only around his mission and the military.

Everything he does in his life, had to be something that would get him closer to his mission, but today, he wanted to know what it was like to have a real fun, just like Liam had always suggested.

Grinning, Neil finished brushing himself off, then he began to advance on her slowly and purposefully. "Shoving me to the ground was extremely childish of you," he chided.