His past (part 2)

"She must have grown into a beautiful woman by now," Mia muttered, "tell me more about her."

Neil's reply was a shout of laughter that rebounded off the ceiling and before Mia could react, he wrapped his arms around her, hauled her next to him, and buried his laughing face in her hair. "Heavens help me," he whispered. "She'd grown into the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen."

"Oh..." she drawled, and he laughed harder.

"Good Lord! Are you alright?" Mia burst out, dumbstruck at his unusual laughter. "You must be high on water, Mr. Wayner!" His second shout of laughter nearly drowned out her next sentence.

"Laughing is good, keep on." Inordinately pleased that she could make him laugh like this, Mia leaned her head against his chest, but as soon as he stopped laughing she said, "Now it's your turn. What happened to your family, I mean why did you grow up in the camp?"