Please don't leave me (part 2)

"You can't. And if you know what's best for you, stay out of this."


"Drop it, Mia!" He warned darkly.

"I won't drop it! I have a right to an explanation, Mr. Wayner!"

"You have no rights to anything, Harrison," Neil snapped. "And I don't need or want your help."

Mia stiffened as if he'd hit her, she felt her heart tremble at his words. He didn't need nor want her, but she'd gotten ahead of herself yet again because she'd somehow believed he loved her and wanted her as much she did. Mia managed to keep her fury and humiliation out of her voice as she muttered,"I see."

And she did—she saw now that he had no use for her at all except her body. She wasn't supposed to get involved with him; she wasn't supposed to feel anything for him; she was just supposed to amuse him while he was bored and spread her legs for him whenever he was in the mood. She did see, she was nothing but a fleeting amusement.