
As they danced, Mia listened to the words of the song, wondering if Neil was noticing them too, or if he, like most men, merely listened to the music and ignored lyrics. "Pretty song," she said because she desperately wanted him to hear the words as if they came from her.

"Beautiful lyrics," Neil agreed, trying to steady himself, to tell himself that whatever he was feeling would soon fade when he was away from her. He gazed at her face, and the words of the song seemed to pierce his heart in a way he couldn't control.

*I never really knew what love is, but whatever it is, I feel it in your kiss*

*You waltzed in like somebody planned it all, I feel right where I belong, My knees are weak, My heart is strong*

*So gimme your word, And I'll give you all I've got, no we don't have much, but it sure feels like a lot*

*So, take my heart and take my hand*