
"Take off your dress."

"What?" She shook her head, bemused. "Why?"

"Because I want to teach you something that will make you love the chair," he affirmed softly. He relaxed back in the chair, propping one foot on the stepping board. The wicked challenge in his eyes was unmistakable to his bemused wife.

Mia regarded him uncertainly. Although she was by no means inhibited, she was hesitant to remove her clothes in the middle of the day, with sunlight streaming through the floor to ceiling windows. Cautious but amenable, she started to unfasten the string of her dress.

"What if we are interrupted?" She whispered.

"It's our house."

"Yes, but what if one of the housekeepers come in here to ask something?"

"They know better." He watched her hands alertly as she fumbled with her dress zipper. "Do you need help with that?"