
Days flowed into one another, a seamless web of time where the sun rose and set with breathtaking regularity. The clouds, ever-changing, painted the sky in shades of dawn, dusk, and noon, marking the passage of each fleeting moment. Mornings gave way to afternoons, which melted into nights, and before it was truly felt, two months had quietly slipped away. The passage of time felt like the turning of a page, each day more agonizing than the other for those who waited for the light in their lives to return.

A silhouette stood before the balcony, his figure shrouded in the soft glow of the setting sun. His gray eyes were filled with despair as he watched the delicate flowers slowly drift off the branches of the nearby trees. The spring breeze swirled around him, tousling his neck-length hair and sending a shiver down his spine. Life, he thought, was so fragile, so fleeting, slipping away before one even had a chance to hold on to it.