Chapter 40

Neil and Mia sat at their assigned table with their children, who had found their way into the hall holding their little sister's hands instead of staying in the kid's section to have fun.

Mia hadn't had the chance to go look for Rayne again after her children came to join them in the hall. Neil had wanted to take them back to the kid's section, but after seeing his daughter's adorable little face and hearing her tiny voice say, "I want to stay with dada," he immediately changed his mind and let them stay.

While the two boys were busy getting along with the adults around their table, Neil was playing with Melissa on Mia's lap.

"Mr. Thompson is getting along quite well with his grandma," remarked a man who was sitting beside their table, looking at Liam with his grandma. They had recently reunited after it was known that he had nothing to do with his stepbrother's death.