Chapter 5: I am back

Leaving the restaurant through the back door, Samuel felt a sense of relief, as if an unknown burden had lifted from his shoulders. "He really talks a lot... but it did help a bit," he thought. In response to his newfound clarity, he sent a message to Adam, "Hey, can we train today?" While strolling back home, he awaited Adam's response.

As Samuel approached his quarters, a message lit up on his communicator. However, it wasn't from Adam but from Dr. Vice: "Go to the east wing training simulators. I saw your message on Adam's communicator, but he is currently in training. Be there in twenty minutes." Without hesitation, Samuel turned around and replied, "I will be there," setting off toward the training facility.

Upon entering, he felt the curious gazes of those engaged in various exercises. Making his way to the east wing doorway, Samuel entered a room filled with simulators where the Green Ferrets squad, including Reina, Jed, and Phil, participated in a group training session. Unfamiliar faces surrounded them, adding a touch of nervousness that dissipated as he advanced.

Observing a control chamber overseeing the simulations, Samuel noticed a hologram projection depicting the Ferret unit immersed in an expedition simulation. The scenario unfolded on a distant planet called Kreeloria, known for its unique and treacherous inhabitants—the Kreëls. These giant lice-like creatures, originating from the dense forests of Kreeloria, had become a formidable challenge for the expedition teams.

The Ferret unit faced a complex mission on Kreeloria, tasked with exploring the mysterious ecosystem and collecting valuable resources. The Kreëls, while resembling giant lice, possessed an intricate social structure and a keen sense of strategy. They guarded coveted resources with remarkable intelligence, making the mission both scientifically intriguing and perilous.

In the holographic simulation, the Ferret unit navigated dense jungles, deciphered alien flora, and encountered various Kreël species with distinct behaviors. The mission aimed not only to expand humanity's understanding of extraterrestrial life but also to secure vital resources for Earth.

As Samuel delved into the control chamber, Kendrick approached, tapping his shoulder.

Engrossed in the holographic simulation, Samuel turned to Kendrick with a question, "How are they holding on?" Kendrick pondered for a moment before responding, "Objectively, they are doing great—better than we expected. Mentally, it's hard to say. Many members are new and have only been training at this level for six months. While simulations yield good results, real-life situations differ." Samuel nodded knowingly, understanding the disparity between simulations and actual experiences.

Observing Samuel, Kendrick smiled lightly and remarked, "They are almost done with today's session. Get changed; we need to get you a new physical exam." Samuel nodded and complied with the directive. As Kendrick turned away, he overheard hushed questions from colleagues about Samuel's return, his supposed inability to perform due to becoming a "cripple." Ignoring the inquiries, Kendrick refocused them, asking about the vitals.

In a designated room, two individuals awaited Samuel. Lying inside a medical pod, his body underwent thorough scans and analyses—weight, blood pressure, temperature, heartbeat, and various other assessments. As Samuel examined the charts afterward, he sighed at his height, still 5'11", one inch shorter than his best friends. Recalling his mother's assurance that he might continue growing until his twenty-fourth birthday, he harbored a glimmer of hope.

Once the examinations were complete, Kendrick entered the room. "So, how are you feeling? It seems like you've finally changed for the better. What happened?" Kendrick inquired with curiosity

Samuel met Kendrick's gaze with newfound clarity in his eyes. "I feel better than ever. The key for me is finding balance. So, what's next?" Kendrick regarded him with approving eyes. "Good, but don't get too carried away. You've been inactive for a while. We need to assess and rebuild your physical capabilities. I'll be closely monitoring your progress." Samuel nodded affirmatively. "Yes, sir."

Kendrick chuckled, "If you truly want to return, you'll have to train like your life depends on it. Get your body to remember combat and strengthen it to meet the minimum requirements within eleven days. Are you up for that?" Samuel responded confidently, "Sir, I'm back." Kendrick couldn't contain his laughter. "Boy, thinking you'll be recruited and rejoin your unit... Your confidence is admirable, but it might be bordering on delusional." Samuel shrugged, "On paper, I may be labeled a cripple, but my body remembers the work and holds the experience to make a difference, sir." Samuel left the room and headed to the training area for rigorous physical exercises

Putting on straps around his hands and legs, Samuel started jogging on a treadmill, testing his leg's comfort for the first time in training. "Okay, this is nice. No discomfort yet. Let's see how much I can push it," he mumbled, gradually challenging himself. Slowly adjusting the pace, he increased it over time. After half an hour of jogging, fatigue set in, revealing the impact of not training for half a year on his strength and stamina. However, Samuel was not surprised; he had already anticipated the difficulty of regaining his form. He was painfully aware that he would never reach his peak condition again, but that wasn't his current goal. He aimed to meet the minimum requirements for the recruitment test.

After wiping his sweat with a towel, he continued with push-ups, pull-ups, and squat routines.

He trained for almost two hours before being interrupted by a familiar face. Someone in a tank top with his pants still on his blue uniform – Captain Jack Snyder of the Whales unit. Samuel stopped doing pull-ups and looked at Jack, asking, "What do I owe the pleasure, Jack?" Jack replied slyly, "Can't I just walk up to you and talk with good intentions?" Samuel responded sarcastically, "Of course you do." Jack casually brought up a rumor, "Rumors say that you're trying to get back on your feet. No pun intended." Samuel laughed, "It's not a rumor; it's the truth. I will get back." Jack tossed gloves toward him, saying, "Let's spar then. Your body must be rusty from sulking and self-pity for the last couple of months. It's time to wake it up again." Samuel sneered, "For someone like you, I don't even need my body to wake up. I can put you to sleep while I sleep." Jack was stunned by the response. "I forgot how you can't trash talk at all. Just stop. I thought it would be fun to tease you a bit, but this? Wow, man, you are bad." Samuel flushed with embarrassment, "Just shut up and put on the gloves." Jack struggled to contain his laughter, clearly enjoying the banter.

Entering the ring, a charged atmosphere enveloped the onlookers, eager to witness the impending spar between Samuel and Jack. The anticipation crackled like electricity as the bell rang with a three, two, one countdown, initiating a clash between two formidable fighters.

Samuel crouched on the ground, focused intensely on the impending battle. The AI voice resonated, articulating the rules of engagement:

No hitting below the belt.

No intentional headbutting.

No striking during clinches.

Fighters must break upon the referee's instruction.

A standing eight-count is in effect.

With the rules set, both fighters squared off. Fueled by determination, Samuel took the initiative with a series of probing jabs from his right hand. A strategic feint preceded an explosive uppercut, but Jack's keen instincts allowed him to deflect the incoming strike. Jack masterfully created distance with nimble footwork, maintaining a defensive stance that echoed with experience.

Undeterred, Samuel pressed forward, unleashing a flurry of jabs and hooks. Jack, equally adept, responded with lightning-fast jabs, meticulously gauging the ever-changing distance between them. The fluidity of their movements painted a captivating dance of combat.

In a calculated adjustment, Samuel attempted hooks to penetrate Jack's defenses. However, Jack's agility prevailed as he deftly maneuvered inside Samuel's guard. A sudden surge of intensity saw Samuel absorbing a powerful body blow, the impact reverberating through the ring. Gasping for air, Samuel found himself on the canvas, met with an eruption of cheers from the spectators. Jack encouraged him, saying, "Get up; I know you're not done yet." 

Undeterred, encouraged by Jack's taunts, Samuel rose to his feet. The AI Countdown scanned his body, confirming his readiness to continue. With a determined nod, Samuel signaled his unwavering resolve.

Jack, embodying an agile in-and-out fighting style, seized the initiative. Swift jabs and rapid combinations flowed, each strike a calculated effort to wear down Samuel's defenses. Samuel weathered the storm, gritting his teeth, searching for an opportune moment to halt Jack's relentless assault.

Finally, a strategic clinch offered Samuel a momentary reprieve. Jack, unyielding, whispered taunts during the brief respite. "Had enough, or do we need to hug for another hour?" The words hung in the charged air as the fighters separated, returning to their stances, escalating the intensity of the spar.