Chapter 7: Departure

Seated beside Adam, noodles in hand, Samuel attentively absorbed Adam's words. "You know, I came here to chat and seek advice, but then I was hit by a sudden reminder of what our Captain used to say," Adam began, his eyes carrying a profound message. "A leader ought to embody the principles they expect from others. It's like leading by example, setting the tone for the entire unit."

He paused, letting the weight of those words sink in. "I've earned my leadership through experience, but I've also learned that it's not just about commands; it's about showing the way."

Samuel felt a mix of emotions, a stirring in his chest as Adam continued, "So here I am, off to another mission. Maybe they think my hair will light the path to success." He added a touch of humor to the more profound message underneath. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not just leading because of rank. I'm leading because someone needs to show how it's done."

The room held a reflective silence, the unspoken sentiments lingering in the air.

At that moment, Samuel sensed that Adam wasn't merely conversing with him but engaged in a deep self-reflection. Perplexed by the unexpected surge of emotions, Samuel attempted to inject reassurance with a touch of humor. "You'll be just fine, Adam. Remember, we're survivors, right? With or without me, the Green Ferrets remain one of the best expedition units out there."

Adam visibly relaxed, acknowledging, "You still maintain this positivity despite everything that's changed. It's what makes you well-suited for leadership. I'm glad to see you getting yourself together."

Samuel, scratching the back of his head, responded, "You know how I feel about leadership. Anyway, make sure you come back and keep an eye on Reina."

Adam stood up, offering Samuel a warm hug. "Don't worry about it. If anything, she'd be the one claiming she looks after everyone," he said, and they shared a burst of laughter before Adam left the room.

As the room fell silent, Samuel couldn't contain his frustration. He unleashed it on the wall, muttering, "Why? Why do they have to leave when I'm not ready yet? Damn it!" His inner thoughts spiraled in turmoil.

Under the enchanting Kreelorian night sky, where moon petals, grass, and glowspire trees painted the surroundings in hues of purple and pink, a feeble fire flickered. Its vivid purple glow cast an otherworldly hue upon the verdant landscape. Seven weary figures formed a circle around the campfire, their silhouettes swaying to the mesmerizing glow.

Amidst the tranquility, rustles in the high-standing grass caught their attention. A sudden tension gripped the group, but relief washed over them as a middle-aged man emerged from the foliage, assuring them with words of recognition:" It's me, it's me, don't panic."

Now, eight individuals huddled around the campfire, their faces reflecting a blend of exhaustion, wonder, and determination. The newfound tranquility shattered when the man spoke again.

"Good news is I found the cargo. My calculations suggest the impact of the trees and the resilient nature of the BioSphere saved its contents. The bad news is we have to trek at least 15 km on foot to reach it and radio our location. If we're fortunate, the beacon might still be active, but rescue could take 3-5 days, considering our remote location on the outskirts of the BioSphere."

An air of despondency settled among them as one of the younger members, a man in his twenties, exclaimed, "So, we're stranded, essentially. Fantastic.

Grayson Loidenmans, the wisecracking assistant of Dr. Marcus Thorne, sported a frail frame accentuated by his brown, flowing hair. His snow-white skin made him stand out in the group, earning him the title of the brightest individual among them. Initially reluctant to join the expedition, Grayson was persuaded by the promise of groundbreaking bioengineering knowledge achieved collaboratively with Dr. Marcus Thorne, Dr. Elara Novak, and Dr. Lila Chen.

Stranded amidst strangers and Dr. Thorne, Grayson battled frustration and anger suppressed by the looming fear of the unknown. His sarcastic remarks served as a release for his pent-up emotions.

As a woman rose from the campfire, Lucas Modrics, one of the escort guards deployed to safeguard the scientists during their journey from Verde back to Kreeloria's BioSphere, took charge. With an olive skin tone, a black beard, and a man bun, Lucas strove to stabilize the group. As the most physically fit member, he scouted the area, spotting smoke rising from the wreckage several kilometers away. Lucas promptly relayed this crucial information to the group, initiating their next steps.

Danny Cowell, a determined reporter, had seized the opportunity to document the historic moments the scientists might encounter on this expedition. Bringing along a partner to record every detail, she aimed to capture this monumental event for humankind. Unfortunately, she found herself stranded with the scientists and had lost track of her companion during the crash.

Turning to Lucas Modrics, the escort guard, Danny inquired, "Sir, do you have any idea where we are now?" Lucas, preferring a more informal atmosphere, interrupted, "No need to be formal, call me Lucas. It'd be more comfortable for everyone to use first names." Danny nodded in agreement before Lucas shared his thoughts. "If I had to guess, we're around the Luminescent Grove."

The Luminescent Grove, a region within Kreeloria, boasted moon petals, glowspire trees, starshimmer grass, celestial insects, withering vines, and mystic waterfalls that defied gravity.

The revelation prompted shocked expressions, and someone asked anxiously, "Isn't this one of the places where Kreëls roam?" A palpable sense of fear filled the air. Lucas shook his head, offering reassurance, "According to reports, there shouldn't be Kreëls in this area. However, be cautious of celestial insects. Remember, what looks cute or adorable, don't touch it, don't run away. Just stand still and slowly step away. Ignoring this warning could lead to trouble."

In a synchronized harmony, Marcus, Lisa, and Elara chimed in, seamlessly overlapping each other as they delved into crucial details.

They discussed the remaining rations, meticulously calculated the days left before depletion, and strategized on how to divide tasks to ensure their collective survival. Marcus, with his graying hair and glasses, highlighted the importance of rationing, emphasizing the need for efficiency in their limited resources.

Lisa, a woman with a keen eye for logistics and a no-nonsense demeanor, delved into the specifics of how they should divide and conquer roles among the group. She spoke about leveraging each person's strengths to navigate the challenges ahead, ensuring a balanced distribution of responsibilities.

Elara, known for her soothing voice and compassionate approach to problem-solving, spoke about the emotional well-being of the group. She emphasized the importance of supporting one another, maintaining morale, and finding strength in unity during these challenging times.

Amidst the collective discussion, it became clear that they needed a leader to guide them through the unknown. With unanimous agreement, the group decided to appoint Lucas as their leader. Marcus voiced, "Lucas, your leadership skills and knowledge of the surroundings make you the ideal candidate to keep us safe."

Reluctantly adapting to the dire situation, Grayson begrudgingly packed a bag salvaged from the wreckage. As he went about his preparations, Danny approached him with an attempt at friendliness. "Hey, I'm Danny. Nice to meet you."

Grayson, maintaining his curt demeanor, responded with a concise "Grayson." Unfazed by his brevity, Danny persisted, seemingly unaware of the tension in the air. "Quite rude, don't you think? Shouldn't you properly introduce yourself, as this may be your last time doing so?"

Her comment struck a nerve, and Grayson snorted in response. "You act like I'm not going to survive this. So who is being rude to whom?" Danny, taken aback by the sharp retort, decided not to engage further and left Grayson to his thoughts.

Taking a sigh of relief, Grayson tried to shift his focus to the journey ahead. Flipping his backpack onto his back, he winced slightly from the back pain acquired during the crash but gritted his teeth and followed the others as they set out on foot. Meanwhile, Danny gathered her belongings, including a spherical drone resembling a camera, which she activated to hover beside her.

"Good, now record everything, baby," she mumbled to the drone, her gaze briefly flickering toward Grayson. Annoyed with herself for feeling any curiosity about him, she brushed off the thought and concentrated on the task at hand. 

Standing at the forefront of a group of soldiers clad in advanced green armored space suits, Adam, adorned with the emblem of the Ferret unit sprayed on his suit, prepared to address his team before embarking on the rescue mission. Reina stood just behind him, ready to support their comrades.

As the soldiers gathered around, Adam spoke with a mixture of authority and camaraderie, his words resonating within the metallic confines of their helmets. "Alright, Ferrets, listen up. Today, we've got a mission to rescue our people stranded on Kreeloria. We've trained for this, and we've faced worse. Our fellow humans are out there, and it's our duty to bring them back."

He paused, scanning the faces of his team through the transparent visors of their helmets. Reina stood by, her presence reinforcing the unity of the squad.

Adam continued, "We've been through thick and thin together. We're not just a team; we're family. Today, we go in, get our people, and come back out. No one gets left behind. That's the Ferret way. Now, let's gear up, move out, and bring our people home."

His words, a blend of determination and assurance, ignited a sense of purpose among the soldiers. The team nodded in unison, fists clenched in solidarity. With their leader's pep talk echoing in their minds, the soldiers activated their helmet visors and prepared to depart for the challenging mission ahead.