Chapter 10: Don't wait for me

Richard, a man behind the counter, wiped glasses in the dimly lit Blue Fin restaurant as customers enjoyed their evening. His gaze wandered, catching sight of a familiar face. As the mysterious woman approached, he greeted her with a friendly tone, "What can I get you, Madam?"

She leaned in, playing with Richard's chin, "Blues on the rocks, just like you used to." Richard maintained his poker face, but a subtle grin betrayed his charm. "As you wish, Madam. Will you be staying at your usual place, or is this not that kind of occasion?" Their casual banter unfolded.

After she ascended the stairs, Richard exchanged a nod with a co-worker.

The atmosphere shifted as the second floor cleared out. Richard climbed the stairs, observing a woman with long white legs perfectly accentuated by a red dress. Even her curly blond hair looked almost out of this world. "Looking stunning as always, Abigail," he said, approaching her.

Unaffected by the flattery, Abigail invited him to sit, insisting they needed to talk. Richard, guarded, declared, "I'm out. Whatever you need, I'm not involved anymore."

Abigail hinted, "Not even if it can help your son?" Richard's eyes twitched at the mention of his son. "Stop the flattery, Abigail," he retorted. As the atmosphere tensed, Abigail continued, "We need to talk."

Richard scoffed, refusing her plea. Abigail, undeterred, mentioned the Celestial Serum project. "They recently got new funds and added Dr. Elara Novak and Dr. Lila Chen to the project. From what I know, they succeeded this time."

Intrigued, Richard questioned her motives. Tapping into the intrigue, Abigail revealed a small disc from her purse. "Did you know that the Celestial Serum can do much more than just fix someone? With the right amount of research, it can even fix bigger organisms."

Confused, Richard asked, "What do you mean by 'bigger organisms,' and what's the point you're trying to make?" Abigail leaned in, her tone more serious, "The point, Richard, is that this serum can change the game. Imagine the possibilities. The power to reshape destinies, perhaps even your son's."

Richard, eyebrows furrowed, questioned, "Wait, didn't the research fail? Why would they get new funding?" Abigail leaned back, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "The reason, my dear Richard, is hidden in the shadows of power and influence. Some benefactors have a vested interest in seeing this project succeed."

Intrigued yet cautious, Richard pressed on, "But why wouldn't my son get any of it?" Abigail's eyes met his, her voice carrying a tone of mystery, "Perhaps he can, Richard. The question is, are you willing to play the game, dance with the puppeteers who hold the strings of fate?"

Richard retorted, "You're not that slick with your talks. Out is out, Abby. So I would appreciate it if you could stop interrupting my business." Abigail chuckled and rested her head on her hands. "Which business are we talking about? The restaurant or...." Richard cut her off. "Enough, enough. What is it that you want? You didn't come here to tell me about some medication that could potentially help my son."

Abigail's bright white smile appeared like she had been waiting for that question. "Actually, according to my source, the research team crashed, and they sent the expedition unit to retrieve it. And before you ask, no, it was not my doing. It was someone else. We needed to buy time to figure out the full potential of the serum." Richard remained unmoved by the explanation. Abigail continued, "We believe we can cure Earth... I mean, really cure it."

Richard's eyes widened, and his hands trembled. "You said what now?" Abigail finished her drink, leaving Richard on the edge of a revelation that could reshape everything he knew.

On the Eastwing training facility, Samuel entered the room housing the simulation pods where all the other Whale expedition members were waiting. Jack approached Samuel, the rest of his team lingering in the background. "I'm glad you could make it, Samuel. The others are a bit shy," Jack joked, shaking Samuel's hand. Samuel looked around, noticing the youthful faces among Jack's squad. While he, too, belonged to the youth, he couldn't shake the feeling of being more experienced and worn than those around him.

Jack gathered the team and began outlining the simulation set in Kreeloria. "Alright, team, listen up. We're diving into a Kreeloria simulation. Your mission is to endure being besieged within the biozone, facing various threats, especially those pesky Kreëls. The goal is to survive for five days without letting any researcher or higher-ups' characters bite the dust."

He explained the intricacies of the simulation, detailing the potential dangers and challenges they would encounter and emphasizing the need for teamwork and strategic thinking to navigate through the virtual minefield.

Amidst the chaos, Samuel found himself drifting away within the tumultuous virtual landscape. Explosions and screams filled the air, creating a disorienting atmosphere. Suddenly, a commanding voice snapped him back to attention.

"Private Valkan! Valkan! Pull yourself together, soldier!" A fellow soldier in distinctive blue Whale armor was beside him, urging him to wake up. Samuel jolted back to reality, taking in the chaotic scene. Swiftly, he stood, and a highly advanced mechanical pistol materialized into his hands from his suit's thighs as if summoned.

The soldier behind him, identified as Private Uba, bellowed, "Let's move! The unit got split up, and we're stuck together. I'm Private Uba. Now, let's go!"

The scenery depicted a war-torn environment as they navigated through the virtual turmoil. Explosions left craters, and the echoes of distant gunfire reverberated through the air. The main building is looming ahead.

Richard's face displayed sheer bewilderment in the restaurant as Abigail casually mentioned healing the Earth. The audacious claim left him momentarily speechless. Abigail, seemingly unfazed by his reaction, pressed on.

"So, I've dispatched a team to retrieve a sample of their project. We should be hearing good news soon. That's precisely why we need you back in the game," she explained, her tone confident and matter-of-fact.

Richard reclined in his chair at the Blue Fin, eyeing Abigail with a newfound assertiveness. The dim lights accentuated the lines on his face, etched by years of navigating the intricacies of life. Abigail leaned forward, a teasing smirk on her lips, but Richard was ready to take control of the narrative.

"Let's cut to the chase, Abigail. You're talking about some miraculous serum that can save the world. How do I fit into this grand plan of yours?" Richard's voice, though measured, carried an authoritative tone.

Abigail, undeterred, responded with a coy smile, "Richard, you're not just a bystander in this story. You're a player, and players like you can make things happen."

Richard leaned forward, his piercing gaze unwavering. "So, you want me to be the puppet master, pulling strings in the background. Why should I bother?"

Abigail toyed with her hair, maintaining her playful demeanor. "Because, Richard, you're not just anyone. You're the man with the connections, the influence. You can make things happen that others can only dream of."

Richard scoffed, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "I've been out of this game for a reason. The strings, the connections—they're not worth the trouble. What makes your offer different?

Abigail, undeterred, leaned back, her smile regaining its teasing quality. "Take your time, Richard. But remember, time is of the essence. This opportunity won't wait forever."

Richard, suspecting the grandiosity of Abigail's vision, delved into his premonitions. "Healing the Earth? Recovering it to be a place we can settle again? Abigail, this sounds like a far-fetched dream. What guarantees do we have that this serum can achieve such a monumental task?"

Abigail, still exuding confidence, countered, "Richard, sometimes the boldest dreams are the ones that materialize into reality. The serum's potential has been underestimated for far too long. We've seen it in action, and the results are nothing short of miraculous."

Ever the skeptic, Richard pressed on, "And what about the Earth itself? We've ravaged it with our greed and negligence. Do you honestly believe we can undo the damage?"

Abigail leaned in, her eyes locking onto Richard's. "Richard, humanity has a remarkable ability to adapt and overcome. This serum is our chance to reverse the damage and restore balance. We're not talking about a mere Band-Aid but about a complete healing."

Abigail, sensing Richard's lingering doubt, shifted the conversation to more personal territory. "Richard, we've shared more than just secrets in the past. Remember the days when it was you and me against the world? Partners in crime, some might say."

Richard's gaze hardened, memories of a different era surfacing. "That was a different lifetime, Abigail. Things change, people change."

Abigail, undeterred, leaned in, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. "Change might be the only constant, but some things remain etched in memory. The chemistry we had, the connection—those don't just fade away."

Richard's eyes flickered with a hint of nostalgia, but he quickly composed himself. "We had our time, Abigail. That ship has sailed."

She traced her finger along the rim of her glass, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Sailed, perhaps, but the sea is vast, and sometimes, ships find their way back to familiar shores."

Richard arched an eyebrow, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. "You always did have a way with words. But words won't change the past."

Abigail's laughter danced through the air, a tempting melody. "Oh, Richard, the past is a canvas waiting to be painted anew. And speaking of canvases, how is Teresa these days? Still trying to unravel the mysteries of life with that scientific mind of hers?"

Richard's gaze hardened at the mention of Teresa. "She's focused on her work, doing what she does best. Our paths have aligned, and we've built a life together."

Abigail's tone turned playful, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "A life together, huh? Sounds positively domestic. But tell me, does the fire still burn as brightly as it did in our heyday?"

Richard chuckled, a knowing glint in his eyes. "The fire evolves, Abigail. It takes on different forms. But it's not fair to compare."

She leaned back, swirling the remnants of her drink. "Fair or not, comparisons are inevitable. I've always been drawn to the flames, Richard. The question is, are you still willing to play with fire?"

Richard, maintaining his composure, retorted, "I've moved beyond games, Abigail. Life is complicated enough without adding more layers of complexity."

Abigail's gaze locked onto his, a silent challenge. "Complicated or not, there's a certain thrill in navigating the complexities. And who knows, maybe the flames still have stories to tell."

As the conversation with Abigail concluded, Richard rose from his seat, maintaining a composed demeanor. "Well, Abigail, it's been an enlightening conversation," he remarked, extending a hand. Abigail reciprocated, her touch lingering slightly longer than necessary.

"Until next time, Richard. Don't wait for me," Abigail cryptically remarked before making her exit. Richard, deep in thought, watched her descend the stairs.