Curiosity awakened

Frigia had now piqued Cayden's interest, although it was far from love at this point. Curiosity danced in his mind as he observed her, wondering, "A girl who always seems so cold. She doesn't talk to anyone and has so many awful rumors about herself. Wonder why she gave me that medicine? Is she interested in me? Is it some kind of a trick that she used on other men? Let's observe for now. Might be fun."

Throughout the day, Cayden's eyes followed Frigia's movements, yet nothing seemed out of the ordinary. In fact, she appeared entirely unfazed, as if nothing had occurred. Cayden couldn't help but feel perplexed. "Well, was I mistaken? Was it not her who kept that medicine? Did I miss something?... Should I ask her?" His thoughts swirled as the final bell rang, signaling the end of class. Just as Cayden about to approach Frigia "Uhh..." , she ignored him and hastily departed from the classroom.

Contrary to Cayden's perception, Frigia was far from unfazed. She had keenly observed his gaze throughout the day, her usually stoic demeanor betraying her inner turmoil. "Ahhh, why? Why? Why was Cayden looking at me the whole day? Did I do something wrong? Or does he know about the medicine? It was so awkward... It looked like he wanted to talk to me, though. But what can I do? I'm bad at talking to people... He won't hate me and get revenge for ignoring him, right? AHHHHHH," she panicked, her mind racing as she sought solace in the familiar embrace of the library.

"Let me calm myself. Books! Yes, I'll read some rom-com novels," she resolved, frantically searching for an escape within the pages. Settling upon a book titled "My Own Cold and Sexy Duke," she blushed furiously. "Well, let me hide it with some other books. How embarrassing it'd be if someone knew I read SUCH books."

Hours later, Frigia emerged from her literary respite, her mind still swirling with the romantic escapades of the protagonist. "Haaaa, that was interesting... HOW CAN THE ML BE SO HANDSOME AND SO NICE KYAAAAA!!! I must take a quick break and come back and continue," she mused, stretching her arms to alleviate the stiffness. To her shock, she found Cayden sitting beside her, his gaze fixed upon her.

"Just how long was he sitting here? Don't tell me he saw it," she fretted, her heart pounding in her chest. Cayden, sensing her unease, couldn't help but smile. "She's pretty easy to read, haha," he thought, offering a friendly greeting. "Hi. I'm Cayden. We're in the same class. Frigia, right?"

"YES?? YE-YE-YES... Umm, I have to leave. It's late..." Frigia stammered, hastily gathering her belongings. "Umm, n-nice to m-meet you... BYE!!!" With that, she dashed away once more, leaving Cayden to ponder their brief encounter.

Watching her retreating figure, Cayden couldn't help but reminisce about the previous day's similar scene. "No way this is a scheme, hahaha. Miss is literally a little shy bunny; she doesn't even dare to talk to me. Gotta say she is kinda cute though. Never thought she'd be reading books like that... Well... looks like the academy will be fun after all," he chuckled to himself, intrigued by the enigmatic Frigia.

"Love kindles curiosity, and curiosity fuels love, weaving a tapestry of endless exploration and boundless affection."