Targeted Training (II)

Black-Sting Hornets shared the characteristics of their bug brothers in the Virident Forest, the Eight-Winged Cicadas. They were both extremely speedy and possessed high attack, low defense and extremely low HP. 

The only difference was Black-Sting Hornets dropped Black-Stings, a material Samar could use to make more Rune Arrows of higher levels.

Samar arrived at the Ravaged Canyon, a place of drought and death. Beyond this map lay the border between the Panjal Region of the Elven Forests and the Stygian Peaks of the Kingdom of Death.

He stood on a rocky cliff, looking into the dried riverbed of the canyon where sparse few trees grew. As the wind buffeted his face, his eyes searched for a Hornet's nest. 

A few minutes later, Samar's eyes lit up as his search bore fruit. On a gigantic tree avoided by most of the other creatures of the canyon, Samar spotted a few Hornets buzzing near the branches.