
The three newly hired Blacksmiths- Krunak, Winnie, and Durand, were shocked when Samar introduced them to their work. 

"We are going to use 90% Purity Iron Ingots to forge the Defender's Runic Chestplate?" Krunak asked with astonishment, failing to hide the excitement in his eyes and Samar nodded. 

"The same Defender's Runic Chestplate that is currently hot on the forums?" Winnie asked for confirmation, unable to believe they would be handed such an important task as soon as they joined.

"Yes, the same one," Samar confirmed and added, "You will receive one Gold Leaf for every piece of armor forge and an additional 1 Gold Leaf if you forge it without failing." 

This incentive made their eyes shine. There was a chance to earn two Gold Leafs per armor as long as they were careful and it was much better than any incentive offered by the other Guilds. Motivated, the three Blacksmiths eagerly started their work.