
The Marauder's Pass in the Ravaged Canyon was a den of bandits and thieves who had lost their sanity. These Elven bandits had given in to their desire to slaughter and loot and turned into monsters. 

These Lv 30-35 humanoid bandit Mobs were Marna's favorite prey. Not only did they drop significant loot in the form of Silver Leafs, they also occasionally dropped White-Wood and Black-Stone grade Equipment. 

Most importantly, killing these monsters honed her bloodlust and gave her a place to vent her perverse desire to kill. Even when every other player in the Rajni City was running around completing the event quests, Marna was in the Pass, killing the Bandits. 

Marna sat in one of the dimly lit caves of a bandit gang she had just destroyed, her chest heaving up and down from her labored breaths. She wiped the blood splattered on her cheeks with her thumb but it only made the mess worse and she growled with annoyance.