Going to Renox

Brianne, Regina and Adrianne all shrieked for joy when they heard the news

"Goodness. That's happening few days for now and Astelle does not have any new clothes that she can wear for the event" Emma said as her voice was filled with worry. Even if they are a poor county, Astelle cannot show up in rags.

"I'll go and meet Madam Betsy now" Emma said as she stood up from her seat.

"Relax mother. The king's mother said she would handle everything so don't worry"

Astelle said. When she heard that, Emma's worry completely disappeared. She could now imagine her daughter looking beautiful in an exquisite gown.

"I think all of you should calm down. All we've gotten is a letter proposing Astelle's hand in marriage. This hasn't been made public yet, so they might change their minds" the count said. Truthfully, he wasn't happy with this marriage. When the letter came, he was shocked that a kingdom like Renox was proposing marriage to his daughter Astelle. He might live in a poor kingdom but news is free. He's very much aware of the power struggle within the royal family of Renox. Sending Astelle to Renox was like sending her to die and he did not want his darling little girl to die. He hoped they changed their minds.

"What are you saying my lord? The king's own mother sent an invitation to Astelle, the former king was the one that made the proposal. They haven't made the news public but there's every indication that they would do so within the next couple of days. So why would they change their minds!" The countess did not understand why the count was making such a statement. The count looked at her and sighed. She truly did not know what was going on behind the scenes.

Astelle understood what her father was thinking so she walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"Father don't worry. I'll be fine"

The count didn't say anything and just nodded his head.

The next day, Edna came with a report.

"My lady, I've already informed Vix."

"Good. What about the spy?" Astelle asked.

"I'm keeping my eyes on him. He still hasn't gotten any tangible information. Do you think he was sent by King Arien?" Edna asked.

"Maybe" Astelle answered.

A man suddenly came to the estate looking for a job as a horse trainer. The count has been looking for a horse trainer and due to the lack of funds, he wasn't able to hire one. Then this strange man offered to work for free. This was very odd. No one in Grenwade would work for free so Astelle became suspicious.

Turns out that her suspicions were right. He was sent by someone and Astelle attributed it to the fact that she was going to get married to King Arien.

Arien was dealing with some paperwork in his study room when his assistant Sycthe and his royal advisor Julian walked in together.